Who wants to ask Rick Ellis a question?

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May 15, 2003
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He's offered me an interview by email, and I've got a few ideas of things I'd like to ask... but I thought I'd throw it open to the community

Any questions? Post 'em here, and get 'em answered!

Heh. I know this is a little like the 'Info from Valve only' thread, but still. Post 'em up! :)

Not long till I send the email, and non-question posts will be deleted.
I have a question

What are the exact maximum limits allowed for


contained within a single map (bsp) file.. That would be very helpful to know.


Is there a global timer/counter, something that can be used to keep a count through a game (not reset everytime you change maps) and accessed with triggers and other features in hammer and/or through writing special code.


It's said Source now has fog in it. Will the fog fade to a single flat color at its furthest distance, or will there be an option to have objects fade into the background/skybox image colors. Which looks more realistic than objects fading to a flat color and popping out of nowhere. Especially when the background/skybox is detailed even at the horizon, which is often the case.


It's also said there's now options for altering textures during the game. Will this a) allow mods to give the impression of during a snowfall, snow gradually appearing on surfaces or make them appear wet during the rain. Faking the impression by fading in extra layers of texture. b) will it also work for skybox textures, letting you change the appearance of those over time.


Ok stickied the thread as it'll be useful to everyone interested in HL2.
Err let me think... i know.

Q: will you be able to fly the helicopter (stupid question)
Q: When will it be released
Q: can you make shaders in XSI then export them to Hammer and vice versa
Q: If an NPC falls off a tall object will they begin to tumble before they hit anything, in other words if it looks like there going to die form ther fall will the ragdoll effect kick in, in advance.
Q: In MP will you be able to sniper people while they are inside certain vehicles
Q: How long before it's released?
Q: Is CS:CZ being ported to the source engine and/or being made part of CS2
Q: How many polygons are there in the adverage scene
Q: If you put a Strider in the 3D sky box would you see a really really big strider? (even more stupid)
Q: Is it being released in April?
Q: Can we see the bink strider video please
Q: Arn't you fed up of people comeing round valve?
Q: does source support meta balls? and if so could you give them physical properties to make some kind of dodgy fluid simulation?
Q: and finally when is it being released?
The only thing I really want to know..

Will bodies have proper collision detection with other bodies? By this I mean, for example, could I kill two combines and stack the bodies ontop of eachother, then use them as a ledge?
my question is related to music..

Will HL2 have some sort of plugin or something like HLamp.. which allows u to play mp3's while playing SP/MP ??

and i know Gabe has confirmed a "Collector's Edition" but now.. is there anything they can tell us about it? possible items that may be included... or if it these editions will be available at the same time as the other versions of the game?

edit: mrBadger, in case u need to limit the number of questions asked.. and u happen to pick one of mine.. i'd like one about the Collector's Edition asked.. just because i will definitely be getting it :E
Alright I have a question... I think I already know the answer but at the Havok site they mentioned "Key Framed Ragdoll" Does this mean that when I kill a Combine Soldier, his body parts will be "hinted" a little before the ragdoll takes complete effect? An example: I shoot him in the head, and his arms are "hinted" to go to his face to clutch the wound, while total ragdoll takes effect.

So basicly what I am asking is, is that what "Key Framed Ragdoll" means? And will it be implemented into HL2?

(PS: I don't think the term was "Key Framed Ragdoll" But it was something like it.)
Sprafa said:
*Just answering*

That's a Havok simulated thingy. It's already present in MP2 (hoever in an arcaic way)

Actually, it's not in MP2. Bodies aren't simulated as actual objects.. they can block doorways/etc, but you can't jump on them, nor stack them and use them as ledges. Besides, are you sure bodies don't clip through eachother in MP2? I don't remember seeing bodies ontop of eachother.. either way, you can walk through them, I want to know if you'll be able to jump ontop of bodies.

