Who wants to...


Oct 8, 2004
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do my Flash project?!? it's a short 1 minute flash movie running at 24 fps, that should be oriented to be used for the home page of my course at college. i suck balls at Flash and don't want to be here all night doing this so if there's any flash MX pro 2004 masters here do it up. it has to inclde 10 of these from the list:
Image(s) you made with Flash tools / imported images
Shape tween for morphing / change of position
Shape tween for color and alpha change
Graphic symbol and instances of the symbol
Motion tween (position / rotation)
Motion guide
Text explosion
Break apart bitmaps / combine bitmaps and vectors
Transition / Blur
Movie clip
Multiple scenes
Load other movies
Video clip

Someone do it for me and I'll be your friend forever...
Vegeta is a God with Flash, but he's busy with a huge project at the moment.
get him to do it anyway, you're his master julia
you've just got to have ANY movie that has all of those things?
Give it to me and I'll make a giant wobbling penis that explodes and produces a dancing midget.
it has to be like an intro to my courses homepage which is a computer course with the acronym CST, so it could be random as **** but it just cant have anything explicit and should have CST involved but i could atleast add that in