White Rose,Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl.


Jul 22, 2006
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Hans Scholl


Sophie Scholl (hot btw)
I dont know if in UK/US school you hear about the non-violent restinace group "white rose"

Now without reading the wiki link (cuz Im lazy) Im going to go from memory.
I think they were sentenced to death for handing out flyers in a University in Munich,and for listening to BBC radio. :(
I dont know why but I started thinking about the wholething yesterday.Just wanted to share the info.very brave people.......you can read the whole thing on Wiki.


Thats the flyers I was talking about,I visited Munich last year,its a Memoiral thingy.
It takes very brave people to stand up against people like the Nazis, especially in a non-violent way.
Those two were people who truly believed in what they advocated, so much that they gave their lives for it.....
Ah the Scholl's did a great thing to stand up to teh Nazi elite, but in the end using peaceful methods was never going to be successful

They were good people
Those guys are some personal heroes of mine.

Balls. Of. Steel.
I haven't heard of them before. :(
Didnt he get tied up and thrown in a river?

EDIT: *slaps forehead* Sorry, thinking of something different. That was weird....
Didnt he get tied up and thrown in a river?

EDIT: *slaps forehead* Sorry, thinking of something different. That was weird....

IIRC, they were hung with piano wire. Then again, that may have been the army officers who tried to blow Hitler up in '44.

Either way, its a horrible way to go..
The July '44 plotters who didn't kill themselves were shot in the courtyard of the building the used for the Coup. Later after Gestapo investigations many others were hung by meat-hooks :|


Saw the room where they were hung

Heros. If only more people were that brave.
IIRC, they were hung with piano wire. Then again, that may have been the army officers who tried to blow Hitler up in '44.

Either way, its a horrible way to go..

Well, that does suck majorly, but I was thinking of Jerzy Popieluszko.