I have another question as well,
Will Half-Life 2 have geometry scaling? So, for example, on a high end computer, windows/doors on buildings would be rendered (to a certain extent, ala STALKER), and not appear flat, while on a lower system, they'd be textured? Or are all windows/doors going to be the same as last generation games, textured? I've been wondering this for awhile now.. I'm really hoping for high geometry windows/doors, like we've seen in STALKER shots.
Few SDK type questions:

1. We've heard that it's possible to put VGUI2 into the game world (presumably on the surface of an object or wall or something), as well as in the Game UI plane and desktop. How exactly will this work and what sort of capabilities can we expect? For example, what kinds of applications could be implemented using VGUI2?

2. Will there be any kind of SDK to allow external applications to hook into Steam? Not just for games wanting to use the Steam filesystem, but maybe interrogating Steam for the list of games in the "My Games" list, which would be useful for external server browsers maybe.

3. What sort of things are coming in the future of Steam? We've heard about features like P2P, the billing interfaces for buying games, extra support for mods, etc. etc. but there's no public timeframe for the inclusion of these kinds of features. What's the plan for putting these in, and what other features do you have in the works?
Will we be able to creade out own shaders that are compatable with 3DS Max as well as XSI?
How much support will there be for the 3DS Max modelers in the SDK (ie examples, shaders, etc)?
Epsi said:
3. What sort of things are coming in the future of Steam? We've heard about features like P2P, the billing interfaces for buying games, extra support for mods, etc. etc. but there's no public timeframe for the inclusion of these kinds of features. What's the plan for putting these in, and what other features do you have in the works?

what might be another good question related to Steam is whether Valve has planned other than Valve games to be available through Steam.. and if so, has any of the game companies shown interest? (i know Rick probably won't answer that second part of the question regardless of who shows interest, but ask anyway :p )
For all us coupon holders, can he confirm that it is valid for the full game, no strings attached, nothing cut out? Last I heard there was still some question as to whether this was the case. Along the same lines, can he give us a better idea of how they'll incentivize downloading via Steam, ie pdf manuals, special maps or media? Anything? Thanks.
Here's a question.

1. Where do you see (or hope to see) Valve and Steam fitting into the future of PC gaming?

2. Has working on Half-Life 2 put any major strains on your life outside of work?
If you want to play online, will you be able to play without the need for Teh Steam?
Is NURBS or similar style modeling going to be present in HL2, to save polys on circular objects, cylinders, etc - also to dramatically reduce map sizes? While .bsp polygon-based maps are still the basis of HL2, is any such kind of on-the-fly polygon trickery going to be present?
Could we get some figures on some of the models present in the game. Take for instance the strider... how many polies, size of texture map, size of normal map, how many shaders and how many shader instructions per shader. Just to get an idea of what exactly we can put on an object without having the game run slow.
FictiousWill said:
Is NURBS or similar style modeling going to be present in HL2, to save polys on circular objects, cylinders, etc - also to dramatically reduce map sizes? While .bsp polygon-based maps are still the basis of HL2, is any such kind of on-the-fly polygon trickery going to be present?

kinda related question, and i dunno if it was answered in that wall editing video... but can you do that sort of thing, make a one polygon wall with the realtime lighting effects and stuff... but do it on other surfaces... like something that moves, maybe not a character model, but maybe some other type of moving model, like perhaps a vehicle(for instance).... probably a dumb question, but eh kinda curious
will bodies be persistant objects? gibs? bullet casings? (pls ask this one!)

are their interactive objects on enemies (like the flame troopers backpack in the hl expansion) enemies helmets being shot off etc?

are there plans to release a fully playable mod with the game? does that have something to do with delay? (probably wont answer this)
Can you confirm or deny the rumour of counter strike being half life 2's multiplayer when shipped?

and say, if you shoot a grenade on a combines belt, will it explode and kill him/others around?
tried a search (seems like I've seen something about this before), but we're still limited to 4 charachter words...

Can you give an indication as to what kind of multiplayer experience the 56k'er can expect? What kind of quality sacrifices will have to be made?

Also, here's a couple I sent to Gabe and never got a reply on (right after the delay announcement, perfect timing on my part):

Will there be built in support or a patch to support tactile feedback on the Logitech iFeel mouse? Has anyone at VALVe been in contact with Immersion?

