Who is Xfire gaming?


Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
I always received content for steam updates from valve. But a steam update... from xfire? Who are these people?

I guess valve has finally started to host content on other servers, that's all. Is this new? Pretty crafty business valve!
Makes sense.. I bet xfire gets plenty of new users this way. I know Xfire roxorz Steam Friend's list's boxorz.

I use xfire for every game i play (as do all my friends/clan members)
bah i figure ehhhh msn is already on the computer just use that
Xfire's awesome, much props to VALVe for affiliating with them. One of the best programs ever made for gamers IMO. Soooo handy :p
X-fire does what steams friends list should do, and better than the friends list did even when it worked...

As to the advert, valve need servers and bandwidth. Now, do they pay for that themselves, or do they get it for free in exchange for having adverts for the hosting company? Yeah, thats what I thought...
Xfire > Steam any day of the week.

My entire clan is using it, as are many, many other clans. It's the best general gaming tool out there, even top developers in the industry use it. Just check out the features on the site http://www.xfire.com
has anyone seen the steam buddies list actually work? it would be so more usefull, no more waiting for a mate to find a server then following him in from xfire and starting cs:s fresh
pbze said:
has anyone seen the steam buddies list actually work? it would be so more usefull, no more waiting for a mate to find a server then following him in from xfire and starting cs:s fresh

Never works for me. I think it worked once a long time ago. You can alt tab to xfire, or just ask your friend the IP through xfire ingame.