Who Really Hired the G-MAN in H-L 1?(I think I know)


Oct 28, 2007
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The Nihilanth.

Allow me to explain. How exactly could Breen have first contacted the G-Man in the hopes of attaining a highly concentrated Xenian crystal? Answer. He couldn't. The G-Man contacted him under the false guise of wanting to assist him in his teleportation experiments.

The Nihilanth was trapped on Xen after fleeing the combine. He obviously knows about the G-Man. You are man...he is not man...for you he waits...for you... said by the Nihilanth to Gordon during "The Interloper" chapter. This is obviously in reference to the G-Man. Hiring him to create a dimensional rift between earth and Xen so that the Xenians could escape from the combine to a world less barren.

It would also seem that the highly pure sample of the crystal likely came from the Nihilanth's chamber. Now none of us know the true extent of the G-Man's abilities but taking a crystal from the Nihilanth without his permission may be too ballsy even for him.

So in closing the Resonance Cascade was the G-man's doing and he did it on purpose. Who could have known of the G-Man and who benefited most from the resonance cascade? The Nihilanth.
"Thieves... you are all thieves..."

So no.
They were stealing xenian creatures and other crystals as well for experimentation. That could be what he was referring to.
It's one of the more sane theories I've seen. Intriguing.
I may have missed this if you mentioned it, but you kill the Nihilanth. And he dosn't really get any bonus because of this.
I may have missed this if you mentioned it, but you kill the Nihilanth. And he dosn't really get any bonus because of this.

But it's possible that the Nihilanth didn't foresee Freeman (or anyone else, for that matter) being able to actually stop him.
G-man wanted Xen controled by his employers. (free from Nihilanth)
If the G-man caused the cascade, why would he warn Eli not to do it before the test? hm?

prepare for unforeseen consequences, that's what he said to eli before he did the test.
If the G-man caused the cascade, why would he warn Eli not to do it before the test? hm?

prepare for unforeseen consequences, that's what he said to eli before he did the test.
It was something like "Haha, now you're f*cked up, dude".
Unless...The gman was forced to do that against his will...and then Used Gordon to kill nihilanth and free him.
The Nihilanth.

Allow me to explain. How exactly could Breen have first contacted the G-Man in the hopes of attaining a highly concentrated Xenian crystal?

The crystal was taken by Black Mesa personal. It is shoown in OP4 that BM had been studing Xen for a while.
G-man supplied specific, very pure xenium sample with unique fluctuations.
I think it could have been the Combine. They hired him to kill Nihilanth and get them Xen (though in the end they didn't seem to learn much about teleportation from the boarder world, if I'm correct). He used Black Mesa because the resonance cascade would both weaken Nihilanth's forces and draw Nihilanth's attention to the humans. In the end, he ended up using Freeman for the final blow, simply taking advantage of the situation rather than having it planned from the beginning. In the end, Nihily was dead, the Combine got Xen (didn't seem to do them much good, though), the Vortigaunts were freed, the portal storms ravaged both worlds, and through these the Combine found Earth.

That is of course, mostly speculation.
What good would it do the combine to eradicate the vortigaunts? They enslave races for their benefits. Killing them seems counterintuitive.
Nihilanth was a threat. Even small threats must be squashed. Also, if you remember, the 'bad' ending of HL features an army of grunts and mantas, seemingly under the control of the g-man and his employers.
Nihilanth was a threat. Even small threats must be squashed. Also, if you remember, the 'bad' ending of HL features an army of grunts and mantas, seemingly under the control of the g-man and his employers.

No, they were "survivors of your own personal holocaust".

Mostly, alien survivors pissed at you.
Someone in Black Mesa, as Breen knows about the 'Contract', meaning it had to be someone he knows, or Gman has been around, looking for sales.

Hang on, if anyone can supply that new concept art for Episode 3 with the advisor and possibly Gman, It looks as if Gman is leading the advisors, maybe they now own Gordon...as a way of stopping his destructive rampage of the combine.
As far as I know there is no official concept art for Ep 3 yet.
And there is no mention of when and how Breen first met the G-Man.
I think that the G man is in this for himself. He pulled off the mercenary quite well, but honestly he does not seem to be working for anyone but himself.

The G man has a interest in defeating the combine, but has some kind of limitations put upon him for doing it himself. Which means that there are others out their preventing him from doing so. Now i think the question is who are they? Leaders of the Combine? Or perhaps a group of incridebaly powerful being that stick themselves to a strict set of rules for interference in the multiverse.
So he's referring to himself in the third person when he mentions his "employers"?

Could also be a guard post of some sort.

Who knows? They're aliens.
Who were nicely rounded up in the one area by someone.

