Which hand...


  • Left

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • Right

    Votes: 45 67.2%
  • I use paper

    Votes: 35 52.2%
  • I don't wipe

    Votes: 6 9.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 27, 2004
Reaction score
...do you wipe your ass with?

You may choose more than one option
Right...I'm guessing whichever is their dominate one.
Left, even though I'm right-handed in general.
a teacher of mine in highschool asked this in class from one of the students. when the dude answered which hand he uses, the teacher said "oh, well i usually use paper myself"

it was funny, but also kind of embarassing for the student. but nobody was harmed, and everyone laughed whole heartedly
I use my right, but fap with my left.
It keeps them balanced.
I prefer to use my right hand.

15 people wipe, but only 7 use paper?
What goofy SOB's use paper to wipe their ass? Go get the 3 sea shells...
What the ****... didn't we have a series of these threads in the past... defined as one of the low points of HL2.net?
Who the **** uses his hand to wipe his ass. This is the 21st century for god's sake.

or am I not getting something?
Who the **** uses his hand to wipe his ass. This is the 21st century for god's sake.

or am I not getting something?

Some of the backward civs haven't researched paper yet.
Who the **** uses his hand to wipe his ass. This is the 21st century for god's sake.

or am I not getting something?
Hand gives much better precision and ultimately, hygiene...no shit nuggets. Assuming you wash up with liquid soap afterwards, of course.
I use my right, but fap with my left.
It keeps them balanced.

Interesting. I use my left, but I also fap with my left. And I'm right handed, I am balanced sorta.

I actually went into the bathroom to see which hand I used, since I couldn't remember, been so long.
Left handed, because that's tradition. (That's the reason we're shaking hands with the right.)
Hand gives much better precision and ultimately, hygiene...no shit nuggets. Assuming you wash up with liquid soap afterwards, of course.

No offense dude, but I'm also an indian and some fags in my school think all indians eat with their right hand and wipe their ass with their left. I though this was all bull..no humanshit in India but you seem to be disproving me :|
No offense dude, but I'm also an indian and some fags in my school think all indians eat with their right hand and wipe their ass with their left. I though this was all bull..no humanshit in India but you seem to be disproving me :|
It's not universal, but why does this bother so many people? It's not like a thin layer of paper is enough to keep your hand clean.
You still wash up later, don't you?
It's not universal, but why does this bother so many people? It's not like a thin layer of paper is enough to keep your hand clean.
You still wash up later, don't you?

EDIT: I Misunderstood you...
the right... but i'm sort of confused with this poll... you mentioned paper... i'm hoping toilet-paper... which everybody uses, don't they?
Wait, I didn't realise it was multiple choice.

I use my right hand to hold the paper to wipe my bum.
I have a machine inside my toilet that when i pull a lever, it comes out with a small cloth and it spins it around and wipes my ass for me.
Ah I just realised my folly.

I use paper with my right hand :p
What the ****... didn't we have a series of these threads in the past... defined as one of the low points of HL2.net?

Yes we did. I predict we?re heading for a new low.

Noisebleed, is that the guy from MAD Magazine?
A complicated system of weights and pulleys that spreads the cheeks evenly and allows full anal coverage with both hands (whilst holding toilet paper in each of course, dirty vikram)