Who is VALVE?



A small question to this "great" community.

You all praying to Valve but who are they?

Hell, what have they done?

Its 5 years ago that they created a Quake conversion called "Halflife". and "Teamfortress". What else? Counterstrike was done by fans, later bought by a Mod Developer. The 2 Halflife Addons "Opposing Force" and "Blueshift" were done by Gearbox Software, labeled with Valve. Team Fortress 2? What the hell happend to that?

Sure, we all saw the legendary E3 video with HL2. Yeah the great graphics, the pysical engine, the great AI. But nail it down to the fact.
Its just a bunch of third company scripts goo'ed together.

Well, isnt it a few days ago that we saw "Counterstrike. Condition Zero" went gold? Will be in stores around 18th Nov. ?

Well Surprise Surprise, CS:CZ gets the fourth Developer. LOL

Source: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=17864

Any words from Gabe yet? HL2 still for Holidays? Or was it April 2004? Oh and there is a beta of hl2 out? And hl1 with CS:CZ with the hl2 engine? Ohhh and the complete, not complete, 1/3, full without multiplayer parts sourcecode with is now observed by the FBI?


Is there "any" truth"?
Aren't you sick of being so pessimistic all your life?
Half-life, and quake mod, LMFAO, ya muppet
it was based off the quake 1+2 engine codes, they completely re-wrote the graphics engine for a start, oh and the netcode, and i think the sound engine, where do i stop?
They've spent the last 5 years fully supporting the mod community, helping CS, DOD and NS to name a few.
They created TFC, not TF, the TF creators were hired by VALVe and they are still working on TF2 which is using the Source engine.
I agree with you that Valve needs to work on their PR a lot, but I still have faith in them. They only have one game to their credit, but it is a game that redefined a genre and spawned the hugest online gaming community because of its mods. Without Half-Life there probably wouldn't be a CS or TFC.

Valve is committed to their fans. What better proof do you need than Gabe saying the one thing he's concerned about the most was getting the game into fan's hands, and then hearing their response of what they thought of it? That doesn't seem like the kind of company that doesn't give a shit about their fanbase.
Alright let me put it like this nitwit: Half-Life was the first game of Valve, when most company's make a simple B title as their first game, Valve came up with a triple A title, one that is considered the best shooter ever. And what makes this extra special is that the founders of Valve are ex-Microsofters, with 0,0 game developement experience.

They proved id WRONG, id though they would make a crappy title, but they actually outclassed Carmack.

They are gamers, not just a greedy company. Sure they wan't to make money, but in the proces please as many gamers as possible. They are very close with the community and as one of the few developers they see the importance of a modding community.

THATS special about Valve.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Alright let me put it like this nitwit: Half-Life was the first game of Valve, when most company's make a simple B title as their first game, Valve came up with a triple A title, one that is considered the best shooter ever. And what makes this extra special is that the founders of Valve are ex-Microsofters, with 0,0 game developement experience.

They proved id WRONG, id though they would make a crappy title, but they actually outclassed Carmack.

They are gamers, not just a greedy company. Sure they wan't to make money, but in the proces please as many gamers as possible. They are very close with the community and as one of the few developers they see the importance of a modding community.

THATS special about Valve.

Well said m8 :)
Hell, what have they done?
they created ... "Halflife". and "Teamfortress". What else?

LOL! Yeah, you're right! They only revolutionised gaming as we know it. They only created what is still considered one of the greatest games of all time five years after its release (an eternity in the games industry). They only worked closely with their fans over the following five years to maximise that engine's capabilities. And they only went on to create yet another revolutionary, ground-breaking game that will advance the entire genre yet again. Except faster. Due to a certain source leak.

You're right, they suck. Imagine they could only do all that!

Sarcasm? What's that? Where?
I personally love the part about HL2 just being a buch of third-party scripts put together.
Hello Troll , how are you doing today?

Is there any "truth"?

No , but THEY are coming from you , they are watching you right now. The only way to protect yourself is tin foil , quick do it. Im with you , the reistance , KILL THE POLLUTION , KILL THE NOISE.
Originally posted by alco
I personally love the part about HL2 just being a buch of third-party scripts put together.

Yeah, I'm sure the Ctrl and C buttons on Valve keyboards are all worn out.
I'd like to see you throw some third-party scripts together and make the next HL2.
I agree with you Spit...

Rant, What do you expect from a Half-Life discussion Forum? Should we talk about chocolate? Maybe we should discuss the NYSE?

I certainly don't see everyone here as "praying" to Valve. In every discussion group you'll have fanboys/girls, trolls, and objective posters and like EVERYONE we all have opinions.

