Who Is skipping School/Work To play hl2 tuesday?

Not me,. I have to go to class. ;(
But I will be skipping school wednesday!
i wish... i have 4 classes tuesdays though, so i cant. sucks, but oh well
Im getting up at 3am EST to play, and then stopping at 7 to eat breakfast and go to school...
I won't but i will skip my club,

I have only went once, i think the teacher is getting pissed :)
lol, skipping school would be taking it to the extreames. Its just a game..this thing isnt gonna change your life, or give you a bigger penis, a better life or any of that-its just going to entertain you. I kinda pity all these kids skipping school and calling in sick just to twiddle their fingers and gasp in awe as someone lip-synchs..the same exact stuff that you can *gasp* see everywhere else!
Hyperion2010 said:
Im getting up at 3am EST to play, and then stopping at 7 to eat breakfast and go to school...
Thats What i am doing :naughty:
danielw11 said:
Thats What i am doing :naughty:
Same here. Except it usually takes me a good hour to get ready for school, so I'll stop at 6.
Im taking the day off.Ive convinced them that its akin to watching man walk on the moon as a socially important event.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Its just a game..this thing isnt gonna change your life, or give you a bigger penis
Oh bloody hell. Thats the last time I listen to spam mail.

The class I'm skipping is inconsequential, and considering my schedual, thats one of the best times I can set aside to play.

Better then itching about it all freakin day while trying to pay attention in class!
I think I might stay up to 3am, get HL2 to activate, then going to bed for a few hours, then maybe playing hl2 all tuesday,wednesday and thursday, since I have those off of work :)
I don't have classes until my teacher tells me we do, so no. =)
I'm not skipping college. Otherwise i don't get paid. Plus it's only a game. I'm on in till 12pm wednesday anyway so i get the rest of the day to play! :)
No. i'm not going to :eek:

But i am going to wake up right before it unlocks and play it for 3 hours before school starts :D
And now we know why Halo 2 is more popular! It has REAL fans!!!

Halo 2, everyone took the day/night off work to play!

I've already arranged my shift swapping so i got lots of Half Life 2 quality time
Sgt. Duffy said:
lol, skipping school would be taking it to the extreames. Its just a game..this thing isnt gonna change your life, or give you a bigger penis, a better life or any of that-its just going to entertain you. I kinda pity all these kids skipping school and calling in sick just to twiddle their fingers and gasp in awe as someone lip-synchs..the same exact stuff that you can *gasp* see everywhere else!

Exactly, these people skip school to play a game its ridiculous. School is needed in life to succeed and HL2 is just a fun game. Please people, are you going to even remember hl2 in the next 10 years? Or will you be skipping school for the next hot game that comes out then.

[sarcasm] Skipping school to save a few hours of gameplay after you've been waiting over 6 years for the game is a great idea!!!![/sarcasm]
I was planning to be very good and do an essay before it's released, but that's not going to happen. On Tuesday I should be handing out CVs most of the day and then scurrying home quick as I bloody well can.
Zeus said:
Exactly, these people skip school to play a game its ridiculous. School is needed in life to succeed and HL2 is just a fun game. Please people, are you going to even remember hl2 in the next 10 years? Or will you be skipping school for the next hot game that comes out then.

[sarcasm] Skipping school to save a few hours of gameplay after you've been waiting over 6 years for the game is a great idea!!!![/sarcasm]

You make an excellent point,but I wouldnt be able to concentrate in School as It unlocks at 8am and school starts at 9 so no chance to play it before that.
Zeus said:
Please people, are you going to even remember hl2 in the next 10 years?

I will...well, i'll at least be reminded about it when HL3 comes out, etc...yea
Zeus said:
Exactly, these people skip school to play a game its ridiculous. School is needed in life to succeed and HL2 is just a fun game.
You dont need to attend every single day
Please people, are you going to even remember hl2 in the next 10 years?
Stupid question. Of course. I still remember playing HL1 on my P120 quite clearly.
Or will you be skipping school for the next hot game that comes out then.
Only if its HL3
I've booked a days leave. They all thought I was a bit sad though.
We get it at 8:00AM here, I'll be at my PC, freshly brewed coffee on tap.
GoDGuY said:
And now we know why Halo 2 is more popular! It has REAL fans!!!

Halo 2, everyone took the day/night off work to play!

I've already arranged my shift swapping so i got lots of Half Life 2 quality time

Some of us have resposibilities.
iamaelephant said:
Some of us have resposibilities.

Ahem. MY responsibility is to accurately playtest HalfLife 2 so that I can make sure it is up to the high standards of halflife2.net. Because I take my responsibilities (may be misspelled, but not as bad as elephants! ;) ) seriously, I will be online at 12:00am pst on Teusday morning, and have taken both Teusday AND Wednesday off from work, and am not accepting any jobs at my consulting business on those days either.

As if I could think about anything else anyway, knowing that HL2 is unlocked, and waiting for me (which means my brain will DIE if the unlock early :( , since I have no time from now until them to play it).
I can play all day Tuesday except between 4-5pm, aside from that it will be all HL2. :D
i have a lecture til 11, but the post doesnt usualy come til then so il be running home quick to pick it up and play... all day and night.
I wish i could skip school, and I guess I could, btu then i'd get boned for all the classes i'd missed, and the confinement, demos and PTs just aren't worth it, i guess it'd be a 30-6-30 or so when all was said and done..... does anyone know what i'm talking about, or is it just gibberish?
I'm skipping work but not school. Can't miss more than a day in my sports massage class or they drop me. And I've already missed a day, otherwise I'd be sitting at my comp till the second HL2 is released.

But i'm waiting till I get home and have some friends over so they can watch :D
With a game like Half-Life 2, it deserves a day off just to play it.
I will be taking the day off-ALL day-to play the lovely Half-Life 2. :)
Sgt. Duffy said:
lol, skipping school would be taking it to the extreames. Its just a game..this thing isnt gonna change your life, or give you a bigger penis, a better life or any of that-its just going to entertain you. I kinda pity all these kids skipping school and calling in sick just to twiddle their fingers and gasp in awe as someone lip-synchs..the same exact stuff that you can *gasp* see everywhere else!

Indeed a valid point, or more a "common"point. However, its if someone wants to call off work for an event, any event, from a game (much like this) or a mistress, or to sleep in, whats to pitty?

Not everyone loves going to school, going to work, going about this monotonous grind of a life style, be it wealthy or not.

No offense but such a comment (though your certainly not the only one) is more pitifull than a kid skipping school to play the game, or me , who has already used the game as an excuse to call off of work.
I mean, when i get a chance to stray away from Modern Life (this game is modern life, but the event of playing it and enjoying on a very fine tuesday morning, smoking a joint on the park bench 10 blocks away, the chilly air of the coming winter and all that jazz) i usually take it. I mean, im actually hoping this whole planet de-evolves....ok now im rambling...

Anyhow, was just skimmin the forums and that comment rubbed a remark out of me, forgive, for i have thought :rolleyes:
my boss gave me the day off without me asking since im the gamer in our department
When monday comes it prob will not be able to go to sleep due to excitment