whoah.Eidos in major trouble...

I thought it had been made clear in another thread a couple weeks ago that Eidos went under.

I said "won't be missed", while most others disagreed. naturally.

EDIT: oh maybe I am thinking of ION storm.. yep.. sorry disregard my post
Crapping sodding hell. I was looking forwards to Hitman: Blood Money :/
I loved Hitman 2. the only one i played. that was one of the few games that I actually went all the way and finished in the past decade

In my opinion thier biggest hit Tomb Raider was thier biggest downfall. They just couldn't leave that game alone. IMO it was done to death, I liked the engine, and the gameplay, but they should have just made a whole new story. I basically boycotted anything to do with Tomb raider becuase I was so tired of seeing Lara Crofts name and her blocky boobs splattered across every magazine, and the reviews just got worse and worse.

anyway Axyon, have no fear. someone will buy that company, hopefully we will see Hitman. im sure, much to my dismay, they will release tomb raider like five years down the road and it will be a hit again like the way atari came back from the dead.

Lara Croft is like thier Pac man
VirusType2 said:
anyway Axyon, have no fear. someone will buy that company, hopefully we will see Hitman. im sure, much to my dismay, they will release tomb raider like five years down the road and it will be a hit again like the way atari came back from the dead.
I'm sure someone will, but the chances of it making a release this year are now very slim.
How could eidos go under, they made billions from lara croft... I bet the shareholders screwed them.
Meh they closed Looking Glass studios, they deserve this IMO (I want Flight Unlimited!!!).

But all those popular annoying games will be back, eg Tomb Raider.
DiSTuRbEd said:
*waits for EA to have the same happen to them*

if ea were about to go out of business the hq would shoot into space aand fly to another planet full of gamers

or something..