Who here knows about RC stuffs?

Dec 2, 2004
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I'm getting interested in RC helicopters. Not those, micro toy helicopters, I mean 30cm or over long nitro/gas powered RC helicopters.

After watching many clips and trailers of people flying those things, I wanna try it myself...

I was also interested in RC jets also, but after seeing so many accidents with landing those things and many risks, I decided to forget about it.
Be prepared to spend a boat load on one, though..
Ah, these things tend to explode from time to time. Don't get any "Made in China" ones. My uncle has a nice long burn mark from one.
You should probably start with one of those crappy battery powered ones, because those aren't as expensive or easy to break, and you'd be able to get practice landing/flying with them. I doubt you'd want to spend like $500 on a gas powered one, only to start it, fly it for a few seconds and end up making it do 3 back flips, crashing into the ground with an explosion.

Although that would be cool to see, though.

All around my area alot of people have gas powered cars. Although, I haven't seen a flying thing yet (jet or chopper). People probably own cars because they go fast/there's lots of space here/don't need too much skill to use it.
My dad has a bunch of those gas-fuelled ones. They break their wings after the first unlucky landing, so be prepared to spend money on repairs right after you give the bugger a test flight.