Which system should I buy HL2 Orange Box for?



Hi all,

HL2 has been my fav game since it came out and I can't wait for Ep 2. My question is, I'm not sure which system to get it for. I have a decent PC:

Vista Home Premium
1 GB RAM (Soon upgrading to 2)
Geforce 7300
Core 2 Duo 1.89 ghz

but I also have a 360 and PS3. Now, to me HL has always been a computer game, but I'm wondering if it may be worth looking into the console versions simply because they may run on full settings and smoother than on my PC?

Any suggestions?

Danke in advance,

Imho you should buy it for PC, shooting games are for it. (easier controls, and stuff... way easier to aim with the mouse.. for me at least..)
Your specs are okay. You should be able to play it at medium settings at least. PC ftw, just for mods and Portal maps.
Buy it for PC, fps on consol is bleh imo. Just get yourself a new graphics card and your PC is very nice.
For X360, I guess. In X360 edition will be also new special effects for Half-Life 2.
If it runs good on your computer (which it should going by those specs) go for the PC version.

But really, do you prefer playing on a console or PC? You should go for the version that you prefer the most. Of course it's more difficult playing a first person shooter game on a console with the more inferior controls as opposed to the PC, however some might prefer the console as it's more comfortable and much more relaxing sitting in a sofa and playing, at least if you ask me. :p
PC. You'll be able to play with everything on high probably depending on your resolution adjust AA accordingly, with maybe the lighting on medium because it's so improved in Episode 2. If you don't think your PC can handle it at the settings you want get it on 360. It'll be a higher quality release considering VALVe is actually making it themselves unlike the Ps3 version. Plus the fact that the 360 controller is better for FPS, there are achievements, LIVE, and most likely better graphics (more experienced team, hardware power).
i fully understand y valve are makin the half life 2 series for consoles, extra sales etc, but itll probably b crap for xbox360 nd ps3, u know controls nd all that
I would buy it for pc cause FPS belong on the pc but than again i might be wrong.But it would be your best bet.Unless you prefer the xbox to the pc.
You have an X360, PS3 and a computer? Bloody hell. I'd still get it for the PC, for all the mods and extra maps.
PC must be your first choice. For the consoles...since PlayStation 3 has the worst mip-mapping technology between 7th generation consoles, I suggest you to get it for Xbox 360. You can also play it with PC players if you get it for Xbox360.
For X360, I guess. In X360 edition will be also new special effects for Half-Life 2.

Theres PC's that are twice the speed, intelligence, and graphical capability of an xbox 360. I have one. i don't think that special effects would be exclusive to a lesser system. :bounce:

I'd get it for your PC bro, and if you want get for a console or 2 just to see the difference. :D

I understand not a lot of people have the money, but seen as you have the 3 most raved systems of this year, I think that you should be able to pay a bit more. :/
what about mine? :

Geforce 7800 GS 256Mb
1 GB ram
2.8ghz single core ht
Will Episode 2 be sold stand alone?

I don't want Pulse and I can't play TF2.
both the system specs posted are way better than my loadout, and i run hl2 with everything on high, though i don't bother increasing my rez to ridiculous amounts.

it will run perfect on your systems
My computers pretty damn old now:

CPU - 2.13GHz AMD Athlon XP 2800+

RAM - 512MB

GPU - NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (that's right...it has a heatsink and no fan!)

OS - WinXP(home)

I'm probably going to get it on 360 for now - then again in the future for my PC when I eventually upgrade. Plus I get achievements and can live safe in the knowledge that it'll play smoothly through - unlike when running Ep1.
Right after GeForce 4 MX.
ha, the geforce 4 mx. epic card. 80 percent of games could not support that card..
Now that I have a monster rig i will avoid console shooters until a good one comes, i hate those controls and aiming
Does it support multiple keys or just direct replacements of the current controller buttons. Do you still have to scroll through weapons or what?
I'm fairly certain the HDR is being applied to ALL versions of HL2. Look at it from this perspective. All the assets for every game you will play have been developed on the computer. The only real difference is how they're coded (there are certain uniquely named function calls for each system) and those few console-specific gameplay tweaks.

In other words - and especially since Valve is doing the 360 version - there is no reason to hold back art assets for any version. They aren't developed independently from one another. If it exists, it exists.
I want to it get for PC, but i keep getting the sound looping crash on episode one so it might have to be 360 for me. But i still feel like risking it...
Xbox control pad supports 8 directional sight movement at most, whilst mouse supports infinite. I prefer PC.
If you have a PC that can run the game you shouldn't even have to ask.