Which game revolutionized First-Person-Shooting?

Which PC game are you most anticipating?...besides Half Life 2

  • The Movies

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • The Matrix Online

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    Votes: 27 32.1%
  • Doom III

    Votes: 34 40.5%
  • Men of Valor: Vietnam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joint Operations

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Driv3r

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas...when it's released in 2005

    Votes: 10 11.9%

  • Total voters
Half-Life....doom was a terrible attempt, and wolfenstein...................ugh
:hmph: Uhh how could Doom be a terrible attempt when it was the first FPS?

Half Life- no more need to mention why it revolutionized
Medal of Honor- probably gave birth to the first tight ass FPS WWII games.
Rainbow Six- I personally think it was the first big hit for tactical FPS.
doom or wolf, together they invented the fps gendre. half life was great but if it had never come out there still would have been other good fps games.

guinny said:
doom was a terrible attempt, and wolfenstein...................ugh

Yeah, that was really stupid Guinny. Thats like saying Ponged sucked.
Doom and Wolfenstein made the genre, so it's kinda hard to revolutionize it then. But frankly, gameplay wise, they weren't much special really, Doom was fun, but certainly not brilliant (except for the engine) and I never liked Wolf.
Didnt really revolutionized FPS but Blood was a f00king classy game :D
Direwolf said:
Yeah, that was really stupid Guinny. Thats like saying Ponged sucked.

Well Doom was crap...who cares if it was the first FPS, it was a rubbish game....at least thats what i reckon.

Pong...that can be fun but lets face it, there are better games.

DukeNukem 3d was alright...it also let you look around which is something Doom couldnt. Doom allowed the use of diagonal corridors etc.

Other FPS' after that have basically built uopn the principles of those games. Half-Life brought more character to the genre. Quake allowed reasonable modability. Not many other games stand out so much but im sure there are some.
Sorry guys...I was trying to get the poll on this thread, but I guess before I did that, I accidentally submitted that post. Well, that wasn't it...The thing I meant to do was the POLL. Sorry, bout that.
How do you post a poll properly?...I can never really get how to do it.
Well, Wolfenstein started it, but Half-Life is what made me a fan of the genre. It kind of proved FPS games didn't have to be simplistic Quake clones. I really didn't like Doom tbh, it was pretty crappy. Sure it took technology up a step, but I thought it was a pretty weak game. Same with the Quakes.

Edit: Whoa WTF? How did that poll get in here?
:dozey: I voted for Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, MOHAA was the game that actually brought me to loving online play in FPS and to love FPS even more than ever. But, the MoH expansions for PC just pissed me off(new multiplayer constraints), I hope Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault will have same gameplay as Mohaa does.
It was wolf 3d that started the fps genre...and it was doom that helped make it more popular.Actaully some argue that wolf 3d was not the first fps but this other game that ID made called Catacomb Abyss, that (supposedly) came out a couple months before it.Even if wolf 3d wasn't the first...it was the one that brought the fps genre into the spot light.
There's no option for MGS3, which I'm looking forward to more than anything else, including HL2. There's also no "other" option. The next best thing is San Andreas, so I voted for that.

And for the record, SA will be out in October of 04', not 05'.
Golden Eye :)

Still the best single player FPS I can think of.

While most FPS still relied on tried and tested gameplay methods (namely introducing tougher and tougher bad guys as the game progressed, while supplying even more deadly weapons to compensate - Quake etc ) GE offered a fresh approach.

The game got harder because the bad guys were smarter, more accurate and aware. But a headshot still always killed (unless you were fighting Jaws) While this isn't particularly exciting today it was groundbraking at the time :) ....... and imo GE still does it best (take Far Cry - it's basically a poor Golden Eye clone that has large levels. The levels and gfx are nice, but take them away and there's sod all left) Then there's the guns \o/

GE has LOADS of different weapon type, more than any other FPS I've played (and you get to learn/love each one :) ). Different arms suited different occasions, and of course some were more powerful than others. However, each had its place and never became redundent (unlike Doom, HL etc etc). It was also possible to finish all of the missions with pretty much any of them (although this proved to be extremely tricky). It doesn't sound like much but this added to the replayability 10 fold.

The same level played with only a mp5 became a totally different experience/challenge to playing it with a AK and silenced pistol. How about duel pistols and a shotgun? A rocket launcher and throwing knives? :) Stealth, mayhem or a healthy combination - it's your choice, the bad guys always responded as you'd expect. There were also cool gadgets.

All of this and you still felt like James Bond, the atmosphere was so rich, the immersion unbeatable (games like Splinter Cell suddenly feel very hollow in comparison). GE showed the rest of the world that a movie tie-in could really work. The only single player shooter that can compet imo is Perfect Dark ..... nothing on the pc has come close - not even the mighty HL.