Did you do any testing with 3D shutter glasses? If so, what kind(s) of setups?
Scince HL@ will have real physics, dose the surface area you uare hit with affect dammage?Jabbed with a pole versus stabbed with a sword. Im curious because i want to make a mod where players can only use whats in their inviorment, it would be nice to have something sharp and effective.
Will vehicles be available in multiplayer? How large can half life 2 multiplayer maps be in comparison to battle field 1942? I know there was an example of this but have they been successful in developing a map similar in size to a medium sized BF42 level?
My Questions are:

1) How flexible will the game engine be? For example i plan on perhaps making a mod where all the action takes place in 3rd person. The combat will be stylish using moves seen in action movies and the highly requested firing of dual weapons to opposite sides. It would probably need to be able to support different "moves" one can perform and possibly a combo system.

2) How newbie friendly will the SDK be? I used to make mods for quake 1 a while ago and it was very well documented and explained with examples and such. Will a person like me be able to step in and learn the ropes of HL2 modding without too much frustration or is it a fairly complicated effort?

3) What language will the code be in? Will it be C++ or it's own hybrid language like quake1, which is called 'quakec' ?

4) Will there be a foliage system of sorts in the engine, so for example mod makers could create a jungle map where cover actually helped and it didn't look terrible or does the game still use the HL1 system of sprites to simulate foliage?

5) How much will the SDK weigh? Can you give us an approximation on the size it will take up on the hard drive when fully extracted?

6) Same as one of the questions above, what kind of version will the users who got the game bundled with an ATI videocard get? Will they be able to play multiplayer mods or are we limited to just the single player?
My question is: How long (do you imagine) would it take to convert an average Half-Life mod to Half-Life two, without altering the quality of the content at that stage (you can replace the models with spinny, shiny versions once you have everything working).
Is it possible to have legged vehicles (IE: Starwars/Battletech style walkers) using the source engine?
Is it possible somehow to attach a view model to a world model?
Like attaching "the hand" to a stationary weapon.

Haven't read the whole thread, please ban me if it has already been asked.

For the sole purpose of playing HL² wich Operating System are better?

Dile said:
Is it possible somehow to attach a view model to a world model?
Like attaching "the hand" to a stationary weapon.

Haven't read the whole thread, please ban me if it has already been asked.
Me neighter its too damn long :)
How much can you tweak in HL2?
What kind of measures are taken against cheating?
When are they going to provide us of some new info?
Are there any hyperthreading/SMP (IIRC q3 did this) optimisations in the client or server?
My turn,

Are you just as excited as us to play the finished game?!

Do you know if anyone at valve downloaded the beta leak? Somebody has had to! Damn interns

Is there someway we could get a autographed picture of the whole team (including Gordon :-D)signed by most/all of the team?

Have there been any love connections in the office? Working on a project together for so long gets you close.

Have there been any divorces due to people working over time? Heh heh

Will it be fully compatible with multiple monitors? Some of us do graphic arts correctly :-p

Will there be a Mod rescription to content like: Nudity, ultra-seemless violence (killing babies in graphic detail), mods involving beating saddam and osamas ass HL2-mod style?

No crowbar... can you punch or kick?

Will shrapnull hurt you? Not just from grenades from from large strutures like the rocks in the strider bridge breaking vid, if that bolder hit you would you be hurt or die? i think this was told in the movie but i dont rememeber and dont feel like waiting in fileplanets loser lines!

Will there be any horizontal taking off aircrafts, flyable?

If you throw a ant lion smelly ball straight in the air and it lands on you will the smell stay on you and they will follow you all the time?

Will grenades make you temporarily deaf then go to beeping like in rainbow six 3? And like it should be in CS >: O

Will you tell the CS guys about my idea for the shield. When the glass is shot it gets fuzzy like a bullet hitting bullet proof glass, to impare the shielders vision so he has the possibility to run away blinded or must take the shield away to see which makes him vulnerable and eventually throw the shield making it useless. I think that would solve the problem with the shield making them blind by shooting the glass.

Ok, sorry if I wasted anybodys time by reading my wierd questions nobody else thinks of asking.
Have you guys thought of converting Half-Life the the Source engine as an expansion?

Did you have deadlines you wanted met before HL2 was announced?

