Who likes the taste of Robotussin?

Well, do you like the taste?

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Jun 25, 2004
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Well, I tried Robotrippin for the first time with my friend a couple days ago and remembered that I actually like the taste of Robotussin. He needed a chaser, though, and said he hated it. I was wondering where everyone stands.
Not so bad... It's medicine, so I don't care if it tastes good or not... as long as it helps me.
What... you mean like a robo-buzz? Downing an entire bottle? 'Cause it's like tripping and drinking at the same time, but it is a rather fourteen-ish way to get wasted.
Greatgat said:
What... you mean like a robo-buzz? Downing an entire bottle? 'Cause it's like tripping and drinking at the same time, but it is a rather fourteen-ish way to get wasted.
it's also cheap as shit, which is nice, since i don;t have time for a job at my college
no it doesnt taste good.

yes ill drink a lot of it if im sick. no i wont drink it any other time.

what the ****.
Shamrock said:
I hate you Icarusintel.
and i love you... so now we';re even :cat:

i'll have to take that into consideration Greatgat, but this was my first time, and i certainly wasn;t going to pick it up as a habit, i'll just bum liqour off drunk friends
Icarusintel said:
it's also cheap as shit, which is nice, since i don;t have time for a job at my college

Ah, you do mean that way. I wouldn't advise it, really. After a while it starts to mess with... well, everything.

Seriously, not a good thing to get into. I've done it all, including a serious stint of the robobuzz thing when younger, and it gets a lot less fun after a bit.
Just get weed.

(and dont put ppl down for trippin on robotussin, it's cheap and easy :) (Not that i've ever done it))
Icarusintel said:
and i love you... so now we';re even :cat:

i'll have to take that into consideration Greatgat, but this was my first time, and i certainly wasn;t going to pick it up as a habit, i'll just bum liqour off drunk friends
Why not make another post? :P
Am i the only one thats had "buckley's cough medicine"?
Uriel said:
Am i the only one thats had "buckley's cough medicine"?
No one wants to hear about your bf :|

I edit all of my posts about four times. I think i'm obsessive compulsive.
Ikerous said:
No one wants to hear about your bf :|

I edit all of my posts about four times. I think i'm obsessive compulsive.

"Buckley's cough medicine" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ikerous said:
No one wants to hear about your bf :|

I edit all of my posts about four times. I think i'm obsessive compulsive.

oh jeeze, did i set myself up for that. Hehehehehe, nice one

Hahahahaha, i cant stop laughing... SICK!
Uriel said:
oh jeeze, did i set myself up for that. Hehehehehe, nice one

Hahahahaha, i cant stop laughing... SICK!
Lol, yea, gj :laugh: <3