Who loves junk mail?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
They make me laugh so much.
Bears pink cherry shoes chenille pillows mobiles.
Troopers, catapulted, sexy obscurity her guest.
Service investor relations wireless privacy policy inc, nasdaqholl fw.
Cocircte demeraude recalls maritime prowess, remarkably intact castles vitreacute.
Smack celluloid vinyl rag concrete, loop cooler coolfer blabber.
Leaving basics folder, britneys sons sure.
Jaredreese dodges takes orleansthe double.
Drowned cities, arthurian forests megaliths arise medieval far modern!
Wieght named hem, karen jessica?
Bears pink cherry shoes chenille pillows mobiles.
Ha, I forgot the R.

People don't actually write that... It's randomly generated with those keywords for some reason.
Ha, I forgot the R.

People don't actually write that... It's randomly generated with those keywords for some reason.

I don't even know what they are thinking..

"Hey, lets make it so it's just a random string of letters to get past the spam filters.."
"Yeah, if it gets past the spam filter, people must obviously think it's important and will click the links!"
I don't even know what they are thinking..

"Hey, lets make it so it's just a random string of letters to get past the spam filters.."
"Yeah, if it gets past the spam filter, people must obviously think it's important and will click the links!"
You'd be surprised.
Drowned cities, arthurian forests megaliths arise medieval far modern!
Man that seems to come right out of a badly translated foreign Shakespeare part :p
Best spam ever:

Physical pain sux:(
I'm 65 years old retiree. Not too old for man ;) but grandchildren remind every day about my age :)) 45 years-long duty left me several health-presents. Believe me - sometimes i'm almost ready to use my 9mm M9 Beretta, if you know what i mean ;) To reduce pain, I'm trying several options now: HCL tramadol 180- http://xyz.com and Pain relief soma watson http://xyz2.com (what is the correct name of this drug? ultram or tramadol?)

STOP ME, please, if you know why i should not use these medications, but ultram is helping - i feel it, right now - while writing these words - i feel better and better.

Just pull the trigger, grandpa :laugh: