Who here would like to rule their country?


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Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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As in, if you are in the UK, you become the "Emperor [yournamehere] I" of the United Kingdom...... which wouldn't make sense since it's a kingdom, and not an empire... but it's the united kingdom and....nvm.

Anyway, would you like to be the guy in charge of everything in your country, as a dictator?

(Reason why I'm briging this up is because I read an article on how everyone secretly desires to become dictators.)

As for me, It'd be great, but I'd be ok with being the guy thats 2nd in command.... or in any place of command.... :p
Of course.

Only democratically however.
Voted hell yeah, but the poll is incomplete.

Ruling just my country isn't enough.
I'd rather be a citizen. Honestly, I think I could rule well, and I'd like to, but I also think that power should go to those who do not want it, and that means I'd rather be a citizen.
I bet if the question were "who here is qualified to lead their country" the poll would be extremely one sided
Yes. There are so many things that I'd like to see done, and the best way to do it is to do it yourself.

But I'm not...rich...enough to be a president.
Here's another question before I go to bed at 5:55 am: What would be your first official act?
On a more serious note, roll back some of the sillier drug laws.

Or possibly create a European superstate.

-Angry Lawyer
I'd love to rule my country :P
I'd grow a little moustache, and start yelling in microphones and invade Germany; for invading us 60 years ago, and then stealing our worldcup soccer in '74! Revenge is ours! :P
I'd probably get assassinated the second I took ownership...being a normal civi means I live! And can see things from a different perspective.
I'd rather be a normal citizen. I don't want my life to revolve around politics.
No, too much work for no appreciation. Once you are president or some sort of ruler, thats all you are. You arnt considered a person anymore, and are merely a title. Its all you do, and you get little to no time to do fun stuff. **** that, Im here to live, not to serve!
I'd make prostitution legal.

That's right, you all would.
I'd make prostitution legal.

That's right, you all would.

No I would decrease the penalties for it.

If you make it legal then the govt gets involved and taxes the shit out of it... and then there would be higher prices on top of that once a standardized pricing scheme is set up.
Being the leader would be a really stressful job, but I feel it would be a challenge I would enjoy.

Or possibly create a European superstate.

-Angry Lawyer

I thought you said "On a more serious note" D:
I'd immediately turn Canada into a socialist democracy. Buy back the oil and hydro companies, stop the health and education system from being privatized, and forcefully reform all the redundant policies and institutions we have that exist solely as tax-expenditure sponges.

Then I'd legalize gay marriage, legalize pot (more gov't income, less people growing/selling on the street and lacing it with hard drugs :D), and dump a boatload of money onto national healthcare and education.
Not my own country, because then everyone in the world would hate me!

However...i'd rule Canada...
I mean honestly some terrorists could yell out world domination, take over everything and Canada would still be there.
Hells yeah.

I'd ban pants, make people wear hamburger buns as hats and demand that people start ALL conversations with "nanu, nanu."
I'd rather be a citizen and be unknown to most
I'm fine with the way my country is run, for the most part.
That's holocaust denial talk.

You don't want to be a holocaust denier, do you?
OK, seriously, two threads in a row, someone makes me LOL so loud that brother tells me to "shut the hell up!" from all the way in the basement (two floors below).

I <3 you guys so much :D
As far as I'm aware, he's not in!
Although you could have him extradited there, only to kick him out again.

Stigmata said:
OK, seriously, two threads in a row, someone makes me LOL so loud that brother tells me to "shut the hell up!" from all the way in the basement (two floors below).

I <3 you guys so much

Glad to be of service! <3
As far as I'm aware, he's not in!
Although you could have him extradited there, only to kick him out again.
The thought of an self-sufficiant Irish socialist state would probably result in Solaris having to clean his keyboard. He'd swim across the Irish Sea so fast he'd barly get mutated.
Only Emporor Norton was the true ruler of the United States of America.
I would take over southeast asia, and then help the US take over many. many states in the middle eastern region.
I would take over southeast asia, and then help the US take over many. many states in the middle eastern region.

I reckon Beijing and Tokyo would get together to assassinate you in that scenario.
No way, I rather have someone actually interested in doing that in charge :) So I picked normal citizen.

I might have to take over the country if the newly appointed Moderate Party ****s up. To bring back our normal socialism :)
Yes, I will become Supreme Warlord Premier of Czech Republic and I will break down all commies in my country. :flame: