Who will play through HL2 in one sitting?



I'm thinking of doing it straihgt in one sitting.

Who here plans to do the same, and who will forcably limit themselves to an hour or so at a time to savour the game like a fine vintage chardonnay!
I'm going to have to limit myself... I gotta go to school 7 hours after it gets unlocked. After that though, I got the whole night and the next day free, so we'll have to see :cheers:
johnnypoopoopant said:
you will get hungry eventually

That is why you set up food and stuff. No I figured out what I am going to do. Stay up tongiht. Well its 3:49 already... so at 7 goto school... get home, sleep then wake up around 11 12ish and play Half-Life 2 till I have to goto school again. Then I'll have some time to hang out with my gf and friends on tuesday... then play more Half-Life 2. Sounds good.

-Manga :farmer: Wtf this smiley looks like Kid Rock. Gay. :bonce:
Can't rush through a game as good as Half-Life 2. Just like in the Metal Gear Solid games you have to savuor the details.
man there is no effing way i will play a game all the way through in one sitting.....eff that hahah
i think im going to have multiple(maybe like 8 sessions) of the game...one is too crazy for me
Well, since I have somehow managed to glue myself to my chair, I don't really have that much of a choice.... :eek:
Nah, not in one sitting. I'm definitely going to play it for a good long, long time, though.
Considering most of us do have "normal" lives (before the initial release of HL 2) I find it kinda hard to actually sit down and play the entire game at one session. For 1, who wants to? That kinda defeats the purpose of "enjoying" the new release of the title. 2, We all have to do our nature calls, whatever they may be. And 3, I wouldn't do it! ;/
Hmm, I beat Call of Duty in about 4 days..So I expect to beat it in maybe 5 or 6?
I don't think anyone could get through the game in one sitting without amphetamines or something. I mean seriously 20+ hours of concentration is just too much, even if you did do it without chemical assistance you would be a mess by the end of it.

Not to mention the fact you would have just waited 6 years for a single sitting of entertainment :p
No, recently with games I have tried rushing through to complete them. Although this does have advantages - few spoilers, great time all at once in the long run it's not so good. I will try to limit myself to a few hours a day.
iamaelephant said:
What a waste....

Exactly. You wait this long for a game, and it's just not cool to blast your way through it in one sitting. How long you spend trying to make it through is another matter, however. I, personally, will play on Hard mode and drag it out as long as possible. If I come to a particularly interesting chapter, I'm going to play it several times without going on.

Also, I'm only going to let myself play so far each time I sit down. I'll play HL:S, DoD:S, other new mods, and CS:S in between HL2 stints. The longer it lasts, the better, in my book, and I'll do everything I can to make it last.

To saviour every minute I will only do small sessions like I've done with most good games. There is noone pressing me to do a review for it so...

If I did it in one sitting I'd lose concentration and that would suck, I'd lose so much. To get into the atmosphere of the game you'll need to be fresh.
This reminds me of my time in Knights of the Old Republic... finshed that game (supposedly having 30-40 hours of gameplay) in just 4 days, it was the holidays so I had a lot of free time. Half Life 2? I guess I just won't sleep... I live in Aus so I'm picking it up on Wednesday morning before school, coming home and playing that game from the moment I put down my bag to when I need to get dressed for school the next day.
No sleep? I live in Adelaide and I'll just pick it up (I preordered CE) after school.

I usually take ages to finish a game. I savour it a lot. Work through it slowly, do other things, etc.
well i won't be playing it through in one sitting - mainly because i can't (work and other comittments). Thats not to say i would anyway - i wouldn't - as someone else said, this needs to be savoured over as many sittings as possible.

I was just curious to see what you guys were planning, that's all.

HOwever you decide to play, i hope you have a great gaming experience!
Maybe I'm just lame, but if I play computer games for more than a few hours I feel sick. I remember once as a kid spending 16 hours straight on one game and feeling very, very ill :)

So I'll be taking it in a few hours at a time.
Oh, don't worry, I'll have a good gaming experience. I'll be throwing filing cabinets and setting headcrabs on fire until the cows come home. JUST THINK OF THE DIFFERENT THINGS I COULD THROW! :p
UnmarkedOne said:
Exactly. You wait this long for a game, and it's just not cool to blast your way through it in one sitting. How long you spend trying to make it through is another matter, however. I, personally, will play on Hard mode and drag it out as long as possible. If I come to a particularly interesting chapter, I'm going to play it several times without going on.

Also, I'm only going to let myself play so far each time I sit down. I'll play HL:S, DoD:S, other new mods, and CS:S in between HL2 stints. The longer it lasts, the better, in my book, and I'll do everything I can to make it last.


I completely agree. When I get HL2 (Oh how those words melt on my tongue), I'll be playing is as slow as possible, totally savouring every pixel of uber sexy goodness. I'll be like walking so slow and just looking at the ground and the walls, and you may think I'll get tired of that quickly, but I dunno!

Savour it, and you won't even need a girlfriend anymore.
Ages120 said:
Can't rush through a game as good as Half-Life 2. Just like in the Metal Gear Solid games you have to savuor the details.

my thoughts exactly!

you need some breaks to divulge the information, the details, to process the story!

so no, i'm going to take breaks, obviously :p
I don't hope I do but I can't promise anything. Beside, my girl might want to check her mail and MSN for a while to.
well they said Halo 2 was really long, reviewers say 15-20 hours and so i thought damn ill do that in like 4 or 5 sittings.

I beat it in 5 1/2 in one sitting ( watching all cut-scenes) WTF !!!!!

I really think reviewers and lots of Valve or Bungie people lie just a little when they say it takes 20 hours to complete !

Probably one sitting ! 8 hour game im thinking :eek:
What about his sexual needs? Will he succumb to the temptation of those?! Only time will tell!
yeah sounds like a good idea to me. Finishing a game we've been waiting for, for years in 24 hours.
well... if you want to be completely screwed up in the head for a week by the time you are finished, go ahead. So.. whoever is going to to this, be warned... there are psychological effects of playing a computer game so many hours. The effects might not be long lasting but uncomfortable, and unless you are not prepared for them i suggest you take the game in incrementals.

These psychological effects might also effect the physiology of yourself.

People.. dont play the game in one sitting. Go out, do homework, play ball.. make love.. what ever.. i know that there are bad effects of sitting behind your computer so long.

*takes off the proffessor hat* :afro:
Ruben said:
well... if you want to be completely screwed up in the head for a week by the time you are finished, go ahead. So.. whoever is going to to this, be warned... there are psychological effects of playing a computer game so many hours. The effects might not be long lasting but uncomfortable, and unless you are not prepared for them i suggest you take the game in incrementals.

These psychological effects might also effect the physiology of yourself.

People.. dont play the game in one sitting. Go out, do homework, play ball.. make love.. what ever.. i know that there are bad effects of sitting behind your computer so long.

*takes off the proffessor hat* :afro:

Ok, I will get up and make me som real food a cupple of times. And make love? well I guess I can spare 5 minutes. =)