Whos getting a launch system this Nov?


Sep 13, 2003
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In all honesty, I'm more excited about the process of actually procuring a Wii than playing the thing. My plan is as follows.

Step 1: Arrive at Target 6-8 hours before opening with 2 of my friends, chairs, DS's, boombox, and copious amounts of alcohol.

Step 2: Get pissy wasted (see why I'm so excited?)

Step 3: Lightly balance my two oposing desires of messing with the nintendo fans who will be lining up behind me versus not getting arrested. Getting arrested while waiting in line for a Nintendo game system would be a new low for me, but then again, so would getting in a drunken fist fight with a 13 year old little bastard. Sometimes you just can't have everything.

Step 4: Call somebody, potentially the entire line of people, a "mark ass buster." Apparently I scream that at people when I drink. I'm so going to jail.

Step 5: Laugh at the people who dress up as Nintendo characters. I honestly hope SOMEBODY does this.

Step 6: Flirt with the hottest girl in the line. Chances are this girl will either be ugly, fat, have a personality disorder, or fifteen years old. I wonder what my mugshot will look like?

Step 7: Finally, after 6-8 hours of drunken rambling, stumbling, and arythmic gyrating to music, the store will open their doors to the awaiting public, when all public order will vanish. I envision a mad dash to the electronics department, and people fighting, kicking, and biting each other for a system. Since I'm a fairly big person, I'll do fine in this environment, and will love every minute.

Step 8: Purchase the system. If I had any sense, I'd wait 2 months and skip straight to this step, but what fun is sense anyway?

Step 9: Get my friend's younger brother, who is under 21 and hopefully will be sober, to drive me and my friend back to our room.

Step 10: Walk into room, drop purchases, crash in bed.

With any luck, I will wake up the next morning. Better yet, It won't be in a room with iron bars. Even better yet, there will be a fully functional and not-puked-on Nintendo Wii waiting there for me to play. Anybody else have similar plans for November 17-19?
Unless there's a 360 price drop by Christmas, then a Wii and the rest of the systems next year at some point.
I don't get this whole camping out to buy a console thing. I remember there were massive shortages of PS2's in the UK when it first came out and I was extremely nervous, since I had waited 2 days after it was released to buy it.

I walked straight into Curry's with my dad and came straight out with one no problem.

I'll probably get a Wii for christmas anyway.
I plan to wake up to the postman knocking on the door early in the morning. I'll rush down stairs while trying to put on my dressing gown and frantically grab the parcel out of his hands. I shall then, hopefully after the door has slammed shut in his face, begin to furiously masterbate with the excitement of it all.
there will be 4 million wii's at launch (globally) ..you wont need to line up ...in contrast there'll be 400 k ps3's ..lining up probably wont do you much good

I'll get a wii sometime next year for my son ..not really interested in a ps3
First of all Mattigus; You are cool.


I'll just walk into the store after Uni (dunno if I have any classes though), pay for the console, walk home and play it. I might spend the day at our entertainment room in Uni because they will have the Wii there as well (with all release games). Wii should be played together so I will prolly spend the day in school playing it.
i've almost sucked enough dick for a ps3....i just need about 13 more sessions....anyone interested? $100 a pop...hehe...i said pop
there will be 4 million wii's at launch (globally) ..you wont need to line up ...in contrast there'll be 400 k ps3's ..lining up probably wont do you much good

I'll get a wii sometime next year for my son ..not really interested in a ps3

I thought they said they planned to have 4 mil Wii's by the end of the year. They said the US will get the biggest chunk.

Either way, I have my pre-order so my night will go like so (if I decide to get it at midnight):

1. Go to the local mall at 12:20am
2. Walk to Software Etc. Stand at back of line wait for 5-10 minutes while other people get their systems
3. Buy my Wii. Leave

If I wait until Sunday morning/afternoon

1. Go to store
2. Buy Wii with no line. Leave.

Screw camping out. It'll be cold as hell here.
i've almost sucked enough dick for a ps3....i just need about 13 more sessions....anyone interested? $100 a pop...hehe...i said pop

Dude, if you charge that much, you'd only need 6 "sessions" total to get a premium system! Do the math so you can rinse and dry once and for all!
I probably will wake up about 9 or 10am and go pick up a Wii. Plan to get 1 extra controller for now and 2 games.

and since im in New York City my wait will be no less then 18 hours.
If I choose to skip school on December 8th

  1. Ring school with stomach ache claims
  2. Go into town at about 10 when no one can possibly see me out of school
  3. Go into Game
  4. Purchase console
  5. Purchase release games
  6. Meet my friend who will also be skipping school
  7. Mosey on back to my house (quickly)
  8. Frantically unpack my brand new Wii
  9. Tell my friend to leave the room for some alone time
  10. Plug console in
  11. Play
  12. Play more
  13. Invite friend back in
  14. Play more
  15. Play even more
  16. Mutually orgasm
  17. Send friend home

If I don't skip school

  1. Go to school
  2. Spend day too excited to work
  3. Go down to town at lunch time
  4. Purchase Wii
  5. Skip last lesson
  6. Repeat steps 7 onwards.
If there's any console I'd get it's probably the 360, but other than that, on Black Friday I'm only gonna get a graphics card if it's better than what I have right now (and significantly cheaper than websites).
Eh, i doubt ill get it before christmas.....I like to get peoples feedback before I get stuff....as well as playing it before
Dude, if you charge that much, you'd only need 6 "sessions" total to get a premium system! Do the math so you can rinse and dry once and for all!

but i bought a preorder on ebay from a guy who said he was guaranteed a console on release date for only $1850, so I have to do a little more sucky-sucky! ;)
I'm waiting until the January sales and then taking a Wii (those jokes will NEVER be old!)
Going to my local GAME for midnight launch on 8th December.
Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a Wii. But my EB is doing a raffle :(
Well, I should *hopefully* be getting a 360 at Christmas, so it'll be opened, plugged in and hooked up to X-Box Live before 12. Then I'll go do all the other Christmas things like see family members, relatives, go to dinner, give/recieve presents, etc etc etc. And then, when I get home, It's BF2MC and Dead Rising aaaaalllllll the way.
but i bought a preorder on ebay from a guy who said he was guaranteed a console on release date for only $1850, so I have to do a little more sucky-sucky! ;)
Egad! Yes, you'd better get on that (Yes, I mean physically on that). :naughty:
Nintendo Revolution! WOO HOO!'

I'm going to take the W in Wii... scratch off the first \ of the w, then make the second i into an n... then finish writing out Nintendo Revolution.

After I get an xbox 360 though. which may take until 2008.
Egad! Yes, you'd better get on that (Yes, I mean physically on that). :naughty:

MMmphhphmmmphmhhphmmm? *pop* sorry, i said that I will actually be getting a Wii only if my girlfriend doesn't let me use her credit to apply for a Newegg gold membership or whatever it is where we don't have to pay for 6 months, that way I can build my $1000 dream machine and pay it off over time. If she DOES decide to let me do it, then I'll be too broke paying off $1000 in 6 months to purchase a Wii as well as pay bills, put gas in car, groceries, rent, baby stuff for my best mate who had a boy today (Maximus Xavier Engler...best name ever)

anyway yeah.....i'm getting a FX-55 San Diego core AMD which comes with a Seagate 250 GB 7200 RPM hard drive for free...anyone want it? PM me to discuss prices

yes i'm selling it and making a profit...heheh