Who's your favorite celebrity?


Oct 4, 2004
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Among my favorites there's Renee Zellweger. She's cute, and hawt <3

If I had to choose one, It woild be a hybrid Jim Carrey/Samuel L. Jackson
A hybrid of Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell, Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington.
Chuck Norris.

Seriously, though - Chuck Norris.

Or a hybrid of Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Arnold Schawrzenegger, Steven Segal, and Ong-Bak (I forget who played him in the movie..)
Wow, so many awesome celebs in here...


Also, Bruce Willis, Sean Connery, Bruce Lee (RIP), Samuel L. Jackson, Adam Sandler.
George Galloway
Wow...i thought all his support died the second he stepped into big brother, i can honestly say i've not seen a single thing of him since then. Anyway if he really is yours i'm worried how politically minded you are at at 16...nice Che avatar too heh.

For me...Sir Alan Sugar, Bill Hicks (RIP), Stephen Fry. I prefer quirky people.
Wow...i thought all his support died the second he stepped into big brother, i can honestly say i've not seen a single thing of him since then. Anyway if he really is yours i'm worried how politically minded you are at at 16...nice Che avatar too heh.
He has a show on talksport now.
Ice Cube. He is awesome in just about all of the movies that he is in and his music is decent.
I don't know if I can pick a favorite... I have quite a few actors I love seeing onscreen...

Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Robin Williams... I LOVE Jennifer Tilly. She's so DAMN sexy with that soft, sultry voice.

There's more too that I would all put equally on my top list.
Just kidding with that:P

My real favorites: Bruce Willis, Shean Connery, Denzel Washington, Christian Bale, Jack Nicolson and others
Nah george galloways talk sport show was cancelled I think.

It was awesome for the short time it was on though.
Dammit, I forgot Mr Henry Rollins:


*bows down in awe*
Brad Pitt, cuz I look like him.
Harrison Ford
Christian Bale
Mel Gibson