Which Half Life ending was your favourite?

Which Half Life ending was your favourite?

  • Half Life

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • Opposing Force

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Half Life: Blue-Shift

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Half Life: Decay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Half Life 2

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • Half Life 2: Episode One

    Votes: 16 30.8%

  • Total voters


Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
I got to admit, Blue Shift had to be mine.

The final scene where you have to open the teleports for the scientist to go through was amazing. You were on your own once you let Rosenburg through, and it was just intense. I loved it.
And the last line:
We made it Calhoun... we made it.

I loved the happy ending aswell.
half life 2 probably, just the lead up, the actual fight, the setup at the end. HL1 and Opp force get a mention. Not seen the decay ending.
Episode One, speeding away on the train watching the Citadel collapse and explode was pretty goddamned epic.
Gordon Freeman, in the flesh--or rather, in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons; most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you've earned it.

The border world, "Xen," is in our control for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there; I am impressssed.

That's why I'm here, Mr. Freeman. I have recommended your...services...to my employers, and they have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitlesssss potential.

You've proved yourself a decisive man so I don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do. If you're interested just step into the portal and I will take that as a "yes." Otherwise, well...I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. Rather an anti-climax after what you've just survived. Time to choose.

It's time to choose.
Half-life 2. The very tip of the Citadel; City 17 reaching out into the distance and Alyx shouting "We have to get out of here, maybe we still have -", and then suddenly the explosion bursts outward and then...everything stops. "Time, Dr. Freeman?"

Damn, it was so good. It brought everything perfectly into full circle from the moment you stepped out of the trainstation. What was really masterful was the way that Valve had pulled the player into this world, and given him three game days of 'freedom' - long enough for him to forget the control Gman has over them, and then for him to so easily bring them back into his influence. It was amazing.
Ep. 1 by miles. So satisfying. So eerie. Right down to the moribund ambient sounds that play over the credits.

I read somewhere that Blue Shift was the only HL series game with a happy ending. No idea what happens at the end of Decay.
Half-life 2. The very tip of the Citadel; City 17 reaching out into the distance and Alyx shouting "We have to get out of here, maybe we still have -", and then suddenly the explosion bursts outward and then...everything stops. "Time, Dr. Freeman?"

Damn, it was so good. It brought everything perfectly into full circle from the moment you stepped out of the trainstation. What was really masterful was the way that Valve had pulled the player into this world, and given him three game days of 'freedom' - long enough for him to forget the control Gman has over them, and then for him to so easily bring them back into his influence. It was amazing.

I think we all agree. Well, most people at least. Or maybe not. WTF :P
Episode One was epic in another sence. The sound when the transmisson went out was fantastic. That ending is eye candy all over
Episode One by far, not only because of the bright flash getting nearer and nearer as the train moves across the countryside but also for the strange noise that got louder and louder... then, it just stops.
Half-life 2. The very tip of the Citadel; City 17 reaching out into the distance and Alyx shouting "We have to get out of here, maybe we still have -", and then suddenly the explosion bursts outward and then...everything stops. "Time, Dr. Freeman?"

Damn, it was so good. It brought everything perfectly into full circle from the moment you stepped out of the trainstation. What was really masterful was the way that Valve had pulled the player into this world, and given him three game days of 'freedom' - long enough for him to forget the control Gman has over them, and then for him to so easily bring them back into his influence. It was amazing.

If you take the ending to be the last level and the endgame, HL2. If you just mean the endgame, then HL1. I voted HL2.
I voted HL2 'cuz a biggest explode effect looks very cool. The gameplay became slow then frozen and G-Man appeared. But Freeman cans slow move in the slow time! Strange!
No doubt HL2...

But what is a travesty to me.. is you are making us CHOOSE!
Episode One. Seeing the Citadel slowly destabilize, launch its escape pod, and then finally unleash its energy while your train desperately tries to get away from the doomed city > the G-man appearing and saying "Good job, see you in the next game! Oh yeah, I can make trams fly through space and turn transparent, ain't that cool?"

Actually, I like the previous HL endings, Episode One's is just my favorite. I'll admit that HL2 had the best build-up though.
HL2's is, to my knowledge, the most controversial ending. Numerous critics complained about it, and I've spoken to people who simply hated its abrubtness and apparent lack of resolution. I, for one, thought it was awesome, but being the blood and thunder guy that I am, I have to give the knod to Ep. 1 for magnitude, intensity, and sheer, balls to the wall bombast.

Is anyone here old enough to remember what kind of response HL1's ending provoked at the time of its release? I was aware of the game at the time, but didn't know anything about the ending.
HL2's is, to my knowledge, the most controversial ending. Numerous critics complained about it, and I've spoken to people who simply hated its abrubtness and apparent lack of resolution. I, for one, thought it was awesome, but being the blood and thunder guy that I am, I have to give the knod to Ep. 1 for magnitude, intensity, and sheer, balls to the wall bombast.

Is anyone here old enough to remember what kind of response HL1's ending provoked at the time of its release? I was aware of the game at the time, but didn't know anything about the ending.

I wasn't much of a forumite back in the day - I stuck mostly to making shoddy blogs with anime layouts calling myself an otaku, but hey, I was 11 - but I imagine it was well-recieved given that it's not that much of an unusual ending... boss battle, end, cool G-Man twist.
Loved the Episode One ending myself. Wonder if Episode Two will beat it out.
I loved the Episode 2 ending.
O Shi- I wasn't suppose to say that. PARADOX
If the ending of Half-Life 1 actually has some more meaning in terms of future events then I may change my mind, however the ending of Half-Life 2 was sheer brilliance in execution, so I'm gonna go with that.

Can't wait 'till the portal ending though.

I think the end of the Portal episode in The Orange Box is one of the strongest endings we've ever done, and I think that's a reflection of the feedback we've received to the endings for our games up until now.
But the ending of Half-life 1 is alternate, as far as i was concerned, i met up with the Alien Grunts D:
But the ending of Half-life 1 is alternate, as far as i was concerned, i met up with the Alien Grunts D:

Hmmm. A more conventional interpretation would be that Gordon's appearance in HL2 confirmed the canonicity of his having accepted the G-man's offer. Guess it's not written in stone, though.
Well, thats obvious, but it seems that valve never thought of making a sequel. :p