Which Graphics Card Should I Buy?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I Know there is another thread about this, But I don't have any for you to choose from, I want to know what is the best graphics card on the store shelves That costs $300 or under?

Right now I've got a crappy GeForce 5600 FX :(

I was looking at an ATI Radeon 9250 or 9550, they got them for cheap over at the 'ol eBay
Are Those good graphics cards for cheap? Are they better then my 5600?
umm9200 and 9550 isnt an upgrade i would recommend a 6600gt u wont notice much of a difference with those cards
Woa, 6600 GT is like 80 buck on eBay, Is this like a new Gforce Card?
Pretty new yes, but 80 bucks sounds too good to be true.
Dog-- said:
Woa, 6600 GT is like 80 buck on eBay, Is this like a new Gforce Card?

Are you serious? "Woa, 6600 GT is like 80 buck on eBay"
Ya, I'm serious, thers lots of cheap 6600 GT's, normally i looked em up and there like 500 bucks look HERE.
The one I was looking at is done its bidding days now, but there are still more cheap ones left.
lol the 6600gt may be 80 bux right now but it will prob. go up to 150