"Who's that?"


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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Time to play a little quote game. Someone tells a quote belonging to one of the forum members here, and the others have to guess which one. Note: You can also describe the story or important key objects/figures, you don't have to take the actual words.

I'll start: (Easy)
"I wonder what would happen if I would hit that propane tank with a sledgehammer..."
Was that the shorty recoils?

"I'm probably the best skater, you know, ever."
JNightshade :p

Jetski ftw you nubs *makes thread*
Angry Lawyer.

"I searched for 'penis shaped food' in google and clicked I'm feeling lucky. Gay food fetish porno is not as cool as it would seem."
bvasgm said:
Angry Lawyer.

"The cat is not currently in possession of any keys, you foolish new person."
bvasgm said:
Angry Lawyer.

"I searched for 'penis shaped food' in google and clicked I'm feeling lucky. Gay food fetish porno is not as cool as it would seem."
Arg damn who was that again :|
Erestheux said:
I just answered it. :|
Beerdude quoting me and saying 'arg, damn who was that again?' kinda threw me off.
It's cool, just continue the game here:

(EASY one)
"The cat is not currently in possession of any keys, you foolish new person."
:DHave no doubt in Valve Software!!:D
"I searched for 'penis shaped food' in google and clicked I'm feeling lucky. Gay food fetish porno is not as cool as it would seem."
Wasn't that pesmerga?

"My genitals are far to powerful and glorious to be bound by mere clothing."
Crushenator 500 said:
aye big Jay is right.

Whoses this? "I think shes cute, she might be 12, in a mini skirt, but i like it, you people know shit, anime rules."

Pretty easy and recent, all in the name of xmas cheer :)
Hectic Glenn said:
aye big Jay is right.

Whoses this? "I think shes cute, she might be 12, in a mini skirt, but i like it, you people know shit, anime rules."

Pretty easy and recent, all in the name of xmas cheer :)
Hectic Glenn

Yeah come on Danimal! We need to seeee :D

halflife2 is coo and all, but its just sum skinny nerdy white boy. why not add some flava and som bling bling to it. this thread is for my idea of THE bling bling halflife2.

i might mod this i might not i dont no. if sum people want to work on it let me know and we can hook it up.

my halflife2 would be called ghettofabulous. instead of more skinny nerdy white boys we would add sum flava and have a brotha as the main man. it wuld take place in the ghetto as tha main brotha, Gordillio, comes up thru tha ranks as a drug kingpin. tha game will take place in a huge city. u wuld start out on tha corner with small time produkt until you get enough money to buy a small house. then u can have more produkt as u start meetin more mexican drug lords, so u can sell better $hit. after a while u can buy mansions and $hit. instead of a wack azz crowbar u wuld have a pimp cane, or maybe a dirty serynge or sumthin like that.

basically the plot is that G-man is yo woadie back in the day but now hes a up an cummin playa 2 so yall basically fight over turf. as u get more whips and bling, so does he and the stakes become higher. u also can start pimpin once u get enough money.

so u hook up with Alyxes who is ur main chickenhead in yo stable, rite. so u got her and together yall clock mo chese until finally the city is basically owned by u and G-man. once u get to that point its basically just a matter of layin it down on tha G-man and taking control.
Hectic Glenn said:
aye big Jay is right.

Whoses this? "I think shes cute, she might be 12, in a mini skirt, but i like it, you people know shit, anime rules."

Pretty easy and recent, all in the name of xmas cheer :)

Dalamari said:
Winner :D:D:D:D, and jellyworld is just sore. Lets all point and laugh at him!

Whoses this? "I am not gay, i am AI, *insert page long rant with no spaces of randomness*

edit: Harij, thats Ghettofab isn't it! He was well hectic, brup brup!
Hectic Glenn said:
"I am not gay, i am AI, *insert page long rant with no spaces of randomness*
Isn't that Teta Bonita? Could be wrong, though.

"Waaaaa (Crying) my life sucks :( *eats more icecream*"