Who is getting Lost Planet? Need help deciding. You'll find this interesting.

Buy or Dont Buy.

  • Buy it! Who CARES!

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Dont buy it! YOU CAN DO IT!

    Votes: 21 65.6%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Yup, i have seriously come to the conclusion that i buy to many games without any basses. Im going to let you guys decide for me this time. Im going to give you guys some information to make your judgement.

I spend WAY to much money on shit i dont need.
I have all of these games to still beat.

Rainbow Six Vegas COOP - (Beat the SP) (Im like 3 missions into the COOP with my brother)
Splinter Cell double Agent - All i have beaten is the training.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - I Play this in bed before i go to sleep so it really doesnt count but ya, still a game.
Company of Heroes - About 20 hours in.
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic - About 8 hours in. 4 of those hours is wasting time restarting, reloading, waiting for the loading screen.
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends - I played this for the 1st few days when it came out and havnt touched it since. I WILL GET BACK TO IT I PROMISS!
Scratches - Well ya, boring.
Serious Sam II - HAHA, got this years ago still havnt played it....
Shadow of the Colossus - Thinking about starting this soon..ya...soon
Painkiller Battle out of Hell - Yes people i got this and havnt even opened the box...
Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich - Havnt even installed it yet.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Played it for 30 so hours then dropped it. I really want to get back to it. Simply to collect shit for my house.
Beyond Good & Evil - When i get it to work on my computer ill play.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Humm. Ya well you get the point. Now should i buy Lost Planet...

Keep in mind i have a thing for collectors editions and if im buying a game must and i cant stress this enough MUST buy the collectors edition.

Which is why i need your help guys. My soul decision to buy this game will be based on your votes.


Thats what i have so far for the curious.
looks pretty cool
i would suggest renting it first considering you already have so much on the go
looks pretty cool
i would suggest renting it first considering you already have so much on the go

There's something about renting, thats such a hassle. Im a collector if you havnt noticed and if i rent something and beat it ill feel terrible buying it but probably will. Which is why i dont rent.

Yes i am crazy.
i played the e3 06 demo and thought it was pretty cool
seems like more of a rental though :p
I heard the single player could be finished in 5-6 hours.
well if we consider you get horny and allways post "OMFG CANT WAIT!" for the first game whit exagerated shiny effects and super graphics and no mention of gameplay
I dont consider that weird

but maybe you should try the demo cuz there is a demo isnt?

also what about selling games you dont play

you are perfect example of super consumist teenager,sure you are to get a iphone right?
stop wasting your money, I made that mistake when I was younger I had to buy any game with even a small amount of hype surrounding it. Now I wish I saved some damn money lawls. You'll play the game a few times and keep it around as a trophy as it collects dust when you get bored. This is particularly bad with console games because downloadable user made content is hard to come by. Wait for a game that you know will stay original and have lots of replay-ability for you.
stop wasting your money, I made that mistake when I was younger I had to buy any game with even a small amount of hype surrounding it. Now I wish I saved some damn money lawls. You'll play the game a few times and keep it around as a trophy as it collects dust when you get bored. This is particularly bad with console games because downloadable user made content is hard to come by. Wait for a game that you know will stay original and have lots of replay-ability for you.

Very true listen to these words, as I've done the same dam thing!! Lost Planet looks like it may be fun for a bit but definitely not something worth forking out 60 bucks for NO THANK U!!
RJMC pretty much summed it up. Frankly when you are buying games and not even opening them you might as well be throwing your money away. There are lots of things you could spend your cash on that would be better.

-save it
-start a business
-Donate it to charity (if you're the sappy type)
-collect something where the value increases over time
Im pretty much guaranteeing im not going to buy it.

I played the demo and it didnt do it for me.

I appreciate your help guys and im trying my best to save and get into investments.

If anyone can give some pointers on investments and business i would appreciate the help/pointers.

Like where to start, what to read. etc.
If you want a "safe" investment there are plenty of options you could learn about at most any bank. Generally the longer you can leave your investment untouched, the more it'll earn you.

If you are interested in the stock market, a good thing to do is "pretend" that you invested x amount in a certain stock and then follow it for a month or whatever and see how you do. Keep in mind there will be some fees involved when you invest for real. This is basically educated gambling so be sure to do your homework. Learn as much as you can about the company you invest in.
If you want a "safe" investment there are plenty of options you could learn about at most any bank. Generally the longer you can leave your investment untouched, the more it'll earn you.

If you are interested in the stock market, a good thing to do is "pretend" that you invested x amount in a certain stock and then follow it for a month or whatever and see how you do. Keep in mind there will be some fees involved when you invest for real. This is basically educated gambling so be sure to do your homework. Learn as much as you can about the company you invest in.

That or you could always take the series 7 and 63 like Im getting ready to do :(. Realalisticly if your young the best thing do to is invest it in a simple savings accnt or CD. As you get older and have a little more knowledge/investment power then you would start looking into the DOW or NASDAQ. However JFry had a good point when he said to "pretend" invest. I know a couple brokers myself that still do that when they are thinking about making a major investment. Granted there is enough time to do that. *START SMALL---->GO BiG*
That or you could always take the series 7 and 63 like Im getting ready to do :(. Realalisticly if your young the best thing do to is invest it in a simple savings accnt or CD. As you get older and have a little more knowledge/investment power then you would start looking into the DOW or NASDAQ. However JFry had a good point when he said to "pretend" invest. I know a couple brokers myself that still do that when they are thinking about making a major investment. Granted there is enough time to do that. *START SMALL---->GO BiG*

A great way to do this is http://www.smgww.org/ , my brother and I used to go here.
I dont really know about you..but I voted what I'm gonna do, which is not buying it (or even playing it), I saw my friend playing the demo and it was boring.
I just want to say that i played through the demo a couple of times and i found the game to be quite underwhelming tbh. Just my view though, many people seem to like it.
I'm gonna wait for the opoinions of those who bought it on this forum and see.
Played it in the local Game shop for about 5 mins and walked away. Controls are slow, gameplay even slower. The action scenes DO look cool, but ultimately it kind of feels outdated. Bit sloppy. Nice to look at, but you wont want to play it twice. I wont even rent this game now.
save your cash and beat those games. Some of them are really good and you are doing a disservice to yourself by not beating them.
I just picked it up. I hope its good.
I'm not going to buy it...

I'm bullying my housemate into buying it >:)
Just to give you guys a update i didnt get it. Woohoo!