Who actualy uses DVD drives?


Nov 9, 2003
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ladies and germs,

cmon who wants to sit straight up 2 feet away from a retinal frying device for 2 hours on end. i mean CMON!!!!!

its something else if u get a xt and hook that shit up to your 50 inch plasma, but can smoeone tell me who dosent have a ps2 now adays? so my question is, dvd drives, worth it or not, do not account that you can get one for 50 bucks now, its not a financial argument, just merely based on sufficiency and to what extent one feels content with themselves and thier rigs.
Umm... I sometimes watch 'em on my computer. But usually on my flatscreen downstairs, off of my good ol' XBOX :D. <3 <3 <3
I have a dvd drive, but i took it out a week ago. Haven't bother to put it back in. Never use it anymore. Use my xbox for DVD's, and my CD burner for cd's..
I have some school related courses that are on DVD, which I watch on my computer

Plus, I have a DVD burner now, so that adds to the fun.. I watch movies occasionally on my computer (Watched Finding Nemo the other night ;))

Don't forget, future games, such as HL2, will ship as DVDs as well as CDs :)
if its too nasty oursitde, i'll pop a DVDinto the comp, pull up the cycle trainer, and put my street bike on and ride while watchigna movie.
when i want some exercise... i just call my Girlfriend, it's to complicated to drag a trainingbike here and there... =)
i have a dvd-rom, because... if u have ur own computer in ur room and ur a kid.. its great, parents and sister steal the TV, thats is why i love having a dvd-rom and tv tuner... makes things easier too, for like 'multitasking' chating on aim/irc and watching something if im not playing a game
I use my dvd drive...but not for watching as much as just reading dvds. :D
I don't have 5.1 on my downstairs TV, plus I can watch movies that arn't suitible for the rest of the family, I don't have a PS2, xbox or any other worthless shite like that. Also I buy the DVD version of PCgamer which is better value for money in my opinion.

Anyway DVD drives are futer proofing if nothing else and I really wish all games would come on DVD.
Originally posted by mrchimp
...and I really wish all games would come on DVD.
I hope not, because then i'd have to put my dvd drive back in my comp. But on the other hand, if the games were released on dvd, there would probably be more content. And perhaps better graphics in game, due to much more space on the dvd. Who knows?
I think i used my DVD drive once, when my DVD player was being repaired (I used my TV-out to link to the TV).

Um yup... thats the only time.

And on my previous computer I didn't use the DVD drive once... not a single time.

Pointless technology until somebody finally decides we don't want to install a game off 6 CD's... and actually puts software on them. Which was predicted to be the standard within a year about 3 years ago :)
Originally posted by vgard
I hope not, because then i'd have to put my dvd drive back in my comp. But on the other hand, if the games were released on dvd, there would probably be more content. And perhaps better graphics in game, due to much more space on the dvd. Who knows?

whats wrong with your DVD drive?
pHATE1982 is right, thats what i thought, its just a waste of time and technology to put DVD in the comp, ied enjoy watching DVD on plasma using my ps2 unit than on my 19 in crt, wait unless i can use s-video to hook my vga to my plasma, but then again wont i loose quality, plus my comp is in bed room, plasma is in living, thats bout 40 feet apart.
Originally posted by mrchimp
whats wrong with your DVD drive?

Nothing wrong, just had to take it out when i modded my xbox.. :) I always think of putting it in after i switch on my computer, but then it's to late, and i forget it when i shut it off. I'll probably put it in when i get my first dvd game.. :D
My room is set up so if I just turn my monitor a few inches to the right I can lay in bed and watch a DVD. If I rent a DVD with my family or something...then yea, TV. But if it's one of my OWN dvds, I use my computer.