Why are Cuban cigarres illegal in the States?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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Okay, some of you might think this should go to off-topic, but this is perfectly reasonable Foreign Policies Q&A. So if anybody would like to answer this possibly easy question I would much appreciate it.
Good question. I think it has something to do with the embargo.
yes all goods from cuba is banned ...not that that stops americans from coming over to my side of the border to buy armloads of illegal cigars
Silly ol' us. We should probably lift the trade embargo. I mean...we may not like each other, but since they're not really much of a threat to us anymore, we may as well trade with 'em.
CptStern said:
yes all goods from cuba is banned ...not that that stops americans from coming over to my side of the border to buy armloads of illegal cigars

You live in the UK?
canada :) ...heheh that would be one big pond to swim to cross the border ;)
Silly ol' us. We should probably lift the trade embargo. I mean...we may not like each other, but since they're not really much of a threat to us anymore, we may as well trade with 'em.

That won't happen anytime soon. In fact Canada has been critisized lately for having such an open policy with Cuba and may be considering embargos of it's own.
Because we think Castro is an asshole.

That's pretty much the jist of it.
GhostFox said:
And because he tortures and kills people for fun. I think that might be part of it too. :p

Let's be honest here. The US has and does do business with similar (and some even worse) nations.
Any of you think that once castro dies we are gonna try and install a democratic goverment there?
Let's be honest here. The US has and does do business with similar (and some even worse) nations.

That may be true, but by that logic if for some reason murder was legal, then you are arguing that rape should be legal too, becuase murder is worse.

I'd rather see the US stop doing business with similar nations, rather then have them use that excuse to do business with Cuba.
Tr0n said:
Any of you think that once castro dies we are gonna try and install a democratic goverment there?

Castro won't die, he's as old as father time.

And I just read in the news the oldest man in the world (disputedly) is Cuban.
And that article mentioned Castro's personal doctor said there is no reason why Castro shouldn't live to be 100.

(although I can think of one reason why he shouldn't -smoking)
kirovman said:
Castro won't die, he's as old as father time.

And I just read in the news the oldest man in the world (disputedly) is Cuban.
And that article mentioned Castro's personal doctor said there is no reason why Castro shouldn't live to be 100.

(although I can think of one reason why he shouldn't -smoking)
He's probably one of those guys who smokes, drinks, and eats nothin' but bacon, but will live longer than people who practice healthy lifestyles. You know...the ones that God just forgot about.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
He's probably one of those guys who smokes, drinks, and eats nothin' but bacon, but will live longer than people who practice healthy lifestyles. You know...the ones that God just forgot about.

I bet. ...
Simple answer: Cuba = Communist government. We have a trade embargo on Cuba..sooo that means Cuban imports are illegal.
seinfeldrules said:
I actually heard somewhere Cuba was going to ban smoking altogether.

Actually, Cuba did enact a law that has banned smoking in public spaces... :)
kirovman said:
Castro won't die, he's as old as father time.

And I just read in the news the oldest man in the world (disputedly) is Cuban.
And that article mentioned Castro's personal doctor said there is no reason why Castro shouldn't live to be 100.

(although I can think of one reason why he shouldn't -smoking)

That big fall he took couldnt have been great for his health either.
bvasgm said:
Simple answer: Cuba = Communist government. We have a trade embargo on Cuba..sooo that means Cuban imports are illegal.
Umm...China = Communist government, dude. That's got nothing to do with it.
right now Castro's got some cronies over in the US lobbying to get the feds to lift the embargo. Most of them I bet are businessmen eager to reap the profits...

Then you have people going "oooh those poor cubans, lets lift the embargo and make them feel better." When in fact the strongest supporters of keeping the embargo in place are the Cuban-Americans who want to see communist cuba collapse under its own weight so that they can come back and replace it with a democracy.

I know all this because my family is from Cuba, go figure
Flyingdebris said:
right now Castro's got some cronies over in the US lobbying to get the feds to lift the embargo. Most of them I bet are businessmen eager to reap the profits...

Then you have people going "oooh those poor cubans, lets lift the embargo and make them feel better." When in fact the strongest supporters of keeping the embargo in place are the Cuban-Americans who want to see communist cuba collapse under its own weight so that they can come back and replace it with a democracy.

I know all this because my family is from Cuba, go figure

Probably true. What with all the cubans fleeing to the United States. When conditions get better there that people won't seek to flee to the states, that will be good. Not because of the immigration thing, but the quality of life for the cubans who live in cuba.
What government Cuba has is none of George Bush's business.

Fidel Castro might be a communist leader but he completely turned Cuba around, from being a run down poo hole to being not such a run down poo hole with an education system and a healthcare system. There literacy rate is also higher then it is in American, so....
Razor said:
What government Cuba has is none of George Bush's business.

Fidel Castro might be a communist leader but he completely turned Cuba around, from being a run down poo hole to being not such a run down poo hole with an education system and a healthcare system. There literacy rate is also higher then it is in American, so....

Oh yah, the embargo on Cuba is Bush's fault, uh huh.

The cuba embargo has been in place for 44 years. George was 15 when the Cuban Embargo started.
Bodacious said:
Oh yah, the embargo on Cuba is Bush's fault, uh huh.

The cuba embargo has been in place for 44 years. George was 15 when the Cuban Embargo started.

Sorry, force of habit :eek:.

What government Cuba has is none of America's business.
Razor said:
Sorry, force of habit :eek:.

What government Cuba has is none of America's business.

What government Cuba has is none of Team America's business.
pomegranate said:
Nah. No oil. No Muslims.

Shame, really, it's nice and sunny over there - couldn't you guys just make some shit up and do it anyway?
pomegranate said:
Nah. No oil. No Muslims.

Shame, really, it's nice and sunny over there - couldn't you guys just make some shit up and do it anyway? :D
jondyfun said:
Shame, really, it's nice and sunny over there - couldn't you guys just make some shit up and do it anyway? :D
It really is an absolutely gorgeous country, from what I hear. I can't believe we let them go and kept Puerto Rico.
jondyfun said:
Shame, really, it's nice and sunny over there - couldn't you guys just make some shit up and do it anyway? :D

I was gonna say "Oh, I'm not American, I'm Briti....oh" and then I remembered. Sigh....
Raziaar said:
Umm. I thought Puerto Rico was a province of the United States?

Yeah, it is. Well, no...technically it's an independent commonwealth owned by the U.S.. So yeah. That's why I said "I can't believe we let THEM [Cuba] go and kept Puerto Rico." I mean WE kept Puerto Rico, not them. I mean we let them have their independence.
Yeah, I get the same feeling sometimes, Pomegranate :upstare:
You wont bring Casto down by starting his people. That will only turn them more anti-american. And Cuba is not communistic. And neither is China.