White boxes on light sources...



If it was missing textures it would probably be black or invisible, that has texture by the look of it, looks like something to do with the entities
No, it clearly has no texture. I felt it would be missing since rendering in wireframe mode might be Source's fallback for missing textures on a poly labelled as being transparent (like how the default missing texture is the purple/black checkerboard for a solid poly/shader texture)
No idea. It looks like it's drawing something to do with the light properties in the map... or something. Who knows.
Hit the top of your monitor really hard. Works for my TV.
uhm, are you running the game on directx9? cuz I have a fx 5600 and I switched back to directx7 just to see my performance and I got those white boxes too, but on CS:S, I actually didnt play HL2 after that, but then I switched back to directx8 and the problem was gone tho... dont really know what happened here either...

EDIT: uhm, sorry, my mistake, just went to play some more CS:S and the white boxes are there... on directx7, 8 and 9 modes... probably was the last steam update...
the fix :
mat_dxlevel 80
mat_dxlevel 81
mat_dxlevel 90
uhm, do we have to put that on the console everytime we start the game or in some file then it automatically loads? still havent tried it yet.
i get the same things in deathmatch except there all over the screen and there not just on lights.
tried everything to get rid of them but there not moving.
I did happen to switch my DX level back to 7.0 before the patch because I got such poor performance. That's probably the problem.
autoexec.cfg = auto loading consol commands.

place it in the same directory with config.cfg

each line is a seperate command, or use a ';' charicter to sepreate them on the same line.

look at, but don't edit, config.cfg for examples.