Which Strong Bad Email Is Your Favorite?

0, I hate homestarrunner and I just don't see anything funny about it.
Originally posted by nw909
0, I hate homestarrunner and I just don't see anything funny about it.

Aren't you a barrel of fun?
I think my fav is japanase cartoons, as Im a big anime fan and found it funneh, But but but, all of them are all GREAT (Allthough the news one that came on afew weeks ago I did not like..)

Strong Sad rules!
No way. Homesar is hands down the best character. Too bad he's not seen that often =(
Originally posted by Shuzer
Aren't you a barrel of fun?

It's just that homestarrunner isn't the kind of humor i'm interested in.
just thought i should point out that its "englilsh paper"...good ol' yellow dart...
Originally posted by spookymooky
just thought i should point out that its "englilsh paper"...good ol' yellow dart...

On the "Denny's Menu" it's titled "english paper" I put those down for people who haven't seen any and would like to see the best ones.

Some good quotes:

"The yellow dart....I'm awesome..."


"No two people are not on fire."
The "What would you look like if you were a Japaneese Cartoon?"
I find most of them to be pretty damned funny. Haven't been to the site for over a good five minutes in over a year O_o.

Hands Down.

Indisputable, so quit pouting.
Originally posted by Javert

Hands Down.

Indisputable, so quit pouting.

That's true. Almost forgot about that one, haven't been back to the site for so long :p.
We put that lightswitch there so you could turn the lights on, and off...not so you can throw lightswitch RAVES!!

Gotta love techno too...forgot about that one on my list.
"japanese cartoon", "techno" and "mile".

They're all great, but those are the best.
I like the 'Crazy Cartoon' and 'Japanese cartoon' ones especially, but I like them all alot, heheh.. Sometimes the guys really hit the jackpot on the fun-o-meter!
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
I like the 'Crazy Cartoon' and 'Japanese cartoon' ones especially, but I like them all alot, heheh.. Sometimes the guys really hit the jackpot on the fun-o-meter!

EH, Steve!
50 emails...... apparently because im fat.... O_o
I like them all, but trogdor is so damn funny! I also like the one with the national anthem for Strongbadia..

...As you can tell I'm a fan of Strongbad:D
Trogdor is great, as it techno.

I love guitar thou.....that's great.... :D
Stunt double


Dangeresque 2: this time its not dangouresque 1

"so im gonna have to jump!"
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Trogdor is great, as it techno.

I love guitar thou.....that's great.... :D

OMG how did I forget that? Def. my fav ever SB mail :) I think it was the first I saw too...
well from the replys ive seen i dont think ill bother looking at this one :) good day