Which way is a good way



Right now i am trying to model a gun, out of boxes(and i mean i make boxes and put them together i dont extrude boxes).
I wanted to know which way is a good way to model a gun(poly edeting box modeling).
When i model a gun i use a box and meshsmothing procces and it doesnt looks to good it looks like many boxes put together.
Can some1 tell me how to make my hande and my buttstock rounded but not very smoth i want somethign like that


and here is mine
Ok i noticed you used chamfer which is good. but in box modeling you can connect to make new edges and veticies. when you have a grid of verticies pull out some to till the object looks round.

i have a picture for you
Tnxs for ur reply
fist-of-all, what is 'chamfer' and second how did u get those red dots? because when i do splines and then edite as a poly i dont get anything liek that.

Is there any good, detailed and highpolygon model tutorial???
Ok chamfer, makes the edge angled. 2nd the red dots i added through paint to show where the verticies were.
To get the "dots" (verticies) select the object you'r working with, right lcikc, then "convert to editable poly" then click the vertex button.

I'm honored that you chose a CWMP model as reference :)
the 'chamfer' is it in Modifier bar?????
I used boxs in my modeling and then i put them together(i didnt connect them ot anything) i was wondering is a there an other way of modeling exept puting boxes together???
btw guys, i will have lots more question coming up as i will proggres in my modeling :D

tnxs again guys
I use the type of box modeling where you start with a box and extrude it into the shape you want. Making a bunch of boxes and attatching them together is wasteful (especially if you use MeshSmooth) and usually results in a subpar model.

Always remember to go back over your model and optimize it by hand... stay away from the optimize modifier as it can have very bad results. I cut one of my recent weapon models down from 1950 to 1600 triangles with no visible loss in detail (and if it is used in a first-person view half of them could probably be cut because the player would never see them).

TIP: To show edges over a solid model in perspective view press F4. The diagonals of the polygons will not show when using this unless you right-click the mesh, go to Properties, and uncheck "Edges Only."
So first u make a box then extrude it to look like a gun, but how do u do the small details and gow do u etrue a hand grip which is rounded?
When u start extruding how do u extrude small things out of ur box, box has only four sides so u cant etrude much out of those 4 sides.

tnxs for ur help
Depending on the type of small details you are talking about... I either use the cut tool to make more polygons/vertices that I can extrude/move to get the desired shape or I model the other part separately and just attatch it to the model (I use this when a specific part of a weapon is supposed to move or if adding the little detail the other way will increase the polycount too much).

Here is an example of one way to make a rounded surface (in this case, part of the grip of a gun) by using extrude, and moving vertices around (the last step is an example of the kind of optimizations that you should do after you finish a weapon model):
yeah honestly man don't use meshmooth if your modelling for a game, because it puts a lot of un needed faces/polygons in your model and it takes longer to render in game, although it does give you a nice smooth model, do not use it for game modelling... There really is no best way to go about modelling something though, there are 30 different mays to make something in 3d many people just find one and stick to it... Also you should extrude faces instead of just putting boxes together, that will also result in un needed faces/polygons.. and start small, don't expect to be able to model a character after only a couple days of modellling it takes a looooooong time and a lot of practice, but just stick with it and it will work for you :) also do all the tutorials that came with whatever modeller your using (they will teach you alot about the program) the brouse around online and check out some more tutorials and advance a little at a time... here are some good sites to get you started...

http://www,3dbuzz.com (great video tutorials)
http://www.3dtotal.com (has the joan of arc tutorial which i think everyone has done, it will teach you quite a bit...)

and last but not least http://www.google.com
you can't go wrong with a google search :)

EDIT: if your using max, get to know the cut tool, its your best friend
SidewinderX143 To get the "dots" (verticies) select the object you'r working with, right lcikc, then "convert to editable poly" then click the vertex button.I'm honored that you chose a CWMP model as reference

dont flatter you self so quckly. what makes you think that, that m-16 model is yours thats mine for Uncertain Peace. Sorry BTW i dont use others work, its just not right. Not saying that you do
Hey intervision i add all the boxes to gether. you statedthat extrude is better. do you just start with one box and go from there?
Yes normally i'll start with a single box maybe with a couple of hieght and width segments then convert it to Epoly and extrude to get the profile shape of what im modellilng, then from there i use cut/extrude/bevel/chamfer where needed, and if im adding something real complex i'll model it seperate then attach and weld it to the mesh...