Havn't the time to mention the compulsive ordeal of unlocking all of the cheats and the superb multiplayer element.
Wolf was just plain ugly and repetitive. Doom had killer graphics (for the time) and it showed us that fps were really fun. Even today, I replayed the whole doom and doom 2 a few months ago it was alot of fun. Doom has something todays games dont have: those mega bight firefights. Having 40 monsters fighting each other and trying get to you while you ran and shot them down ... I know today it would take too much polygons and blablabla, but it would still be really fun to get some games with this style of fighting. Of course games like HL1, HL2 or doom3 that put more focus on immersion are still fun, but its another kind of fun than the action of doom.
Wolfenstein 3D was the first fps that I knew of and it was the first pc game I had ever played(I think, dont remember exactly it was a long time ago). But at the time I remember it being really fun. Now though it doesnt seem as great but I still play it ocasionally just for fun.
I forgot to mention Halo. Halo did not respect all the "rules" of fps games. first of all, you can only keep two weapons at a time and there is no need to try to keep amo, cause ther is always alot of it on the battlefield. Usually fps games have alot of weapons and you keep getting better and better weapons during the game. Not in halo, almost every weapon is availlable in the beginning of the game and they are extremely well balanced. You dont choose this weapon because it stronger, or because you more bullets, you choose the one fits the best with your fighting style. Even the simple handgun is extremly powerful.

But once you get to know the weapons and the enemies, like in every game you create your own strategies and tactics to kill. This is were halo is different from other games : in the middle of it a new kind of enemy apears and you have no choice but to completly change your fighting style. that is the flood, zombies that jumps over you and they hit hard. Here you get the shotgun, the only weapon in the game that is not available in the begining.

Of course in HL1 you have the military and the mosters of xen, but you still fight them pretty much the same way. Another good thing of Halo, is the fights. sometimes there are a hell of a lot of covenant and flood fighting each other and trying to get to you, much much more than in half-life. Its a bit like in doom, but with about half the number of enemies.

In halo, you didn't have to worry about your health like in other games. Since your shield would regenerate after a while, you never wanted to load because you got hurt to much. you could still go on without to much problems, you just had to keep in mind that you werent invincible.

To me, apart from doom who created(or at least made the genre fun), Halo innovated more than any other fps games.
What the eff is with the poll? I think The Movies revolutionized the FPS genere quite a bit...
Oh god... I'm not even going to comment on the Halo thing.
Doom and Wolf invented the fps genre... but Half Life (Namely Counter - Strike) did make it what it is today...
other than HL?

Id have to say Battlefield 2.

nicrd said:
Halo innovated more than any other fps games.


Halo is about as innovative as my doorknob.
Halo is the most shitty game i have ever played exept for my little brother`s Sonic Heros to playstation 2.
But thats not an fps.
Bio said:
Halo is the most shitty game i have ever played exept for my little brother`s Sonic Heros to playstation 2.
But thats not an fps.

I gather you played it on the pc then :)
DooM was an immense game!

I can play it now after 11 years and still have a hell of time. (no pun intended :p)

Everyone who says it's rubbish is stupid, because I say so!

EDIT :Yes, the topic of this thread has absolutely nothing to do with the content.
it depends on when you played it.
see a lot of us oldschoolers will say doom and or Wolfenstein 3d because they blew us away when they came out.
then you get people who didnt really get into computers/were too young to play the game when it was released... it wont have a huge impact on them.

and people who havent played them/played them more recently shouldnt even comment :p

wolfenstein 3d invented the 3d genre, it was amazing.. the graphics were so life-like.. it had a controversial topic (nazism) and was the first game I ever played with violence and gore.
you cant tell me that wont have an impact on someone playing it for the first time.
This thread is going in several differant directions....

the thread title and the poll question are completly differant..
GTA:SA will be released Oct. 18th...of this year.

And i cant wait...Bikes + drive bys = 0_0
Er, what does the topic have to do with the poll?
Haha, I remember playing DooM with like 11 FPS. Was still fun though,
In order of importance:
Wolfenstein 3D <-started it.
Doom <-perfected it with multiple weapons/enemies. Multi-storied architecture with hazardous environment. Later in the series: Internet Deathmatch.
Quake <-created first polygonal weapons and enemies with elementary particles.
Goldeneye <-proved that FPS on the console is possible.
Half-Life <-no loading screens, scripted sequences, non-random weapon/health placement.
Halo <-players not alone, fully usable vehicles, next-gen FPS.

Now we wait for the next big one.

And anyone who discounted the above games didn't know what they were talking about.
Wolfenstein wasn't the first FPS either. What about the orginal Battlezone?
Javert said:
Halo <-players not alone, fully usable vehicles, next-gen FPS.

Now we wait for the next big one.

"players not alone" -- what the hell does that mean? It's not like Halo was the first FPS to give the player allies within the game was it? I mean ffs HalfLife had it, OpFor had it, Rainbow Six had it, SWAT3 had it. The major new thing with Halo was the vehicles, even then I'm not sure it was the first game to have them(I believe it may have been a game called Mobile Forces or Operation Flashpoint or maybe I'm talking out of my arse)
Zapp$ter said:
"players not alone" -- what the hell does that mean? It's not like Halo was the first FPS to give the player allies within the game was it? I mean ffs HalfLife had it, OpFor had it, Rainbow Six had it, SWAT3 had it. The major new thing with Halo was the vehicles, even then I'm not sure it was the first game to have them(I believe it may have been a game called Mobile Forces or Operation Flashpoint or maybe I'm talking out of my arse)

Sure - but it was the first to do this stuff really, really well :)
Warbie said:
Sure - but it was the first to do this stuff really, really well :)

Well I don't call that revolutionizing(is that even a word?). I call that refining(a concept somebody else thought of).