Who's looking forward to black and white 2??

two words sir:
I loved the original, and I cant wait to see how the sequel pans out (in fact I might just install Black and White for that those sweet sweet memories)

if you havent already you MUST check out how much personality they poured into just this simple test animation sequence for the cow.

yeah, seriously cant wait to see the new "earth shatteringly epic" miracles :D

oh and I want me MINKEY!!!
so I can teach him to poop, then pick it up, and fling it at villages (when he gets big the poops actually rip apart buldings etc)
I did that in Black and White1 lol
good times
speaking of Peter Molyneux games, Fable looks like it could be one of those games that gets me to pick up my xbox controller again.
I can't wait for B&W2, looks absolutaly awesomez0r.

Should I re-install B&W 1 and maybe play it past the tutorial missions this time?
I really don't know why I didn't play further
Yeah I found the first one to be too slow. But now in BW2 you can also have wars with your little people.
This game looks better and better with each preview...

The first one was one of my most anticipated games ever, and it didn't disappoint. My only problem with it was my creature had stunted growth or something, and he'd act like a little bitch way too much.
I didn't really like the first one but this one is looking kinda cool.
this game is looking hot
wasnt a huge fan of the first.. although i never really played it that much
neat concept though
This is going to be great. I loved the first game. My only problem with the first one is that I trained my creature to be too evil. He went around and ate all my villagers and threw trees on all my houses. Good fun, but made some of the levels rather hard to beat.
i love the origonal, i had an 1337 creature that was really evil, he was a turtle :p
For the duration of the first one I never really played the game, I just threw pigs and people over the horizon and bowled large rocks into houses for the fun of it - I hope I don't get stuck in the same routine on the second one, it looks awesome!
Hell yeah! I missed the first one, and everyone was constantly telling me how good it was, so I just CAN'T miss this one! Plus the screenshots look awseome!
I liked the first one, but they really need to improve the Creature's intelligence before I will buy it. In fact, I'd want them to shift focus away from the creature entirely; I am God, not some bloody fuzzy dumb lump.
jonbob said:
I liked the first one, but they really need to improve the Creature's intelligence before I will buy it. In fact, I'd want them to shift focus away from the creature entirely; I am God, not some bloody fuzzy dumb lump.

The creature makes the game. If it weren't for your creature it would be just another RTS/Citybuilder.

And I was a huge fan of the first game... my Pure white sparkling polar bear kicked some serious assamus in BnW and Creature Isle! Gotta love it!!!

I cant wait!!!
This game should be amazing. They have picked up on everything the first one was lacking and as far as I know have listened to the fans of Black and White. It should be truely wicked.
ahh i have been looking faward to this game for months and months and months its gunna be amazing. I loved BnW and this one is going to be even better
I had nothing against the idea of the creature, I just wish it had been better implemented in the first one. Hopefully the problems will be fixed in B&W2, but it's an awful lot of AI coding work.
I hyped myself up too much for the original game. In the end I was thoroughy disappointed with the first one. In fact it was the reviews of this game that taught me to take all review as a whole with a pinch of salt. All the reviews were like, 95% , best game ever kind of things
I'll keep an eye on the sequel, though I'll only buy it if I can try it beforehand and if it some guys I know on other forums think it's decent(alot of them were like me, quite disappointed with the original). Hopefully they'll release a demo before it comes out.
this does look pretty good, but yeah, i wasnt a huge fan of the first. it needed..... more....
Zapp$ter said:
I hyped myself up too much for the original game. In the end I was thoroughy disappointed with the first one. In fact it was the reviews of this game that taught me to take all review as a whole with a pinch of salt. All the reviews were like, 95% , best game ever kind of things
I'll keep an eye on the sequel, though I'll only buy it if I can try it beforehand and if it some guys I know on other forums think it's decent(alot of them were like me, quite disappointed with the original). Hopefully they'll release a demo before it comes out.

I would say that the first game was a heavily flawed masterpiece. It had all the ingredients to make a spectacular game and with peter molyneux behind the game it had the potential to be one of the best games ever but the flaws within the game itself killed its playability.

Your villagers were constantly whining and needed looking afer all the time, hence you felt more like a maid pandering to thier every whim than a god. If you were an all powerfull god it should be the villagers that pandered to YOUR needs not you to thiers. Its also felt like the creature was more of a hinderance at times and the fact that you could play most of the game without even using your creature made it feel like your creature was more of a novelty than anything. Also the fact that the game forced you through a tutorial everytime you started a new game and didnt let you play fully until at least halfway through the second land in a game with only 5 lands killed the replay value. There are loads more reasons why B&W didnt turn out to be the game we all expected but I dont want to go into too much detail.

Reading the previews for the second game it appears as if all the first games shortcomings have gone and that we will be finally getting the game we all wished for the first time around.
I agree with the tutorial thing, but they did make it an option in a patch, so you didnt have to play though the tutorial.

I liked the little good and evil men :) they where so cute :p
you still had to play through nearly 2 levels that taught you the basics before you got to play the full on game for real.
Man its been a long time since i've heard anything about this game.

The first one just creeped up on me as my brother brought home a compy one day saying it was great. It didn't run very well on my old computer, (rainbow coloured trees and stuff) but i loved it. Ive been wanting to play this second one since i heard about it. Having your little people fight now just makes it sound so great. The graphics looks cool and i can only imagine what miricles will be like now.

Fear me!
W00t at teh midget wars! this is so cute, definatly going to buy this title.
I can't wait till this game comes out. i've been watching it for a long time. And recently I've been playing the first one again.
Hes not dancing...hes saying "I motion that the last statement be stricken from the record!"
Everytime i load that picture i think it has antlers because of that tree...but then of course the head loads and the rest of the image.
I'm very hyped up for this game, it really seems to be awesome! :D
CrazyHarij said:
I'm very hyped up for this game, it really seems to be awesome! :D

Dont get too hyped... remember what happened with the first game! I dont think we have anything to worry about though as peter molyneux is legend when it comes to producing games. We all make the occasional mistake but we also tend to learn from our mistakes and from what im hearing black and white 2 will correct the mistakes the first game made and take gaming to a whole new level.
I hope they do more testing on this one. The first one was cool but I spent more time trying to make it work than I did playing it.
for sure....those graphics look awesome
im defenetly lookin forward to it