Will there be official clan management (planetside outfits on their official website for example, and wc3), and if not will it be possible to make a mod to enable features like that?

Will Steam eventually automatically update steam (like windows update on xp), so we don't have to restart steam every time there's an update?

In the bink barricade video when the combine die, there this high pitched tone for about 3 seconds. Is that supposed to represent a heart monitor with a dead heart?

Is there anything in HL2 that reveals more about black mesa or is it an entire new story with the same characters?

For the programmers at VALVe: Coffee or energy drinks?
I have a couple of questions:

:dork: Is it possible to control the swings of your crowbar (or other melee weapons) with the movement of your mouse?

:dork: What is the total amount of striders you can have on one map? (w/o it lagging online)
Here is my list of questions, I didnt look through all the ones listed, if there are any in here that have been asked, I appologize and please disregard those.

1. What part of the engine code will not be accessable? Meaning whats protected from modders, I am curious as to what systems are definitely available to the modders, answer either.

2. How much power will modders have over file protection. Will an encryption system be used, or what is your guys plans.

3. Will entities(ie npcs) be able to move between maps without the player moving to there as well? Or is it limited to where the player is?

4. How editable is the physics code, will we have full access to that as well?

5. Will we have access to the sdk code, meaning being able to edit the SDK, ie hammer, and the other tools, as well as integrating our own?

6. How fast does the whole of hl2 code compile on average?

7. What would be the proper procedure to schedule a tour @ Valve? I live in Spokane and would like to come over sometime to visit and talk to you guys about HL2 and the future of gaming.

8. Steam will have a SDK as well, how editable will it be, just skins, or maybe a custom interface for my mod, or whoever who edits it?

9. Now are the models in HL2 based around skeletal structure or a morphing system? Why I ask is because with alot of different characters, with different looks and such, having a morphing system allows them to have similar animations, with different actual models, a skeletal structure limits it per model, so a different model cant have the same animations.

Well those are my questions for now, thanx.
So.... where does the CD-Key go when you enter it when you install/run the game? Into the registry for later processing, or into an encrypted file?
Can you please just give us a just a bit of info on the multiplayer, please? I believe this is a valid question because just like alot of you I want to buy this game as soon as it's out but I wont buy it if the MP doesnt sound interesting. I need to know before the game is released.
Another one:

How can a mod use Steam and the players' steam ID to save player characteristics usually seen in MMORPGs? What about the engine?
My question for rick:-

It seems to me, that you guys are promoting the source engine as more of story telling engine rather than just the next step in the evolution of FPS engines. So assuming that is the case, hypothetically if I wanted to remake Deus Ex (the original, not the sequel) using the source engine would it be possible from a gameplay viewpoint, to replicate the complexity of that game? IE character conversation options, interface, object interactions, player/skill improvements from both a combat and non-combat viewpoint?
mrBadger said:
Thread re-opened, theres no chance of my computer being fixed today.

Enjoy ;(

How about this - Can we refigurate HL2 using the SDK so we can map something huge like a city comparable to GTA 3's or is there some sort of limit for map size?
Will there be an option on what are characters outward facial expression will look like?
I was thinking of a console command or a bind that brings down a list of Faces.
I.E. I am playing and I want to express my joy, so I push "i" and a pop up comes up and has choices of my mood. It would contain joy confused, mad, sad, scared,Insane, etc. SO if i clicked on Joy my characters face would smile. This would also be used withj communitcation. If i chose my expression to be happy, when I talk into the microphone I would talk with a happy expression on my face. Things like that. I think it would be awsome.
heres an interesting question:

Do you [valve] still have the really old version of Half-Life that was scrapped somewhere in your archives, or did you wipe it completely?
frances_farmer said:
heres an interesting question:

Do you [valve] still have the really old version of Half-Life that was scrapped somewhere in your archives, or did you wipe it completely?

Ha...thats a good one.

k here's mine...

What limitations (if any) are there to scripting characters movments? Can we make them move as fast or slow as we want? Can we chage the flow of movment so say, a person moving their arm would stop it very suddenly.
Or is it basicly.......if someone can do it in real life (movement wise), you can do it in Source?
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