Who wants to play some Starcraft, HL2.net style?


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Just so we're clear, "HL2.net style" means "None of us are very good, and a couple of us only started playing yesterday". It also means playing over a Hamachi network for various reasons.

So far, the people who are up for this are myself, Naudian, Willie, and Gordonfreeman911. And possibly Zannovere. Anyone else want to play? It'd be mostly good-natured FFA games, some Top vs. Bottom, and so forth.
I'd be up for it, lost my original CDs good thing we're playing over Hamachi haha
What is this xfire business? Some sort of hippie-devil worshipping?
I'd join in if I had any previous experience with hamachi D:
I'm game, providing timezones and/or lag doesn't get in the way.

Been playing Starcraft UMS recently because I'm not good enough for 'normal' games :)

What is this xfire business? Some sort of hippie-devil worshipping?
Basically it is a chat program with a focus on games (you can use it in game for example).

I'd join in if I had any previous experience with hamachi D:
Relax, it is really easy to use.
I'm actually pretty good at the main game despite rarely ever playing it to much. So i'm up for TvB or Melee. Never played on hamachi servers though.

I'm also really good at Diplomacy maps.

msn [email protected]
Noobs, Hamachi is just a program that makes it look like you're in a LAN with everyone else so people with the "special edition" game version are able to play with the rest.

in b4 shasta
This isn't 1998 anymore, **** Starcraft
You're right it isn't 1998 aint anymore, but since 1998 i've yet to find an RTS to really match what Starcraft offers we still play Starfcraft. Yes some games get close, but none really match it.
When is the game taking place?
Oh yeah the other thing, my email is having problems (the thing is, I was supposed to have it changed, but for some reason it hasn't, and I have neither D: ), so at the moment the optimum way to contact me is, unfortuantly, on steam. My account name is Borney, I'm on pretty much all the time during the evenings and on weekends most of the moring till about 1). Sozzie for the inconviniance.
I dont have starcraft, nor do I even like it :(

How about DOD, CS, or battlefield!?!?
I dont have starcraft, nor do I even like it :(

How about DOD, CS, or battlefield!?!?
If your gonna suggest other games at least keep them in the same genre. Starcraft is an RTS, it can be played on really crappy computers, and it's probably the most unique RTS ever created. That's why it's chosen before other games. Because even those here that have a 500mhz computer with integrated graphics can play it, the graphics are easy on the eyes, and most of all it's very very very fun with a huge community.
Why do we need Himachi? Bnet works just fine....and don't worry about that stupid record.
Hey, I have my own copy, but that doesn't mean we should withhold this star-crafty fun from those who can't access Bnet :p
If your gonna suggest other games at least keep them in the same genre. Starcraft is an RTS, it can be played on really crappy computers, and it's probably the most unique RTS ever created. That's why it's chosen before other games. Because even those here that have a 500mhz computer with integrated graphics can play it, the graphics are easy on the eyes, and most of all it's very very very fun with a huge community.

NO! I will not....

Everyone go buy new computers, now! :thumbs:
Everyone go find Starcraft! Also last night we had some technical difficulties with the Hamachi networking, resulting in nobody being able to see any LAN games. So we'll try and fix that tonight.
I wanna play too. Problem is that I suck. Me on your team = loss.
When is the game taking place?
Oh yeah the other thing, my email is having problems (the thing is, I was supposed to have it changed, but for some reason it hasn't, and I have neither D: ), so at the moment the optimum way to contact me is, unfortuantly, on steam. My account name is Borney, I'm on pretty much all the time during the evenings and on weekends most of the moring till about 1). Sozzie for the inconviniance.
You could make an account on xfire.
Well Hamachi isn't working so we are going to try a game on battle.net, US East.
Creating an account is very easy and once you are in join channel "HL2". You do this by pressing channel at the top left of screen, typing in HL2 and hitting OK.
Hopefully we will get some games going within half an hour of this post.
If you cant mash a working Starcraft key to play online you fail.
Playing via either Hamachi or Bnet was a massive failure. Nobody could connect to anyone. Anyone know what the problem might be? D:
I lost because of rushes 3 times already. I won 1 time vs a guy who didn't rush. :frown:
CS:S is difficult too - me and Operational tried earlier and failed miserably. That might just be connection problems, but you know, this is not working out well.
I'd play you guys...if someone can get ahold of me tonight, I'll do it.
Whats your name? (on starcraft or xfire or summat)

EDIT: I sent "cyberpitz" a message. God it'll be embarssing if thats not you.