Who here plays Planetside?


Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
So how many people on HL2.net play PS regularly?.And before you say something there is another thread however its 3 months old.
What servers do you play on,Empire(Anyone not Vanu will get boomered ;))
Prefered playing style(Infiltrater,heavy Assaulter,Supporter etc)

Also what do you think of the Battle Islands and B-Fr's(A.K.A. battle-Frames or Big ****in' Robots :E )

Empire:The Vanu Sovereignty
Outfit:The BridgeBurners,4th Vanu Black Guard Engineers
Rank:Warrant Officer
Style:Adv. Medic,Support Troop
Used to play, thinking of starting up my account again soon, my stats are still on the site so i guess my char is still there:

(Straight copy/paste)

Character Name: AcousticToad
Empire: New Conglomerate
Outfit: No Outfit
Server: Werner

Command Rank: 1
Battle Rank: 13

Number of Facilities Hacked: 120
Vanu - 181
TR -232
Total - 413

Standard ExoSuit
Standard Assault
Agile ExoSuit
Medium Assault
Reinforced ExoSuit
Heavy Assault
Air Cavalry
Air Support

I used to be part of the 58th Marine Corp before i stopped playing (lack of cash) Now that that situation has changed and my comp should be able to play it i might make a comeback. Especially with all the new stuff coming out.
used to play. it got so boring and was very laggy, which made it unplayable.

i got up to BR20 and CR3. it was good in the outfit i was in, we had about 7 regulars who were quality players, but the lag killed us. i mean, i'm not gonna fork out every month to play a game that runs like a slideshow. my machine is top notch, fast net connection, but the european server was just crap.

i liked the game sort of, had some potential. have been tempted to pick it up again for the summer.

anyway, how long have you guys been subscribed to Planetside?
Planetside in my opinion was one of the best games out there to have so much potentional. But now no one plays its, nor was the potentional recognised and used correctly. I was also thinking about starting up my acount again until I talked to some old friends from the game. I realised they had all stopped playing along with pritty much everyone else.

I used to be in the no.1 clan as a leading officer and recruiter when I played. I think I ended up been about 3/4th rank in the whole clan. It was so amazing because we all used chat vertigo channels linked to each other to communicate and move around the map. We had like 30/40 people (4 squads) moving around the map and taking sectors. We basiclly played the game how it was suposed to be played. I can't say I will ever forget the experiance I had. This is proberly why I am a die hard fan for MMORPG's but there is a lack of true combat MMORPG's and they all seem to involve magic and spells. Which is obviasly good, but if you use your imagination and think about what they could have actually done with planetside. Its.... amazing :P

Anyway, they didn;t actually do anything with planetside, thats life :/ I guess I will just have to wait about 2/4 years before a new game like that comes out which is actually good.
I just checked for my stats but they are lost. I think they wiped the whole system about 3 months after the game was release and just after I stopped playing it.

I think I was about:

Battle Rank 14/16
Commander Rank: 3
If you havent played for some time,Id suggest playing it once the Battle Isles and B-Frs come out.Gonna be an interesing time.

As for the problums with the lag,Im running it on a P4 2.6,512mb,and a Geforece 4 MX440 on Werner and the only time it lags or Jerks now is on Hossin during a Zerg or if I've been playing for an obsene amount of time.Longest period being 7&1/2 hours .(The Laggyist of continents)If you have 1Gb of ram you'll be fine.
I'll be hooked up to broadband in a few days so I've really started to take an interest in this. Might give it a try if I can.
I was waiting for Planetside long before it came out, was an early member in the UK's largest Planetside outfit (aka DreamScape Virus) and played Planetside a lot during the Beta period.

Imagine how unhappy I felt when I played it and didn't like it. The concept was OK but it just felt like the battle had no purpose. The faction had no order and was fighting randomly on all fronts. The continent I had spent ages fighting to take was taken back about an hour afterwards, making the whole thing seem completely pointless...

...I didn't feel like paying to play a game like this, so I didnt.

That said though, a year or so later some mates told me it'd improved a lot since then, so I joined Sturmgrenadiers Planetside portal ( www.sturmgrenadier.com ) and actually subscribed to Planetside. It was good for a month or so, but the same feelings hit me again and I realised it was still a pointless battle... so I cancelled the subscription again.

I think it's a good game if you like killing things and working as a team (as long as you have a team) but if you want to do something productive and feel like the battle you have spent the past 2 hours winning was for a purpose, then Planetside just aint for you.

note: During beta I was a battle rank 20 terran soldier. When I subscribed a year later I was with sturmgrenadier, who play new conglomerate on the east-coast american server (cant remember which that is) and got up to battle rank 16 before I got bored and called it quits.

edit: we should have a poll for the favorite base. Mine has to be Gunuku on Cyssor. It just rocked, and I don't know why. I loved the place, some of the best battle experiences i've ever had were all there.
I just started playing again a few days ago.

All my characters are Vanu, and they are

DieInRealLife - Emerald server, BR6 Medium Assault/Liberator pilot
Eddey - Emerald Server, BR4 Combat Engineer - Infiltrator (hehehe)

I'm in the Wolf Pack outfit. We have over 220 members and it's very active.

The Mechs they're adding soon look incredible

I just checked for my stats but they are lost. I think they wiped the whole system about 3 months after the game was release and just after I stopped playing it.

Yeah, they wipe your stats after a while if you don't play
I was in the beta, but thats the only time I ever played.

I was one of them blue and gold guys, and a vanu

Both hackers that flew planes.
The game has so much potentional and its doing my head in :P you always think, well why could they not do it like this. It really anoys me sometimes. Thats life :(
This is me :)

Character Name: FartBandit
Empire: Terran Republic
Outfit: outcasters

Command Rank: 1
Battle Rank: 18
Outfit Title: Commando
Outfit Points Contributed to outcasters: 8011
Number of Facilities Hacked: 340


Vanu Sovereignty 768
New Conglomerate 1018
Enemy Total 1786

Last Logged on: August 1, 2004

Standard ExoSuit
Standard Assault
Agile ExoSuit
Medium Assault
Reinforced ExoSuit
Heavy Assault
Air Cavalry
Ground Support
Armored Assault

Also you might want to check out whats coming in the future to planetside... Huge tower sized mechs!!!!
I think Planetside has paved the road for a successor that will probably be incredible. Until then, I'm probably going to stick to smaller-scale games. I did play the beta for a good while last year, and was part of a New Conglomerate tank battalion. Six or seven Vanguards was enough to put the fear into anyone.
Our outfit fielded 11 Mag Riders a week ago.A very impressive sight though for Engineers its not very practical.
How about the biggest battle you've seen?
I was in a scuffle over a bridge in the final day of the beta that had to involve several hundred people slugging it out from opposite shores. My armored column managed a slow crossing of the bridge but got bogged down in the middle, and were eaten up by the VTOLs.