Who Wants Some More Lo Wang?


Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
September 10, 2005 - After being locked away on some dude's floppy discs for about a decade, 3D Realms is releasing the Wanton Warrior add-on for Shadow Warrior which has never seen the light of day... UNTIL NOW:

Anthony Campiti: When Shadow Warrior was released, it quickly became the favorite game in the office. Who could forget those damn sticky bombs! When we were given the chance to create an add-on for SW, we jumped in determined to make it the best add-on product on the market. Our level designers did incredible work and stretched the limits of the BUILD engine.

Unfortunately, due to various circumstances Wanton Destruction was never released. Years went by and we moved onto dozens of other projects. But, recently I was going through our software archives and I found a CD-R labeled 'Add-on Archive 1'. I'm happy to say it includes a complete archive of the Wanton Destruction project. I quickly sent and email to 3DRealms so they could get into the hands of the Shadow Warrior fans! Enjoy more Lo Wang!
"ATI HL2 Voucher Owners To Receive Bronze Package"

What does this have to do with Wangs?
Pretty dumb and pretty fun game.
I would consider playing a souped-up remake/sequel but I'm not going back to those graphics.

send us a working link, AHAH BLOW UP LIKE DUKE NUKEM!:cheers:

classic one liners in that game

I can honestly say having more wang is not something i'm trying to achieve at this time