Whos staying up till 3?

Whos staying up till 3:00 in the UK

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Whos gonna stay up till 3:00 AM just to play CS S?

This is in the UK btw

I just said in another thread "I'm going to sleep" but i'm too gay to think about it. I'ma stay up til' l33t hours in the morning if i gotta :(
Im staying up till 10:00 est so "technically" I am from your point of view.

i'd like to stay up but it will reach us at 4 am and i dont want my mother pissed of because then ill never get to play cs: s BETA
Ooo scary...
Im scared of my mother.... NOT
haha, guess ill be on of the first :p
i usually sleep at like 6-7 any way

DODGY transylvanian accent--

"come play with the cheeldren of thee night"
No, its a matter of perspective. If I wait up till 3am then:

A: I will be nackard and will only be able to play for (at max) an hour
B: I won't get up till 12:00pm the following day, which means I would loose more time playing CS:S if I waited up than if I got myself to bed and played at a reasonable time like most people do.

So, everyone in the UK who is NOT staying up, g'night and I hope to see you in a HL2.net server tomorrow, fully refreshed and ready to play :)

To all who can play tonight, I hope you enjoy it and save some for me ;)
1. I stay up every night till 2 am ussually
2. Im nocturnal
3. I can go for more than 5 hours
4. Got COFFEE!!!

Have fun not playing

5. Set my alarm for 11:00 am
Being fresh for results, playing CS:S......i think the results have this one, see you lot on it later
In germany it'll be 4.00am. Probably will be too tired for playing.

But guess what i'm going to do when i wake up tomorrow...... :sniper:
i finished work at 10pm tonight :frown:

but i don't start again till 2pm tomorrow :thumbs:

so bring it on!!!!! :afro:
poorito said:
In germany it'll be 4.00am. Probably will be too tired for playing.

But guess what i'm going to do when i wake up tomorrow...... :sniper:
how bout make another choice...

3. dont have to cuz i live in the pacific time zone
psshh, play CS:S, get 2 hours sleep, get your results. by then youll be be so tired you wont give a shit. :E
Yay, I'm a pussy because I feel that going to sleep is more important than waiting for a game.

I can go with 4 hours sleep, everyday, done it so far this week.
Feath said:
Yay, I'm a pussy because I feel that going to sleep is more important than waiting for a game.


Nah mate, your just an equivalent to a schoolboy. Bet mummy tells you to get off the computer at 7pm :imu:
2 People made that excuse to me, mummy will shout at me, and one of the guys is 20!!
We do actually have a life you know. School is more important than a video game.
Adrien C said:
We do actually have a life you know. School is more important than a video game.

Uhm? Schools out for the summer :p Atleast for people in the UK :bounce:
Not to be rude, but having self control also implies you won't make a post calling someone older than yourself a schoolboy, while making references to his mother. Sorry, but that's hard to take in a positive way. hehe
"The human mind doesn't really need sleep, it just needs to be kept wet."
Not necessarily angered, it just didn't come off in a particularly positive way mate. :)
Lol yeh, wasn't very positive was it, my bad :) I'm just frustrated waiting for you know what :p
2 hours in much better than "whenever". I can understand people getting punchy about now, hehe.
u know, i liked it when there was no official time because now, my heart is pounding faster, and i am cracking up faster