Which is better...

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Jun 30, 2003
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ATI Radeon 9000 r Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 better?Which 1 should get t replace my GF4 MX 440? Which 1's will make my games run faster? And plz include other graphic cards.Thx in advance...
The Geforce 4 has better performance.

The Radeon is a low-level DX9 card though, while the Geforce 4 is DX8.

I think you'd be better off getting a Radeon 9500 or a Geforce FX 5600 though...
What about an ATi Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB DDR Dual Display w/TV Out?Is that better?
9000 and ti-4200 are ones to compare really. Really, the 9600 is closer to the 4200
If u want dx9 then cheapest would be FX 5200.
I would agree with jhero here. If you want a cheap card (at least they are much cheaper here in Australia than the ATI's), go for the FX5200. Currently they are $109 AUD for a cheapo!
DON'T get the FX5200 everybody who has one says they suck like an infant
guess you haven't asked everyone... my brother has one and it runs pretty nice. plus its a very cheap option; to get an equivalent ATI, better ATI or the upper model FX you need to pay way more money!
The FX5200 is NOT a good card. Big warning!

The ti4200 is a much better card, it's DX8, so what? The FX5200 is to weak to even utilize DX9 features and in some test the 5200 get beaten by the GF4 MX.
If you can find one, get a 9500. Costs more, probably, but it's worth the money.
geforce 4 mx is an excellent series of cards, keep it trust, me youll thank me in the future. excellent gaming performance.
geforce 4 mx is an excellent series of cards, keep it trust me, you'll thank me in the future. excellent gaming performance.
the geforce fx 5200-5500 is basically a geforce 4 mx 440 with dx9 features you are best buying a 9600 or ti4800

edit: by the way what is your budget?
i think that a geforce 4 mx is a fine card for the future. especially with ut 2007, crysis, etc
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