Who is G-MAN and REAL CLUES.

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Jun 10, 2012
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Alright, I know threads of this kind have been opened and locked after several days or hours.
But now I found a good clue.
Besides the fact that G-MAN = Gordon freeMAN...Have you seen how G-MAN never gets close to Gordon Freeman?? He's always far away then disappears....excluding end of the game when he's close to us. But he never touches us because there's a rule....There can't be 2 of the same, in the same time... He is Gordon Freeman from future.
Why is he here? DID YOU EVER THINKED ABOUT HOW G-MAN KNOWS THE FUTURE? Why did he get into Alyx's head and put her tell Eli the unforgettable words...Prepare for unforeseen consequences..Because he is Gordon Freeman from future, and he knows everything that will happen in past He probably want to stop himself from past....to destroy something he may need there, in future...OR even DESTROY HIMSELF in future. Do not try to comment this.... Maybe vortigaunts from future are back in past to kill us, and G-Man is here to protect us, maybe keep them away.
Who are his employeers? That is the question no one can answer.
G-Man is NOT from another universe...or another galaxy...He can walk through time because of the advanced tehnology of the future.
What's in his briefcase?? We don't really know, it might be anything...It could be a galaxy inside of a marble ( like in Men in Black XDD).
He could have some papers there...for his employeers...He could have a gun..He could have a McDonalds meal. Or maybe that briefcase is the key for time warp. Maybe it has something very powerful in it..
Ah and they all have green eyes...Maybe valve likes green..(even if valve is orange xD)
I'm waiting comments.
What do you think ? Good clues..or not ?
I should yell at you right now, but considering this is your first post I'm going to first say, "Welcome to the forums," and secondly let you know this has been discussed to death. There are a million and one reasons why G-man is not Gordon Freeman, and for more than a decade they've been discussed ad nauseum. I'd suggest you use the search function to read said reasons, but the search function on this forum is garbage and has always been garbage, so just take my word on it.
You won't believe how many threads have said exactly what you said.
Long time ago, the GMan was an ordinary family man, with a wife and two children. Working as a CIA agent, he was enjoying life. However, on one fateful night when the bad guys storm into his home killing his family and leaving him barely alive - his life turned upside down.

At that moment, the GMan gained intergalactic super powers and became the man we all know today. With his new ability to read human minds, he realized the killers were assassins sent from the past. Now, GMan and his friends must work together to stop this ancient evil from taking over the world.
Long time ago, the GMan was an ordinary family man, with a wife and two children. Working as a CIA agent, he was enjoying life. However, on one fateful night when the bad guys storm into his home killing his family and leaving him barely alive - his life turned upside down.

At that moment, the GMan gained intergalactic super powers and became the man we all know today. With his new ability to read human minds, he realized the killers were assassins sent from the past. Now, GMan and his friends must work together to stop this ancient evil from taking over the world.
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