Which Package Did you get?

Which Package did you get?

  • Gold

    Votes: 40 29.2%
  • Silver

    Votes: 80 58.4%
  • Bronze

    Votes: 17 12.4%

  • Total voters
Oh no! Not another one! :O :sleep:



Anyway...Retail Collector's Edition.
Gold! w00t!

I wonder if they're gonna ship those boxes out before or after HL2 is released.

(I'm betting/hoping before)

(and you really should have had an option for none, oldfaq,. as some people are compelled to vote regardless)
Gold all the way.

Access to (eventually) 12 Games for just over £50 is pretty damn impressive. It's really good to see the Half-Life community buzzing with optimism again.

God know's what it's going to be like when the almighty '2' drops. ;)
4 people got gold! woah !, lol I got silver :D
I Love Goooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllddddddddddddddd
I'll probarbly get Silver, don't think Gold is worth it for a bit of merchandise tbh. :p
Silver... I dont think I need all the extra stuff, just the games. (Ill probably get the "Raising The Bar" book though...) Plus it says you have to wait 6-8 weeks for the stuff included with gold.
I am buying retail, as I haven't got broadband and do not have a credit card.
dear god, i got Gold, all in all came to something like 138dollars (£75 british) little steep...but MEH!! i love hl
Silver for me. I really wanted the Gold, but the shipping was an extra $30US which put up the price from $AUD120 to $AUD165.

Just a bit more than I could really justify. I would probably have got it for $AUD150, but the price was just too high.

More than happy with my Silver though :p
I am getting the retail version.

Poor poll does not include enough options. (retail + CE)
I said "WHAT" did you get? I didn't ask for retial, becuase I don't like vivendi! lol
vivendi are crap> never shall i buy another game tagged by their dirty, financially bust hands

Wait a mo...Evil genius is being published by them...

MM ok, maybe after eveil genius..NO MORE VIVENDI!!
none i got the ce because i didnt want to spend that much time preloading
when im off the computer, my sister is on, so the preload would never finish
I was planning on getting retail, but today I took the plunge at got Silver.

Call me weird, but I have a strange sense of accomplishment knowing that I have some product on my computer and that my money has gone to Valve.
heh, from this topic vlave has mde 8343.90 from peoples purchases
now compare this to the amount of poeple that are playing CSS! lol
Even though I believe the people at VALVe have been asses about several things, I'm still a HL2 nut and I went for the <cheesyecho>GOLD</cheesyecho> package. I was just going to get the regular retail package until I read what is coming with the gold. It made me wet for HL2 again. Mine only came to $99.95USD (I think). I think that's a great price for what we're getting. But then again, I'm a chump for collector's edition crap.
ShadowFox said:
I was planning on getting retail, but today I took the plunge at got Silver.

Call me weird, but I have a strange sense of accomplishment knowing that I have some product on my computer and that my money has gone to Valve.

Ditto to all of that. :)
yea I got Gold. Due to me living in canadia I got raped....
151 dollars, I wanna laugh and cry at the same time
wheres the "w00t w00t i have an ATI coupon" option :E

i didnt "buy" any package :rolleyes:
i got the bronze but i might upgrade to silver if they accepts checks if not o well then
i got the bronze but i might upgrade to silver if they accepts checks if not o well then :cat: :imu:
I can't believe Valve have duped people into paying for a game that has been delayed over a year and no one has any idea when it will come out. Hey, while you guys are handing out money for no reason ... please send some to me.... LOL!
spaulding said:
I can't believe Valve have duped people into paying for a game that has been delayed over a year and no one has any idea when it will come out. Hey, while you guys are handing out money for no reason ... please send some to me.... LOL!
:rolleyes: Mark my words,. its coming out in November. We have it under very good authority that it will be released this year.

And we're all playin CS:S now, which is more then worth the prepay.