I believe you got a good answer MaDMaXX as to what Valve has done for this community. You know, iD pretty much started the modidng craze and Valve took it a step forward with a true dedication to helping a lot of modders make the most out of the engine.

And as you pointed out, It's also got good appeal in the story department with addon's that at least intertwined and added more depth which is more than I can say about many of the addons for various other FPSs.

Did you register under that nic just to rant Rant?

valve is the opposite of ketchup on your worst nightmare, meaning that when they release hl2 you will be so happy you will enter someplace really happy and be happy there
Yes, I agree...we'll all be...happy.
I think you need to sit down, Rant, if you were standing. If you weren't, then stand up, and sit down again. Because you're wrong about the truth and such. I think TF2 will follow Hl2 very shortly, after all, they're subscription plan would fall apart without new Steam releases. And the hacker had gotten some TF2 files, apparently. That would mean they're working on something. For all we know TF2 could be tied in with hl2's multiplayer. Maybe a bundle is in the works. Either way, you should be optimistic about this, besides, it's just a game. If they for some reason completely cancel it nothing's changed. You've never had Hl2, so it's not like they've take something away. Though I would be pretty disappointed if they did cancel, plus the fact that that would make no sense, at all.

Valve owes it's success on a mod called Counterstrike. If all they had was Half-Life they would not be even be thinking about forcing it's fans to adopt Steam. In a 2001 GDC slide presentation, Valve quite plainly and clearly laid out it's reasons for developing Steam. Content delivery is but one factor. A bigger factor is it's ability to track, moniter, and bill it's users. In the presentation it was stated that in a given year, CS accounted for some absurd number of minutes of online play that was going for FREE. Why emphasize 'free'? Because that tells prospective companies that with Steam, those 'free' minutes can be 'charged' minutes. There is no other reason.

Also, in a Red Herring interview, Gabe himself stated that the profit potential of using the Steam service versus conventional retail means of content delivery was $28 vs. $7-$10(per $50 a game I believe). Seeing as how Steam is far from the reliable, easy-to-use service it was hyped to be, I submit that HL2(Valve's biggest game yet) would've been delayed even if the source code leak hadn't occurred. I'll even submit another theory. The source code leaked was of an early, incomplete build that was made vulnerable on purpose. A leak would make for a nice excuse since saying they wanted to delay HL2 in order to make a crapload of money through Steam might infuriate fans even more. A far-fetched theory, but I just thought I'd throw that one out there anyway.

BTW, all that great, unselfish, completely altruistic support of mods that people praise Valve for? Ever think that Valve needed those CS, TFC, and DOD mod makers just to provide income for it's own lack of productivity? Ever think that the new features in TFC and CS are mainly a way to use a gigantic fanbase as a beta testing group? Ever wonder why such a humble, caring, games-first company would force Steam on it's loyal community and basically tell 56kers they don't matter? I have little sympathy for Valve. They're no longer a bunch of kids-at-heart whose only goal is to make great games. They're Microsoft Jr., whose overriding goal is to monopolize it's control over it's games and make an obscene amount of money(via Steam). I think we'll see a massive exodus of mod authors move to the Doom III engine if Valve doesn't make some fundamental changes about how they plan to implement Steam(can someone say....OPTIONAL?).
jesus, calm down, it amuses me how most of you feel the need to spring into action and defend Valve automatically, there a good company who have made a great game in the past thats about as far as it goes for me, there a game company dont freakin cry for them all the time, I sure as hell wouldnt defend any other company no matter wnat happened to them, remember they have done nothing for you and will do nothing!
thay aint gonna buy you new shoes, there gonna get rich off a new game, like everybody else, your like cultist fanatics ffs
I started picking apart your post Jaguar.. but your just too uninformed to respond to.
nearly every point you make is based on speculation, not fact.

you dont owe valve anything, yes of course they want to make money... making games is both their passion and their job.
Valve dont owe you anything either.
however they still strive to introduce new and innovative technology like steam, and support the mod community to great lengths.

jesus you forget how much trouble valve FROM THE BEGINNING went through to make it easy for people to mod their game.. having the arguement that valve "needed" cs dod etc is utter bullshit
those guys now have paying jobs with valve... how can that be concieted?
thats like people giving gooseman shit for going retail.. its ridiculous

the world does not center around you, pulling facts from you're ass wont alter that fact.
valve does what they do.
now wether or not you appreciate their efforts is another matter...

but hey.. the world is full of assholes.
Originally posted by jet jaguar
Ever wonder why such a humble, caring, games-first company would force Steam on it's loyal community and basically tell 56kers they don't matter?
It is bad for 56k'ers?

It copies data from a previous installation of HL... and when it downloads an update it only updates things that need to be updated... instead of the traditional way where most mods make you download a lot more than you should have to (even in the patches, not the full installs).
... and mod makers no longer have to wait until they build up a big enough update to burden everyone with having to go find a mirror of the file and install it on their own.

