Which would you rather see? Duke Nukem mod or Castlevania?

For Halflife2 what would you want to play?

  • DukeNukem MOD-Similar to duke3d.

    Votes: 41 65.1%
  • Castlevania MOD-Like the 2d sidescroller "locked side cam".

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • Other-Please describe in a post.

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
Duke Nukem, shows those guys at 3D realms, even inexperienced developers working for free can finish Duke Forever.
Yeah I'd go with Duke 3d - but you should really do something unique and original rather than rip off someone else's concepts.
Wasent really meant to be a rip off... Just ideas im throughing around. Dont you think its time the duke got a upgrade? Arent they useing the.... regular unreal engine? HAVE YOU SEEN THE PICS? It looks like they made a bland model for everyone and then just chucked a bmp on it lol...

But like i said, just ideas im chucking around.
Eh... but sometimes sequels that game developers just wont make (whether they're "trying to" or they've disbanded or they're working on other projects)

but yes, original is just as good, if not better
i wanna see a castevania mod in 3d like lament of innocence.
Castlevania.. obviously. Duke has nothing on Castlevania.

Duke Nukum has all the terrible, cheesy one liners and had "action" that was little more than Wolfenstien/ROTT with better (not much) GFX.

While Castevania was rather original with a fairly good story. Just please not this 3D rubbish they tried on the N64. Castevania is 2D. not 3D.

Rant over! go about your business. :sleep:
Duke Nukem would look really funny.
I want to see the strippers with the Source engine's graphics. :)
obviously you hvent played the 3d castevania on ps2 that owns.
I don't care for either of the two. Who knows, 3dRealms may have already licenced the Source engine for DNF....
I want to see a new sprite-based 2D Castlevania on the PS2. That's what I want.
some kind of mod in the mountains with people on skis firing guns at each other. Lots of foresty bits and James Bond stle jumping off ledges.
denlife7 said:
3dRealms may have already licenced the Source engine for DNF....

They're still using Unreal tech, although they split from the Epic source tree a while ago and added their own features.

Also, a mod based on Duke Nukem would be shut down faster than you can say "Hail to the king, baby".
PiMuRho said:
Also, a mod based on Duke Nukem would be shut down faster than you can say "Hail to the king, baby".

Hail to th...*muffle*

Personally, I'll always love Duke Nukem 3D. It was the game that got me into FPS's and brought so much to the genre. I loved the one-liners and the blatent cheesiness. The vast amount of levels were cool too.
PiMuRho said:
Also, a mod based on Duke Nukem would be shut down faster than you can say "Hail to the king, baby".

Which in this case would be a shame, as a mod is the only one likely to ever appear.

Though also in this case, it would be the first and only time a commercial enterprise was genuinly scared of a none professional game. Imagine how embarrasing it would be, a bunch of guys barely out of school doing what a company couldn't.. Pretty bad really :)

it would be cool to see Castlevania in 3d and still be a sidescroller, and done well for once.
I would really love to see a remake/sequel to "Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow", I loved the fact you could equip stuff, get tons of weapons, and they had an awesome "soul collecting system".
Mr. Redundant said:

it would be cool to see Castlevania in 3d and still be a sidescroller, and done well for once.
I would really love to see a remake/sequel to "Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow", I loved the fact you could equip stuff, get tons of weapons, and they had an awesome "soul collecting system".

Geez I was scared for a second because I thought that read: "Castlevania: Areola of Sorrow." Not that that would be a bad thing :D

But I too would love a remake/sequel to Castlevania....was a very fun time period for games (but I'm old so that might make a difference). Bring back the 80's and early 90's for games!
Well this has given me loads of ideas. Weather anything will ever come of it i do not know. It seems their is tension between the people who would love a duke 3d for hl2 and others that worry of leagal aspects... If i did it ofcorse i would ask 3drealms... and more than likely they would say yes becuase A:i wouldnt make any $ B:Really can they do jack about me doing it if im makeing no money? If i model and create all the sounds as long as i dont market it as dukenukem blah blah?
"Other: please describe in post"

Anything but those 2
mayro said:
If i did it ofcorse i would ask 3drealms... and more than likely they would say yes becuase A:i wouldnt make any $ B:Really can they do jack about me doing it if im makeing no money? If i model and create all the sounds as long as i dont market it as dukenukem blah blah?

I'm afraid that they will have legal grounds to shut down your mod if you use their IP. It happens all the time, and it makes sense.

If you use their copyrighted IP things, and they let you, that means that they are now putting an official stance on things: All people could now use their IP, as long as it's for non-profit. By letting you make your mod, they would be essentially taking a chunk of their copyright control and tossing it away.

It'd be especially bad if this mod could actually be valid source of competition. When DNF comes out, why would anyone buy it if they can get the better mod for free? They wouldn't give their IP to a project that could cost them sales.

I say that there already are Duke games, and there already are Castlevania games. Come up with something new and fresh, and you're far more likely to be successful and to avoid legal issues.
Pendragon said:
'Other: Please describe in post.'
Something original - i.e. not copied from other people's (copyrighted) IP.

Mechagodzilla said:
I'd rather see a mod that isn't based off of copyrighted characters.

Other. See above.