Whiplash from Iron Man 2

Looks menacing enough - just happy to have another Iron Man movie myself...
Is the Mandarin (the bald terrorist leader) going to be making a return from the first one?
He looks like a gimp from the comics.

And you'd be surprised at the fact of mostly no body I know watched Iron Man. There loss I suppose.
And you'd be surprised at the fact of mostly no body I know watched Iron Man. There loss I suppose.

Those sentences are just fantastic.

I was really hoping for a better villain than the first Iron Man movie, since the conflict and ensuing fight was pretty ridiculously stupid. It was still by far the best movie Marvel has ever done, so I've got some high hopes for the second. This guy, though, looks kind of silly. And I'm definitely hating the fact that we're going for two movies in a row where the villain has some kind of system that mirror's Tony Stark's own.
Who the shit is Whiplash?

Never paid attention to Iron Man much until I saw the movie. :p

Never really paid attention to any comic book superheroes actually... aside from Spawn, Batman, and some X-Men.
My childhood was mostly deprived of any comics.
And I'm definitely hating the fact that we're going for two movies in a row where the villain has some kind of system that mirror's Tony Stark's own.

I agree with this. I don't know much about Iron Man or his villains but surely there has to be more variety than the "I can make a suit too!" deal.
Is the Mandarin (the bald terrorist leader) going to be making a return from the first one?
That wasn't the Mandarin. That character's name was Raza and supposedly works for the Mandarin.

I don't know much about Iron Man or his villains
Old asian man with magical rings, a dragon, giant head with limbs on a floating chair, robots, people in robot suits, more robots, and a guy in a speedo with a black Unicorn tattooed on his chest.

Iron Man has shitty villains; Whiplash was one of the only 'decent' choices.
Oh Whiplash, you look so silly. I can't say I am particularly enthused by the replica chest piece; didn't we see this in Iron Man? It would appear they have decided to divide Stane into two. His corporate tycoon persona has been siphoned into Justin Hammer, and his Iron Monger, "Let's wedge in a fight scene", exterior in the form of Whiplash. I dislike this thinking that the superhero needs a villain of equal calibre.

I can't help but imagine that orange fabric is a skirt and he's wearing high heels.
I liked the first one too. It wasn't anything that special but Robert Downey Jr. was made for the role and fleshed out the character pretty well.
This rehash of plot elements has me a bit worried though.
I guess it's true to the comic books but didn't he fight anything else besides copy cats?
An intertwined sequel to this and Hulk would have been much better. Iron Man vs. Hulk!
Now that's something that i would be excited to see.
I like how everyone is saying Whiplash looks silly in this form. Clearly none of you people remember when he was called Blacklash.

But check out that flamboyant masculinity and display of such bold extravagance, seen in this contemporary design only in the potential orange skirt. Don't tell me you would not 'tap dat'.
normally i dont like many sequels, but here, i feel like the first movie was actually a prologue, so I guess I'm going to like this one.
Silver Man is my favorite hero. He's way better than Iron Man. They should've put him in front on the poster.
I could never decide if I preferred the Iron Man or War Machine armour. They're both so good.
io9 has a couple new shots.

I foresee a decent action movie, maybe even with an okay story, but with a horrible villain.

I'll probably see this for Downey Jr and Scarlett alone.
I saw the 5 min trailer for the movie the other day, looks quite excellent, also Sam Rockwell is in Iron man 2


Holy shit he looks like an extra who didn't quite make the cut for Falllout 3
I lol'd at your successive posts Yorick. I still havent seen the first one so I suppose I should get on that. Spiderman 2 and 3 kinda turned me off Hollywood "Super Hero Flicks".
I lol'd at your successive posts Yorick. I still havent seen the first one so I suppose I should get on that. Spiderman 2 and 3 kinda turned me off Hollywood "Super Hero Flicks".

I'm gonna see it but I know I'm not gonna like it. :(

Similarly to the Spider-Man movies, Iron Man really lacked a good villain. But I felt the character development and acting and dialogue and etc was all better than the Spider-Man movies. I dare say that Iron Man is the best movie that Marvel has done. I think Samon will disagree with me and say Ang Lee's Hulk, but still it's up there. It's not great, but it was at least a step in the right direction.

This movie looks like they took quite a few steps backwards. Same sort of terrible villain, too many characters (War Machine, Whiplash, Black Widow, Justin Hammer, Nick Fury, etc) stereotypical roles, and so on. But, you know, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett, and Sam Rockwell are totally gonna be enough for me to see it.
Sam Rockwell YES!!

*flashbacks to moon*

Sooooo gooood.....aahh
I'm kinda excited now but whiplash does look ridiculous in action O_o

Also, Sam Rockwell YAY!!
That's totally my reaction. And it was "Yay Tony Stark being awesome" and then "boo stereotypical EVERYONE"
How can anyone like Ang Lee's Hulk? It sucked so much balls it's not even funny.
The ending near Ang Lee's Hulk where Bruce is tied to a chair and talking to his father is quite funny for being ridiculously over the top.
It was more then just ridiculous. that whole movie was just terrible and lame.

Hulk poodle? Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
And Samon? What the ****? Mr. impecable taste Salmon the pretentious, likes that horrible, horrible movie?
And Samon? What the ****? Mr. impecable taste Salmon the pretentious, likes that horrible, horrible movie?

This. I know everyone has a guilty pleasure or 2 but come on! That's like 2 extremes that should NEVER go together. I think the hulk is certainly one of the worst movies i've ever seen or at least one of the worst comic book movies anyway :|
I think the hulk is certainly one of the worst movies i've ever seen or at least one of the worst comic book movies anyway :|

That's a bit far when you take the Spiderman Movies, the 90's Batman movies, and the X-Men movies into account. Oh and Fantastic Four? Come on now.
Batman and robin, spiderman 3, Fantasic four and X-men do suck huge amounts of balls.
But Doom is an awesome villain, (Beaten by squirrel girl though) I can't belive how much they managed to screw up when they had him.
The guy ****ing killed Captain America. The crazy shit that guy get's into...