Whoo hooo i just beat my reccord on unreal


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Ive been playing unreal again and ive beat it on the unreal hardness setting with only 1 death. :) (It was the queen that killed me)

Im now playing The Reture To Nali Pali. Ive made it to the prometheus and im about to call in the marines. :) :) :)

All together ive only put in around 17 hours between Unreal and Nali Pali. :)

Anyone elce have any reccords that they want to share?
30 kills, 5 minutes, wheel of time.
(For those that don't know, it's a magic system FPS. every weapon has a counter balance, you can have fights between two people that last upwards of five minutes. though a GOOD player will manage to rock on through the defences).
this was BEFORE the IG freaks from UT took over the game, back when all 40+ weapons/defences were used.
Yeah ive had 10 min fights in wheel of time before.
I wish they would update the graphics sometime, and make another wheel of time sometime soon!
may i just ask what game thids is? is this the single player one, or the origonal MP one? i get so confused
Wich game unreal or wheel of time?
Wheel of time you can multi if i remember correctly. I even think i went to a lan party and played it there. I dont remember it might have been unreal that i played. Dang so long ago.