

Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Was just playing cs_assault and I was shooting the glass inside the building on terrorist side and I ended up get a headshot thru the wall on someone outside. Pretty crazy never had anything like that happen to me before.
Well if that's true then nice shot but this isn't really topic material :p. (No offense :E)
I once owned the entire other team of 7 people by myself. whoo.
lol nice one, my first awsome shot back when i was a newbie was hideing behind a crate then getting flashed and just hopping out from it with the big 3000 $ shotgun and shooting all around killing all three of them lol.

A friend of mine did something similar just with a m4a1 and he was soooooo... proud I almost felt bad telling him they where all hes teammates lol omh that was so funny. :) :laugh:
CyberSh33p said:
I once owned the entire other team of 7 people by myself. whoo.
Do it with a pistol when they all have big guns and Ill faint being impressed :) killing the entire opposition is always fun though :)
I've done that a few times. Its awesome!
Originally posteed by thatNewbSelas
Do it with a pistol when they all have big guns and Ill faint being impressed killing the entire opposition is always fun though

you get a life, and I may feign being impressed also :)
CyberSh33p said:
you get a life, and I may feign being impressed also :)
Get a life???!!!??!!1111?!1one

I ABSOLUTELY OBJECT TO THAT! I WILL NOT! AND YOU CANT MAKE ME!!!!!!11 :sniper: ;) :afro: :cheese:
Ah, I love cs stories. My fisrt kill was with the M4, me and my two noob teammates hiding around the ct base on dust as the two good players on the terrorist team hunted us down. They came through the archway and I sprayed like mad with the M4...two headshots in two seconds, my first kill and round won. Ah, those were the days...I remember this one time when...
I was in Call of Duty the other day on Carentan and I just liek... started pwning? Ended the map number one, every round an Allies win, 22 kills to 2 deaths :)

Played Carentan again today. Got pwned =/
For those who don't know it you can shoot through alot, alot of walls in CS maps. In assault you can shoot thru almost every wall that is there.
CrazyHarij said:
For those who don't know it you can shoot through alot, alot of walls in CS maps. In assault you can shoot thru almost every wall that is there.
You can shoot through all walls in CS, even big rocks and so fourth. I think sometimes u might want a big weapon though...

If I post enough in 1 thread do I own it? :D :rolling: :bounce: :cheers:
fy_poolday (or whatever it's called) is great with pump shottie.. I once killed like 9 guys in a row with it.. in one round :dork:
I killed the whole team with an m4a1 once.......it was on Xbox Live so i deserve buckets of praise for killing using a controller ;)
lol /me gives buckets of praise :D

I can't use shooters on xbox.. I suck at using the sticks and what not..
Fun..you can shoot through any wall (to some extent) with the following weapons:
ALL rifles.
M249 PARA.
Desert Eagle.
And, er, grenades (it damagess through walls).
Contrary to popular belief, the knife does not shoot through walls.
As for ppolday, I always prefered a mac...
"Come on, kids! Let's go mac-ing!" Weeeee!
I use to be pretty good at CS, I guess you can only get better when your ping is 4x higher than everyone you play against.
I still play some fy_iceworld2k3 every now and then... does that count as CS? :)
Letters said:
I still play some fy_iceworld2k3 every now and then... does that count as CS? :)
I don't think so.
I honestly can't stand playing maps that make CS into deathmatch, except for the occasional scoutzknives or awp_map (mostly to warm up my aim).

chu said:
I use to be pretty good at CS, I guess you can only get better when your ping is 4x higher than everyone you play against.
Huh? I've always had good pings (cable) and I sure have improved... (total noob --> cal-im+ level)
Heh, my comment was directed at you Snake, I was talkin about moi.