who wants to run off to somalia?


Party Escort Bot
Oct 21, 2008
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"Mom, I'm in Somalia! Don't worry about me; I'm OK," the mother quoted her son as saying.

what a f*cking idiot. who the hell would willingly go to somalia.

"A number of young Somali men have traveled from throughout the United States to include Minneapolis to Somalia, potentially to fight," said FBI Special Agent E.K. Wilson.


this is ridiculous. as if africa doesnt have enough problems,
we get idiots coming from other countries to have a go.
this story really pisses me off.
What's wrong with wanting to live a Pirate's life? The whole 'jihad' thing is just a cover.
At least they care about climate change.
what a f*cking idiot. who the hell would willingly go to somalia.


this is ridiculous. as if africa doesnt have enough problems,
we get idiots coming from other countries to have a go.
this story really pisses me off.

Well I don't know how common this is in the U.S but in Europe this sort of thing is not a rarity, definitely. Some Islamic Centers of Europe have become the recruiting/brainwashing stations due to crazy imams preaching their message of hate, convincing naive young zealots to become martyrs in the war against the western nations.

While I find their agenda beyond disgusting, at least they are going to their native countries to fight and die for their magical space fairy instead of crafting explosives to bomb European targets(even though that's going on as well).
what a f*cking idiot. who the hell would willingly go to somalia.


this is ridiculous. as if africa doesnt have enough problems,
we get idiots coming from other countries to have a go.
this story really pisses me off.

On the plus side Americans can stop bleeting how Britain and Europe is over-run with Muslims and how America has no such thing as home grown terrorists.

Nah but seriously, that shit is ****ed up, I know young men are absolute ****ing idiots but going off from your nice cosy western existence to some third world shit hole to fight for a god who has never once proven his existence and done a single thing for mankind is pretty stupid.

But hey, while these idiots are killing each other and doping up on Khat at least natural selection is working, shame for the parents though.

She struggles when she recalls how smart he is and how he was studying to become a doctor. Holding up a copy of his high school class schedule, which includes Advanced Placement courses in mathematics, chemistry and biology, she says Hassan was to graduate in May.

Knowledge and wisdom are two things.

One is just a load of information, the other is the intelligence to use it.
Knowledge and wisdom are two things.

One is just a load of information, the other is the intelligence to use it.

damn right. how the hell could you be this stupid. but then again, if he
believes like some of these radicals do, he ll do anything he deems neccessary
for the cause.
What's wrong with wanting to live a Pirate's life? The whole 'jihad' thing is just a cover.
At least they care about climate change.

The pirates in Somalia are not necessarily associated with the Jihad. The reason piracy is rampant in Somalia is because the Islamic radicals have been fighting a guriella war with the government for over a decade, leaving the government totally in disarray. Lawlessness has allowed rampant crime and piracy on the coast without threat of jail time or punishment.

In Islamic-held areas, crime is actually brutally punished under shar'iah law.
Its not about just an insurgency, its about tribalism, always has been.

The government forces are merely tribal militiamen who work for some leader who has got himself a ministerial role within this government due to his power.

Puntland where allot of the piracy is based isn't within an Islamic held area, which explains allot, though being Somalia I wouldn't be surprised if the Islamists wanted a slice of the cake.