I'd imagine that if the g-man was going to send you to a place where you would most assuredly be killed, it would be in a place where a large number of the aliens were congregating.
G man is going to lead onto gordan that The Borealis is going to contain somethink that will save earth but it is really a hiddin portal which Gman needs to forfill his plan for earth......The Borealis which needs to be destroyed (which Eli has told u)soo when u find out its a portal gman comes out with his huge plan on how hes been using u and what hes here for!!! but u have a choice to save earth or save alyx which gman has now gotten control over her
G man is going to lead onto gordan that The Borealis is going to contain somethink that will save earth but it is really a hiddin portal which Gman needs to forfill his plan for earth......The Borealis which needs to be destroyed (which Eli has told u)soo when u find out its a portal gman comes out with his huge plan on how hes been using u and what hes here for!!! but u have a choice to save earth or save alyx which gman has now gotten control over her
I agree with the first part, G-Man undoubtedly wants both you and Alyx to get to the Borealis and there will probably be some major revelation once you get there. The choice part will never happen because it creates problems when the story is continued further, so whatever happens there will either be intuitive (Goal: Destroy Borealis!) or out of your hands.
ummmmmmm any1 seen this scary gman appearance on youtube youll have type in at youtube
I will forever profess that "You are man, he is not man" is not a line about the G-man unless Valve specifically tells me so. The Nihilanth told me that line when he dumped me into ichthyosaur-infested waters; why would he be talking about the G-man at that time?

I also doubt that the G-man was hired by any of the parties we have seen thus far. There was a post I wrote a very long time ago in Rumors and Speculation--gone now, RIP--about the factions we've seen in Half-Life and how the G-man has continuously alluded to an as-yet-unseen group puppeting things behind the scenes. While the G-man has recently been in the business of loaning you out, that does not seem his primary occupation (as a manager of sorts), nor his concern. Nor his employers' concern. Consider it a side business for him that just so happens to overlap with his goals.

Acquisition of Xen was likely one of those goals. Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, and Adrian Shephard just happened to be spur-of-the-moment interests. There's no evidence to suggest that the G-man worked for anyone else except for those mysterious employers to whom he reports.
I will forever profess that "You are man, he is not man" is not a line about the G-man unless Valve specifically tells me so. The Nihilanth told me that line when he dumped me into ichthyosaur-infested waters; why would he be talking about the G-man at that time?

It's as good a time as any. Would it have made more sense if he said it when you were teleported to the room with all the vortigaunts? I don't think the Nihilanth needed to explain to me that an Ichthyosaur is in fact, not a man.

Acquisition of Xen was likely one of those goals. Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, and Adrian Shephard just happened to be spur-of-the-moment interests. There's no evidence to suggest that the G-man worked for anyone else except for those mysterious employers to whom he reports.

At the end of HL2 he was ready to contract out Gordon once again to a third party. It would seem that the G-Man has hidden motives, but he fleshes his will through contracts that serve his interest.
It's as good a time as any. Would it have made more sense if he said it when you were teleported to the room with all the vortigaunts? I don't think the Nihilanth needed to explain to me that an Ichthyosaur is in fact, not a man.
He didn't need to state that he was "the last," either, but it would seem he is a master of the obvious.

I just can't believe the G-man is "not man." It's just so stupid. I can't get behind it. And that .wav file doesn't sway me.

At the end of HL2 he was ready to contract out Gordon once again to a third party. It would seem that the G-Man has hidden motives, but he fleshes his will through contracts that serve his interest.
I think Valve stated a while ago that G-man isn't human, especially the way he talks (he seems uncomfortable to speak human).

In Episode 2, the song that plays during Gmans speech VLVX_Song26 (this particular song, acording to wikipedia is called "Inhuman Frequency")
you know what would be awesome? if there was like RTS half life game where you could control a number of factions, eg. combine, humans, nihilanth and they all had
different buildings and troops. Combine had synth factories and places like nova prospekt where they could convery human forces to combine soldiers, they also have a citadel as their town centre. The humans had tanks and helcopters, and they had a barracks for training troops, for a town centre they could just have a town hall. The nihilanth could have gargantuas and other aliens, they could have grunts and enslaved vortiguants as their soldiers and crazy xen architecture in their buildings.

the forces would be a bit like:
humans: man-made (unorganic) weapons, artillery (tanks, guns, helicopters) and architecture

combine: semi-robotic-organic soldiers and heavy artillery (striders, gunships)

nihilanth: natural, organic lifeforms and natural architecture of their own use.
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. And there already IS a mod like that: http://hl2wars.hlrse.net/

Bacons said:
I think Valve stated a while ago that G-man isn't human, especially the way he talks (he seems uncomfortable to speak human).
They said no such thing. The Prima strategy guide is where the "uncomfortable with human speech" thing comes from. Valve never says one way or the other if the G-man is an alien or not, and frankly if they ever said he was I'd be disappointed. Greatly disappointed. It seriously is one of the most cliched plot twists they could pull.
I'm not sure how much of a twist it would be, really. A lot of players seem to already accept the idea that he's of non-human origin. I don't see a lot of potential for surprise if that turns out to be the case. I doubt there will ever be a "big reveal" in Half-Life that exposes what the G-Man is though. He will forever be our ominous, special, mutual friend. Man or not.

I'm also willing to bet money that Nihilanth was referring to him with that line, but you never know. It just seems like having the head honcho of an alien armada making foreboding statements about some dinky little fish in the corner of a level (a species that I had previously gained experience slaughtering) deflates it.