Who here uses virtual drive emulators for their games?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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No, I don't mean ROM emulators, which I believe are illegal.

I mean the programs such as Alcohol and Daemon that allow you to create virtual copies of your disks, thereby allowing you to play without the disk.

Personally, I do it for nearly all the games I play, mainly because I dislike the whir of the CD drive, and also because it's a hassle fishing out the CD every time you switch games.

Of course, it seems that some games nowadays have some kind of copy protection on them that disallow the use of such emulators/virtual drives. :/ In combatting software piracy, they force users to undergo the torment of the buzzsaw sounds of old DVD drives. :p

Oh yeah, is this legal?
Nope, i have tried most of them and realized they are a pain in the ass and worthless. I just run all my games on steam or find a crack for the games i have (i dont consider that being bad considering i payed for the game).
Really? I find them easy. Just 2 clicks and you're set to go.

Also, steam sucks. WTF 200kb/sec? That's like 5% of dl speeds that I'm used to.

Seriously, **** Steam. I have 4 seperate accounts on Steam just because it sucks.
My main problem with them was that they simply did not work. I have given them several tries on different OS installs. Daemon tools just refuses to start after first usage. And alcohol just didnt work for me. Might have been something wrong on my end. Copy/paste a crack into a directory takes 5 seconds and then its done, so that solution works for me.
I use(d) daemon tools for my Baldur's Gate games since a couple of the CDs died over the years I ripped and mounted a friend's copies. Worked fine for me until I upgraded to Win7, though I haven't been trying to use modern games with copy protection.
I don't use programs such as Alcohol and Daemon. Call me a paranoid, but I don't trust applications that dig too much into the core of my system.
I use daemon all the time for no-cd patches for my non-steam games. I have an iso for BF2 loaded up at nearly all times as I ALWAYS misplace the disc.

It's only illegal if you're doing illegal things with it. As I own a copy of the game, this is perfectly legal. If, say, I use it to mount an iso from a torrented game, that would be illegal.
As long as you had your upload disabled for the torrent i suppose.
Seriously, **** Steam. I have 4 seperate accounts on Steam just because it sucks.
I honestly can't think of a way someone would need four separate Steam accounts without it being their own stupid fault, but please enlighten us.

As for virtual disc apps, almost every asshole game I own which hasn't subsequently been released from its disc restriction by a late patch contains hyper restrictive DRM, so I've never seen much use for them. Even emulation wise, my Playstation discs have always been openable straight from the image files.

edit: Also, SecuRom is a xenophobic POS which will often restrict a game if it gets so much as a sniffy fart of Daemon Tools, so it's often best to just not have installed :/
I hate having a disc in the drive, or programs going on the internet to be sure I didn't steal something, and deciding whether I have permission to play the games I buy.

I will defeat such measures by any means necessary. If I can't manage to defeat it, then I will never buy a game that uses that protection again. For example: Steam.
Wait, what does DT do to prevent you from using a CD/Mini-Image? I've been using it for many years and haven't had one single issue with it. I mount the imagine, done deal.

*EDIT* Unless I don't understand your post :p
edit: Also, SecuRom is a xenophobic POS which will often restrict a game if it gets so much as a sniffy fart of Daemon Tools, so it's often best to just not have installed :/

I have never had this problem. But then again, I usually avoid games like that.
I've used Daemon Tools for years for a variety of games and never had a problem with it. 'Tis handy stuff.

If any other software has a problem with it, I just take issue with that software instead.
I use Magic ISO, works fine for me.

I used to hate them because every time I downloaded daemon tools I got a virus from that piece of shit, so I'd always just burn the ISO's I downloaded, which took up alot of my discs, then I found Magic ISO did the virtual drive thing, and it also is a burning program, and can make ISO's out of your discs. It's way better then shitty Daemon Tools.
I've never had any trouble with Daemon tools at all.
When I went back to England in June, I made ISOs of a lot of my games, and put them onto a harddrive. My brother kindly donated a convenient dock I can just slot hard drives into, and plug in using a USB. It's incredibly handy when you're travelling around.

Recently I've had trouble with games detecting Daemon tools, but there was an extra download that made those problems go away.

I like having hard copies of all my games on a hidden away shelf just in case. But for every day use, having them on a nice handy hard drive is just so much better.
Although a large number of my games are on Steam now.
I honestly can't think of a way someone would need four separate Steam accounts without it being their own stupid fault, but please enlighten us.

Actually, I was joking; I have 4 seperate Steam accounts because I'm paranoid and dislike being traced. Also, I rarely use Steam, and almost never for downloads. Even for L4D (in PC Rooms) I needed to play with SteamEmu to play with my friends.

edit: Also, SecuRom is a xenophobic POS which will often restrict a game if it gets so much as a sniffy fart of Daemon Tools, so it's often best to just not have installed :/

I've heard about that :/

It sucks. :p
Virtual Clone Drive for me. Works like a charm, minus one file extension.
I use Daemon Tools here. My DVD drive rarely gets any use anymore, especially with the availability of games on steam.
You WILL be reprimanded for your crimes against the mighty republic of South Koh-ray-uh, numbers. Repent while you can.