The trick to good game models is not to have a high poly count, the trick is to have the best looking shape with as few tris as possible, and then put a lot of detail when painting your texture... this way it will run much smoother in game plus if your not deleting the inside faces you could get errors, and artifacts when in game.... i'll send pics in a sec :)
Ok look at this picture i attached to kinda see what i mean, if you just attached the boxes together you would have to delete all the touching faces then weld the verts together which would just be creating more work for yourself when you can get the same shape, without deleting and welding in a few seconds time
yes, also when you have inside faces and you have not smoothgrouped your mesh then you will get dark spots wich are ugly. (nice way to tell if there are inside faces - another good trick is to apply a meshsmooth modefier to it, if you see parts that stick out of your model then you have still some inside faces)
I begun making a new Ak with Polu modeling(extruding) and everything is going great, i like it :D
So far i have one question, how do u cut a poly, i seemed to have truble with that, when i try t cut it, i cuts a poly in a totaly different place, not where i intended to do it. Any good tips on how to cut polys??
this is where i am now
good job man. your getting there. show us more when u have more. wait till you model an m-16 an ak is nothing.

yeah looking good guys and sharpshooter don't use cut poly, go to edge mode, then click the cut button and start cutting, then you can cut one line at a time its much easier, also press F4 and you will see all the lines, i usually work with this on all the time (edged faces) you can turn it off by pressing F4 again another good way to cut edges fast is to select one edge, press ring then hit connect, and it will cut a edge all around your model..

(hot keys)
F4=edged faces
F2=highlight selection
G=turns on/off grid plane
ALT+Middle mouse button=rotate view
CTRL+ALT+middle mouse button=zoom in/out
also get to know edge extrusion its a big help with organic modelling, just click an edge to select it hold shit and the drag the edge out...
:) its all about experimenting man you'll get it, after that its just practice..
hey does anyone know if there is a right side view in 3ds max 5.0?
i can only get left view
Right-click where it says Left, go to Views, and click on Right. Voila!
i am using all of the advices u guys gave, thank u you all :dork:
When u guys model and u cant realy see an importan part of ur model what do u do? make up stuff?? For example i dont know how to do this part of the gun(i cant see it) i circled it.

Anyone know a website with pics of all 3 sides of any guns???
you might want a close or let alone a better pic search on google.
looking good for your first model. I'm in the process of writing a tutorial on how to model a gun i'll post it on this forum when it's done. aaa, SideW meant the p90, my p90. believe me we know it's your m16 and know one tried to say it wasn't. People know what my m16 looks like and they would not confuse it with yours.
Acttulay im in the middle of dooing an MP5SD and that works out ok Obviousley the barrel is just a chamfered cylinder#
what i want to do now is work on a Normal MP5 and im wondering about the front hand grip were the torch sits and ideas fellas.?

PS this forum is full of totaly cool blokes and lots of bloody informative info its great :)

Dont think ide have goten any were with out the help of you guys on here..:)

I would take shots of work ive done but im not to sure how to cut it down and show it so its in the size limets of this forum .:(
Wow, Hiro, you made a tutorial as well? Ran jsut made one for the Galil, and if you have have one too, we'll have our own little mod resource. :)
Right guys like i said in the above post ive been working on an MP5sd ..

Ive got a problem with the back of the gun. were the But plate meets the back of the gun that weird formation heres what i have so far.

Need some sort of help. How to make that back peace that the stock slides back and forward.
my advice would be to start over witht the reiver and main body. create and 8 sided cylinder the same size as the one you have now. grab the top and bottom vertices and pull them out a bit to square it off just a bit. then using cut and extrude create the lower body from the bottom of the cylider like this.


bear in mind this was done in under 2 minutes and is is hosted on digitalcrap.com
Yesturday i havent worked on my model so i didnt make any big progresses. RIght now i am makign the uper barrel of the gun and i am not sure what do do, i was thinking of meshsmothing it but i dont know how to select that part of my gun, or shuld i do the poly-moving thing like i did with my handle but i dont look very rounded. So can some1 tell how to slect a part of my gun and the meshsmooth??
heres a pic of what i want to smooth
one more thing, when i want to cut a poly on a left side i want to do the samething on the right side(i cant do it in perspective view for somereason, it cuts a diff poly) so can i change my left view to a right view???
NEVER, EVER, EVER, use meshsmooth modifier in low poly modeling. Learnig how to adjust smoothing groups is how you accomplish rounding out edges. and that comes with time and exprience. as for cutting the same spot on different sides use your snaps tool. course that only works if both sides are exactly the same otherwise you have to make the cuts and try to line it up.
i havent read the whole thing but tihs about advice rite?
okthings not to do while low poly modeling
1) spline modeling is out of the question lowpoly is mostly and only box modeling and the 2 best tools for this is max and xsi
2)never use boolean its spoils the mesh and creates unwanted surfaces
3) dont stop at modeling try unwrapping and texturing as well it helps a great deal in modeling if u have a lil idea about unwrapping
$) carefully pla out how u are going to start with ur mesh as well.
i am too slow with my gun dont have much time.
About 10 min ago i found a button for chamfer. What is it for?? rounding? Can some1 teach me how to use it?? in details plz, it would be very helpfull.

I am working on my barrel and i did it exact same size as in my refference pic but it looks very weird?? anybody know why??
here is a pic