Whose Life Sux The Most?


Feb 20, 2005
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A lot of people have been posting about how crap their lives are. Anyone want to say, why their life sux the most?

You know people say - 'It sux to be you dude!' - well, does it suck to be you? Tell us all about it.

In addition on a related point, people always say 'Get a life'. Now to what extent would you be able to say 'I have one!'.

That is, what would be acceptable as having a life. How much cash do you need? What sort of status do you need?

ie could you say you 'Had a Life" if you were dating a cheerleader, had a brand new Porsche convertible, lived in a mansion by the sea?
Just curious is all.

Btw - I coincidentally think my life sux the most - but I'll let others post and say why they think their's does first.
is this gunan ecome a support thread for the emotinally crippled?
This thread reminds me of that bit in Notting Hill when... You know, Notting Hill? Yeah, the film. Well, I've only watched it like twice, and only because - No seriously, I don't LIKE i- Just give me a chance to expl...
I'll get my coat. <Hangs head in shame>
oldagerocker said:
What bit in Notting Hill?
<Ahem> The bit where they argue over the brownie based on whose life sux teh m0st. Or whatever.

Not that I'd know what that bit's like or anything...
<Gets coat>
paw el Chi

* hugs him and puts his coat on him for him, Yep go find breasts! *
Soon as I move and get a job everything will be great, that sounds like a lot, but it isn't.

There are about 4 people in the village that I live in and there is nothing for about 8 miles in every direction.

All your lives suck more than mine.
My small size makes my life suck... and I'm not talking about my height. ;(
i love life.:)

i just need to get more things underway.. aand do more revising for my NPLQ life saving exam. and learn to drive.
My life blows so much....First my BMW breaks down and I had to drive the BENZ! UGH!!!!! ThenI had to buy the 19" CRT instead of the LCD...and I could only afford another gig of RAM and not 1.5 gigs!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME GOD!!!!

Actually I enjoy my life, no problems here.
Ambition is just a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy
well im 18 and have a debt of around...900?? am in yr 13 so it sucks ass
as i need to drive to work on saturdays and cant afford to fill the tank up yet!!!...mummy give me a lift?? lol
ĐynastҰ said:
well im 18 and have a debt of around...900?? am in yr 13 so it sucks ass
as i need to drive to work on saturdays and cant afford to fill the tank up yet!!!...mummy give me a lift?? lol

im in year 13.. with no debt :upstare: :o
ĐynastҰ said:
well im 18 and have a debt of around...900?? am in yr 13 so it sucks ass
as i need to drive to work on saturdays and cant afford to fill the tank up yet!!!...mummy give me a lift?? lol

Wow, how did you work that up?
Life is just so great right now! o/

Life was average this morning. Now it is da Fonz.

i'm 18, no money, no job, no-one to hang about with since i moved, can't drink beer, i hate college, no girlfriend...life is bad round about now
Your life sucks because you want it to suck. If you want life to be fun, make it fun. Do things that you like and enjoy. Of course we all have some bad days, some have whole weeks and some have just a day or two. But you cant say life sucks because of bad days. So go out and do some fun and get a new view of life.
Doppelgofer said:
i'm 18, no money, no job, no-one to hang about with since i moved, can't drink beer, i hate college, no girlfriend...life is bad round about now

Thats kind of my life to, but im just 17, i got money but i spend it on crap like DVDs because i have nothing else to do. i hate collage, no friends, no girlfriend. We moved from a place that i liked, i had friends and was happy. Now we live in a shithole and i have no friends. Everything in this town sucks =D
Stop thinking of the Internet as a bad thing. You're talking to an international audience. And we're listening. Computers are mere tools that are about to submerge us, and most people don't realize it the way you probably do. I'm a real person, and hell, I hope you are too :o

The very society that tries to make you feel guilty doesn't understand half of what you do about the inner functionings of the World behind their World.

When you're happy you don't care, you are a piece of the system.Unhappiness is liberation. It frees you from social acceptation into a new stage.
If any of you think your life sucks i know exactly why(in most cases), from experience.......

Right over a year and a half ago i was ready to join the marines as an officer, i was fit, i felt great.
I didn't join and i instead sat at my computer and waited for hl2......within a week i felt like shit as my body was not burning the 5000 calories i was intaking, i had to exercise to stop myself feeling ill..........exercising isn't easy if you are throwing up and having the shits on a daily basis, anyway after a while i "settled" and felt ok.

I have just recently got a job, started exercising heavily e.t.c and i am starting to feel wonderful again........
I find it too much of a coincidence that a lot of the "depressed people" just sit on their asses saying "i'm depressed" ........"uhhhh my life is terrible"

To those people i say, start eating well, get off the damn computer and exercise, i PROMISE you will feel your life is better.
Try not to worry about "modern human problems" just think of your lifestyle like almost an animal........food, water, warmth, shelter.....don't take things for granted......when you exercise, food is unbelievably nice.......i've been working hard today and coming home and eating a potato with some fish and vegetables was almost orgasmic.