I fail to see how keeping the download times as small as possible while still keeping your game up-to-date is something that hurts 56k'ers.
Originally posted by jet jaguar
They're Microsoft Jr., whose overriding goal is to monopolize it's control over it's games and make an obscene amount of money(via Steam). I think we'll see a massive exodus of mod authors move to the Doom III engine if Valve doesn't make some fundamental changes about how they plan to implement Steam(can someone say....OPTIONAL?).

true about the steam thing...except...

who says developers that liscence the source engine have to use steam for the games they create with it? if that's the case, i missed that tidbit of info...

if valve forces developers to use steam, they'll just tell valve to **** off.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
I fail to see how keeping the download times as small as possible while still keeping your game up-to-date is something that hurts 56k'ers.

i think people are referring to the system requirements for steam including the requirement for a broadband connection...

they ignore the fact that a ton of people use steam on 56k despite the "requirement"
cs cz will be out nov 18th

valve completly wrote their own rendering engine and muscular animation system as well as multi lingual lip sync system. As well as the first ever real time hdr in a game, heh.

I have a better question who are you rant and what have you done in your life lately?
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
jesus you forget how much trouble valve FROM THE BEGINNING went through to make it easy for people to mod their game.. having the arguement that valve "needed" cs dod etc is utter bullshit
those guys now have paying jobs with valve... how can that be concieted?
thats like people giving gooseman shit for going retail.. its ridiculous

Oh yeah. Let's make a list of Valve's in-house games:

Half-Life? Yes. Admittedly a great game. Valve's first.
TFC? Nope, that's a HL-mod based off the original Quake-mod.
Op Force? Nope, Gearbox made that one didn't they?
Blue Shift? Darnit, no again.
CS? Hell no.
DoD? Yet again, no.
Gunmen? Lol, no.
Ricochet? Not sure on that one, but since the score's a dismal 1 yes and 6 no, I'll give Valve that one as a show of mercy.

So over the past 5 years Valve has 2 games to show for itself. Something tells me they didn't buy out those mods and make them retail purely out of the goodness of their hearts. Those mods helped Valve's bottom line. The online mods in particular, helped encourage Valve to go ahead with Steam. To deny that only shows your ignorance.

Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
the world does not center around you, pulling facts from you're ass wont alter that fact.
valve does what they do.
now wether or not you appreciate their efforts is another matter...

but hey.. the world is full of assholes.

You would know. Look up the Red Herring site for the Gabe interview. Also if you can find it,(doubtful since Valve removed it from the Steam site about a year ago) find the 2001 GDC keynote slide presentation on Steam. If after reading those two articles you still think Steam(and Valve) is truly only in it for the games then nothing will change your mind.

BTW, before Valve went public with HL2's existence just how much feedback did the community(gamers, not the mod teams) get from Gabe and company? Just so you'd like to know, the Sierra TF2 site hasn't been updated in 2 years. But Valve's a great, caring company.
Originally posted by jet jaguar

THEY are coming for you! The truth IS out there , watch the skies!!! KILL THE POLLUTION , KILL THE NOISE!

jet jaguar=conspiriacy nerd
So you, like many other Gabe fangirls here, believe that the source code for the biggest game of the year was stored on an unsecure, internet-connected pc running MSoutlook just ripe for somebody to hack?

DimitriPopov = Proud owner of Florida swampland
Jaguar you do realise your attacking like 3/4 of this community if you want to stick around i would recomend you be more neutral and not force your opinion down peoples throats.
Originally posted by jet jaguar
So you, like many other Gabe fangirls here, believe that the source code for the biggest game of the year was stored on an unsecure, internet-connected pc running MSoutlook just ripe for somebody to hack?

DimitriPopov = Proud owner of Florida swampland

Excuse me thats inherited swampland , thank you very much. I also own a Jeep and drive around in my swampland having much fun with my girlfirend in the passengers seat.
TF was a popular mod for Quake.

So, Valve hired the TF team to make TF2 for them.

When they saw that it was going to be a while until they finished TF2 they made a mod for HL called TFC so that the TF fans would have something to do while they waited for TF2.

So, technically, they were employees at Valve when they made TFC.

How many other game companies offer jobs to as many mod teams as Valve has?

How many other game companies keep giving the same amount of support, if not more, for a game after it has been out for 5 years and they aren't making much money from it anymore?

How many other game companies answer anywhere near as much fan/mod/troubleshooting e-mail as Valve does?

