Who Likes Carmageddon?


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
I Think Carmageddon is a huge stress relief, like after a hard day, what's better than getting into a car, running over people, smashinig other cars, and getting MONEY for it? Carmageddon should a reality TV show. :cheese:
I hope someone makes a Carmageddon mod for HL2. I never got to play the most recent one, but I loved Carmageddon 2.
Yeah I loved carmageddon and carmageddon 2 from the start. Awesome games... but I find postal 2 is a pretty good modern-day replacement for relieving stress by inflicting greusome/funny injuries and/or death on completely innocent virtual people.
one of the best things where all the mods and stuff to pc up.. like fat zombies and suisidal zombies that just ran at your car :) i think the game was baced on a film. death race 2000 i think it was called i really wanna see it
I like Carmageddon 1 & 2 but the most receant one is a bit shit.
Funny you should mention Carmageddon...

"New Carmageddon Title

According to UK trade paper, MCV, SCi's latest financial results include news regarding a new Carmageddon title. Here's the scoop:

The new version of Carmageddon is due in summer 2005.

In addition to this, SCi has a further four products in the prototype phase with planned releases in the 2005 and 2006 financial years.

"The last financial year has been our most successful to date," offered Cavanagh. "Our strategy of investing in high quality licences and products, working with the best developers and partnering with strong distributors worldwide is proving successful. The directors look forward to the future with great confidence."

The report also reminds us that the series sold over 1.6 million units since the launch of the original back in 1997. What it fails to mention though, is that the game was banned at the time and members of SCi were put in prison. Also, gore was pulled from the game and zombies were inserted. In all, it was a highly controversial endeavor. Let's hope all that prison food and certain "activities" didn't damage their artistic integrity..."

Let's hope it's better than number 3; get back to the roots of 1 and 2, and it'll be a sure fire winner :D
put in prison? Haha that's hilarious.

I loved Carmageddon 1 & 2, hope they go back the originals winning formulae with number 4(?)
Thought it was the best game ever when it came out, so graphic!