Feeling you have something to do, and doing it makes your life so much better.
short recoil said:
If any of you think your life sucks i know exactly why(in most cases), from experience.......

Right over a year and a half ago i was ready to join the marines as an officer, i was fit, i felt great.
I didn't join and i instead sat at my computer and waited for hl2......within a week i felt like shit as my body was not burning the 5000 calories i was intaking, i had to exercise to stop myself feeling ill..........exercising isn't easy if you are throwing up and having the shits on a daily basis, anyway after a while i "settled" and felt ok.

I have just recently got a job, started exercising heavily e.t.c and i am starting to feel wonderful again........
I find it too much of a coincidence that a lot of the "depressed people" just sit on their asses saying "i'm depressed" ........"uhhhh my life is terrible"

To those people i say, start eating well, get off the damn computer and exercise, i PROMISE you will feel your life is better.
Try not to worry about "modern human problems" just think of your lifestyle like almost an animal........food, water, warmth, shelter.....don't take things for granted......when you exercise, food is unbelievably nice.......i've been working hard today and coming home and eating a potato with some fish and vegetables was almost orgasmic.

Feeling you have something to do, and doing it makes your life so much better.

Cool words, fella. Copied into my self-motivation blog.
Its true, lack of exercise is a big part of most peoples depression.

If you're feeling down, go and run around the block, or your house...or whatever, until you can run no more and I guarrantee you'l feel better afterwards. Do it before going to bed, and you'l feel amazing when you wake up. During the summer, I was getting really down with things in my life, and Is uppose I was feeling trapped in my room, so I started going out on bike rides at night, mostly to clear my head but I soon realised how good I was feeling. I'd go out at about 11, for one or two hours...sometimes, until I couldn't ride anymore, and when I got back I'd feel all fired up. I'd usually go on my computer, because...well thats just how I am, but then I'd go to bed and wake up feeling great.

There is always someone with a life worse than yours... But most of the times we see everyone who has a better life than us. Well we all have our own burdens. Sure some people seem to have it easy, but when their problems are put into your perspective, they don't have the same gravity. Don't take life too seriously...Ok its not a joke, I mean sure, its life and death we're talking about. But then at the end of the day, everything is life and death, so...Yeah.
I agree with a lot of people here. Your life might suck because you want it to. My dad is an alcoholic and is currently in jail. He would always be very angry and mean. I still play life to the fullest.

A lot of people think they're fat. They probably are. If you don't feel good about it, why contemplate about if you are going to kill yourself or stay fat? Exercise and eat right!

Also, a lot of people feel like a nobody. Half of the time, I won't feel empathetic about it, since a lot of times it is due to grades. Say you get C's, then, for the first time in your like, you get straight A's, you should feel happy. So should your parents.

Another thing - parents need to learn how to raise kids. having a program like that from the government( a 'test' ) might reduce the number of drug addicts and dealers.
Sometimes other people depress me. People who go on shows like Trisha and have some stupid problem they could fix for themselves.

"My sister weighs 38 stone and she's a stripper!"

Terminal stupidity.
I love Notting Hill :P

Exercise is the answer, thankyou. My mummy bought me a bicycle pump and some allum keys and im going to buy a bicycle helmet, so i have no excuse. Anyway, thanks. :)
I know that it is popular myth/theory that all one needs to do to have a really good and enjoyable life is just determine it to be so. But I think that this overlooks how very little power we have ourselves to influence what goes on around us. We cannot stop natural disasters. Disease. Economic hardship.

We can exercise. And we can work hard at our job - may not stop you getting laid off. You can train your whole life in a skill that becomes unnecessary, and then have to retrain. Your wife can cheat on you. Kids can do drugs. Employees (if you have them) can steal from you.

All of these things - the actions of others, and general random circumstance are out of an individual's control. And yet these factors that are out of the person's control, can have a severly adverse affect on their mood and outlook.

Perhaps it is the best answer to the human condition - to keep smiling and sing 'Always look on the bright side of Life.' no matter what the circumstances. But in the end, all of us can only control ourselves, and then only barely.
I dont exercise much, yet I dont get fat and I'm not depressed...for now
There is always going to be someone who is worse of then yourself. Always

The more you sit around and complain about how shit you life supposedly is, the worse your making it because your just sitting there complaining about it instead of trying to make it better.

It doesnt matter what has happened to you, if you've been raped, if you're friend or family member is dying/dead or if you have cancer or some big problem thats getting you down. The only way to deal with things, is to move on and have a positive attitude. If you just sit there and say "Aww but when i try to move on, others just remind of it and it only makes me feel worse" then you'll just be digging yourself into a bigger hole that you will never be able to climb out of.

Some people seriously do not know how ****ing lucky they are just to be able to walk.
There is always going to be someone who is worse of then yourself. Always

Potentially and I wish them all the best. And a sense of perspective is good. But knowing that others are worse off than you, does not permit a person to any better manage the issues that they face themselves.