I'm not saying they are perfect, but if you compare them to other companies that have developed highly popular games... like Dice (makers of Battlefield)... you'll see that Valve is probably the most involved with the community and that is what made them successful.
do u guys think carmack has something up his sleeve for doom 3?
Originally posted by Lavrik
Jaguar you do realise your attacking like 3/4 of this community if you want to stick around i would recomend you be more neutral and not force your opinion down peoples throats.

Ironically, Valve is attempting to shove Steam down the throats of everyone who play's HL and it's mods so I feel absolutely justified. How much value can this forum have if it's main goal is to only promote Valve and ignore it's fallacies and shortcomings?

The reason for my bitterness goes back to TF2 and the way Valve threw up a wall of silence over it's development and progress. No reason was given. The only time Valve ever opens up is when it's time to promote a new mod or game and then, only when a reporter with balls actually asks a tough question like 'Where the hell is TF2?'. They have yet to elaborate on Steam and how LANs and cybercafes are to operate within it's guidelines. They have yet to elaborate on reasons why Steam has to maintain a connection even when playing SP. There is no other recourse but to speculate because Valve's PR is NON-EXISTANT except when it serves their purpose.

TF2, winner of the 1999 E3 MP Game of the Year Award.

While I don't condone what the hacker/s did to Valve I also have little sympathy for Valve.
yeah...lavrik i'm not too sure why you're attacking jaguar for having a strong opinion...instead of arguing a point, you just bash him for having a point...

i agree though jaguar...valve has been pretty worthless as far as PR goes. but being the juggernaut they are, they don't have any reason to be better...people are gonna buy hl2 no matter what... and they know it.

the whole steam thing is basically a fiasco, imo...cs 1.6 is a joke, and many reputable clans are basically stopping trying to compete when running spray is so effective and on top of that, people can't stay connected.

steam has a great idea at heart, but it should defenitely be optional on some level. making people use it to get new content is fine, but requiring people to stay connected to play LAN or SP is rediculous...

it has no purpose other than authentication...which i understand on some level...of course they don't want people to play hl2 multiplayer at all unless they have a cd-key, which is an acceptable wish.

but you can't stop piracy...that's been proven. valve is still trying to do it, though...they don't want pirate LAN games i guess :\
Originally posted by jet jaguar
So you, like many other Gabe fangirls here, believe that the source code for the biggest game of the year was stored on an unsecure, internet-connected pc running MSoutlook just ripe for somebody to hack?

DimitriPopov = Proud owner of Florida swampland

Yah the believe it and they believing Valve and Gabe...

Who is the troll fanboys? eh?
but you forgot to quote this
you dont owe valve anything, yes of course they want to make money... making games is both their passion and their job.
Valve dont owe you anything either."

any point beyond that and you're either flaming or trolling.
its an opinion, as I argued, valve built HL around the idea that people could mod it.
now you could go ahead and say "well blah blah mod saved them" but honestly.. the fact that they were dilligent enough to work with those teams and creat a modifiable base, was the reason they are here.. as I said you cant pick at valve for sharing the wealth.
and dont misunderstand me, I never said valve arent in it for the money. however it really comes down to are they doing their job?
considering Valve are one of the mega game making companies after just one game.. that only strengthens the arguement they are doing things the right way.

simply put, they are in it for money, but so is everyone else, and by developing new technology that we purchase we are showing our interest in it.
if you dont like valve and thier products.. dont like their ethics and business routines?
dont work for them
dont buy their products
and most certainly dont waste precious moments of your life trying to degrade them on one of their fans biggest forums.
I don't know any other game that @ any one time has tens of thousands of people playing it online and the engine is 5 years old.
Originally posted by Rant
A small question to this "great" community.

You all praying to Valve but who are they?

Hell, what have they done?

Its 5 years ago that they created a Quake conversion called "Halflife". and "Teamfortress". What else? Counterstrike was done by fans, later bought by a Mod Developer. The 2 Halflife Addons "Opposing Force" and "Blueshift" were done by Gearbox Software, labeled with Valve. Team Fortress 2? What the hell happend to that?

Sure, we all saw the legendary E3 video with HL2. Yeah the great graphics, the pysical engine, the great AI. But nail it down to the fact.
Its just a bunch of third company scripts goo'ed together.

Well, isnt it a few days ago that we saw "Counterstrike. Condition Zero" went gold? Will be in stores around 18th Nov. ?

Well Surprise Surprise, CS:CZ gets the fourth Developer. LOL

Source: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=17864

Any words from Gabe yet? HL2 still for Holidays? Or was it April 2004? Oh and there is a beta of hl2 out? And hl1 with CS:CZ with the hl2 engine? Ohhh and the complete, not complete, 1/3, full without multiplayer parts sourcecode with is now observed by the FBI?


Is there "any" truth"?

No developer was changed months ago. The game is still done.

The only not intern job from valve is Havok.