Whoo! Angelina Jole is filming in MY town!


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Like I care.

Just thought I could brag.
lul La Verne, CA wins.

Angelina Jolie is about as attractive as a gorillae-chimpanzee hybrid riding a unicycle while fighting a polar bear armed with plasma cannons mounted onto its arms while singing the entire soundtrack of "Hello Dolly".

And that's just not attractive at all.
But it IS awesome, and you have already given her too much credit.

Anyway, watch out for LIPS, Ace.
But it IS awesome, and you have already given her too much credit.

Anyway, watch out for LIPS, Ace.
Dey will suction yo bawls off dude. Like a huge pancake mangina vortex filled with sprinkly crack cocaine whroes.
I'm gonna make it so dry for you, Toolbooth.

It's gonna be like a desert.
/Comes out from under the bed and starts playing cybers TF2
When I was a lad, Meg Ryan was the one with the lips.
I cant think of any movie that wasnt made worse by angelina jolie. Even the tomb raider movies would have been more entertaining if all we saw were the camera moves, and jolie was edited out of each shot.