Why Are Furries so Hated???

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Jan 8, 2010
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I don't understand it, furries don't hurt other people, and just because i like to see cartoon wolves or foxes having intercourse or just nude doesn't make me a bad person does it? i think not, but give me your opinions, why do you hate or like furries? what makes them the bad guys of the universe.?:imu:
I swear, ever since I had this troll detector installed, it's been going off constantly. I think it might be broken.
You're really asking for it, friend.

A lot of people just find furry art repulsive, and they think all furries like to dress up in fursuits and yiff eachother.

It's just sort of a trend on the internet to hate furries, but I really don't think anyone here genuinely hates you just because you're a furry.

That's all that needs to be said in this thread, and it should be closed immediately before it gets any worse.
I don't hate them, just think it's ****ing weird and hilarious and as great as any excuse to mock.
Y'know, I'm all for tolerance.
In moderation.
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