Who loves their crowbars


Feb 8, 2005
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I like the crowbars a lot. they are lots of fun. but there are not lots of weapons in this game. you find your self stuck with a pistol for a wile. but there are not many guns. this isnt realy a question but who agrees :sniper:
Can you stop making so many topics... please. You're cluttering the database.
No offense but this sounds like a 2nd graders spelling homework topic.
Hmmmm a lot of PERIODS in that statement, or I mean...statements!
go easy on the newb.

crabs, youre alright. dont sweat it. but no new topics for a while, 'k?
k, i just started on this, i have no idea whats goin on. my bad man chill.
Well, I geuss ill respond to your topic..

Yes I do agree the crowbar is good and there aren't a lot of guns..
They have a godlen crow bar at Valve HQ, do they plan on getting a golden grav gun :D
So... the crowbar is fun, but you are often forced to rely on the pistol when your crowbar runs out of ammo?
I have found a new level of respect for Gordon after I had to use a crowbar to tear down some walls while I was doing renovation work for my parents. They are alot harder to work with and smash into things than how Gordon makes it seem. :O
The Mullinator said:
They are alot harder to work with and smash into things than how Gordon makes it seem. :O
The HEV suit gives him superhuman strength!
f|uke said:
The HEV suit gives him superhuman strength!
Perhaps... But then in HL2 why can't he throw anything further once he gets the HEV suit? He throws crates the same distance....
The Mullinator said:
Perhaps... But then in HL2 why can't he throw anything further once he gets the HEV suit? He throws crates the same distance....

Wow, could we overthink this topic any further :thumbs: (great rebutal though)
The Mullinator said:
Perhaps... But then in HL2 why can't he throw anything further once he gets the HEV suit? He throws crates the same distance....
Ooh, good point..

But still, he cant even sprint untill he puts it on..

Oh the inconsistancies!
ya then why cant he jump higer or something like halo. thats what it would be like right. and thats no fun
Personally, I'd rather have a Zero Point gravbar-shotnade-RPGbullet Manipulator.
I'm not sure about that theory of the hev suit. In game, it looks like he taps stuff, once, maybe twice and the it just breaks......

I HAD THE BEST IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just came to me. THey should have had a thing that takes up suit energy to make you crowbar things harder. So there would be specific puzzles where you'd have to crowbar things with the super power to break it or move it or set off a trap in ravenholm or something. They'd also make melee attacks for weapons so the super power thing wouldn't go to waste in one time use only situations
f|uke said:
go easy on the newb.

crabs, youre alright. dont sweat it. but no new topics for a while, 'k?

Hey just listened to some fluke and i love Snapshot and Hang tough. Pm me with their best songs really interested in these guys.