who's in that helicoptor??


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
just finished watching the e3 vid for the millionth time

came to wonder why it seemed like gordon was chasing whoever was flying that helicoptor... instead of vice versa
any thoughts on why that is and who it might be??

PS why was my similar thread deleted?
i suppose there is a fine line between discussion and speculation, especially when talking of half life 2!
oh well, sorry
Sinceyou were also fighting combine tanks on the bridges, I assumed combine
the helicopter wasn't running away from you, it was moving ahead of you to drop explosive charges
:cheers: I agree with post above. Also, it may be going in front of you and/or is going in front because it was damaged and about to crash... so it goes in front to drop some mines and flee at the same time.

EDIT: Yay, I got Bullsquid status.
I think boba fett is in the helicopter...

Dude, Boba Fett drives the slave one, and he wouldn't be dropping some pansy ass depth charges he'd be droppin proton torpedoes and seismic charges

<---Star Wars nerd here
Have you noticed how many different styles and locations are in this game, just watching the pre-e3 trailer and the big demonstration movie, its like seeing loads of different games along the same storyline, theres certainly alot of variety.
Lobster said:
Have you noticed how many different styles and locations are in this game, just watching the pre-e3 trailer and the big demonstration movie, its like seeing loads of different games along the same storyline, theres certainly alot of variety.

Making it 10 times more interesting that farcry
but the helicoptor never attacks head on
instead it flees while dropping mines
oh well, have to wait and see i suppose :|
B_MAN said:
but the helicoptor never attacks head on
instead it flees while dropping mines
oh well, have to wait and see i suppose :|

It does have a machine gun, but it started to run away after a wing got lit on fire.