why are they??


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
who is actually goin to buy the SP only version????

i mean why would you want to even think about doin that???

I for one am goin to get the SP/MP version cause that is what they should ONLY BRING OUT! o and the collectors one.

i want to buy the game as soon as it comes out so the the collectors one won't be out till well prob a month after. by then everyone will have the game.

will the SP only and SP/MP be out same time and came someone PLZ tell me WHY the HELL they are doin a SP only version cause it don't make no sense?
Because some people don't have net access or don't want to play multiplayer.. and because it's single player only they get a better deal.
hmmm are there any official word on the release date of collectors edition?

me thinks it will be released with the rest...otherwise Valve risk loosing money.
good point.

so wat are all of you goin to get??

the SP ONLY?


or collectors but may prob have to wait?
The people who will be buying the SP version only are not the people you'll see posting here.

well tru. but ya never know.

also what i am trying to say is....would you buy a SP only? i mean yes i love sp the most. but who can live without mp! man it is goin to rock on!

the collectors will come with both sp and mp right?
Oh, yeah - the collectors edition will be SP, MP, probably some extra artwork/etc, maybe some little photos of Gabe that we can stick on our walls...

The SP version is for casual gamers, many of whom probably aren't aware that HL2 is even going to be released at all. It's a big market.
i kinda thought a single player only version was a bad idea as well...

until i read that you can upgrade to the SP/MP version via steam at any time. personally, if i lived in an area that didn't have cable or DSL, i'd buy the SP only version and save money. then i'd upgrade later when some form of fast internet came to my area.

the steam upgrade ability also means if some kids get the game for christmas, there won't be any returns from the "but mom you got the wrong one." the kid just goes and gets the upgrade online with their own money or something.

it also means maybe kids with less money can buy the game now and then upgrade to multiplayer later. there are so many little kids i see that pay for things in change all the time...it's hard to scrape $50 together if you're just mowin a few lawns a month for extra cash :p

Originally posted by koopa
The SP version is for casual gamers, many of whom probably aren't aware that HL2 is even going to be released at all. It's a big market.

that too...

i think the marketing people are smart with this idea. it means they'll probably sell copies to people who might not have bought the game at all...just because they saw it...it looked cool...and hey this is only $30 instead of $50...i'm buying this game.
You people are for some reason assuming everyone is just like you.

People visiting this message board are probably NOT in the target audience for single player only version.

However, there is a SIGNIFICANT population that plays only single player in PC games. (These people are UNLIKELY to be found on message boards.) Valve hopes to attract even more of them and give them a better value.


I'm actually one of the poor souls that will probably buy the SP version. Here's why:
I don't like Multiplaying sessions.
There, I said it. I've never, ever enjoyed playing Multiplayer with anyone other than my friends - and as myself and my game-playing friends have recently started full-time jobs, there are very few times when we can meet up and play together. It's not worth the hassle. I *have* played with strangers a few times, but it's not as fun. It *bores* me. And that's just me - I'm the exception to the rule.
As for mods... well, there'll be single-player mods, sure, but ... even the "official mods" released by Sierra for Half-Life just weren't as fun to me.
And if I end up changing my mind in a few months... well, didn't Gabe say that upgrading would cost about the same as the difference between SP-only and SP-MP?
There we go. Saving a few bucks in the short-term and losing features that I, personally, don't care for. And if I find out that I'm stupid, I can turn around and upgrade without any major pricing upgrades. That's awesome.

Actually, masterh, I somewhat agree with you. Maybe HL2 will be different... IMHO MP is a pain to get going, occasionally you get randomly insulted/sworn at/whatever, you get a complete beating from people who play 4 hours a day every single day, etc.

Not bothered about MP because either i'm crap at it or everyone cheats (not sure which). Used to play against a mate but 1v1 gets boring.

SP all the way...
i will buy the mp/sp.

i mean that way i have both and if i want to play mp i could.

also i love mp ((SP MORE...MUCH MORE))

but mp i love it with 32 players! WOW so gr8!
I'll be buying the sp\mp version, but mainly for the mod support. Multiplayer can be fun, but I'm on a 56k connection, so I rarely play it. I will try out the multiplayer, though, and I'll most likely invite some people over for a mini-lan-party if the mp is any good.
Originally posted by Logic
I'll be buying the sp\mp version, but mainly for the mod support. Multiplayer can be fun, but I'm on a 56k connection, so I rarely play it. I will try out the multiplayer, though, and I'll most likely invite some people over for a mini-lan-party if the mp is any good.

me2 except for the 56k, i love my dsl soo much :D
It really doesn't bother me if I decide to go for SP only. I will only be playing SP until I beat it, then who knows. You can just simply upgrade the SP only to MP/Mod support with a one time fee via Steam.
true, this is why its so great that valve has 3 different bundles (including steam, and not including the special edition)

I think its great we finally get to choose what WE want, instead of paying for something, some really never get to use (i.e mod support/MP)
Originally posted by commando
who is actually goin to buy the SP only version????

i mean why would you want to even think about doin that???

I for one am goin to get the SP/MP version cause that is what they should ONLY BRING OUT! o and the collectors one.

i want to buy the game as soon as it comes out so the the collectors one won't be out till well prob a month after. by then everyone will have the game.

will the SP only and SP/MP be out same time and came someone PLZ tell me WHY the HELL they are doin a SP only version cause it don't make no sense?

Because they just want to play single player. Its quite a simple answer. Or they dont have broadband. Or the know they can upgrade to MP later on Steam. Or they want to avoid the MP scene which is 80% composed of moronic 12 year olds. Take your pick.

EDIT: hey goomba, triple posts are a no-no ;)
MasterH, that's basically what I thought of MP back when I was deathmatching with a friend in 1990 or so. (I had to take my computer over to his house and hook our computers together with a serial cable... good times) Most HL multiplayer games I've looked at seem to be similarly boring and pointless, as do games like Unreal Tournament and Quake III Arena. Deathmatch games are just dull as hell. What changed my mind was playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The maps were all objective-based, and they put in lots of nice little touches to help teamwork along (like being able to use a voice command to say "thanks" and giving medics points for healing people). The objective-based maps mean that you aren't just running around trying to kill as many bad guys as possible; your team has an actual mission to accomplish. Hell, I used play on the Happy Penguin 2 server for hours on the same round of "Tank". That's one of the things that's been boring me about Battlefield 1942 lately, in fact: the maps are all "capture the spawn", with very few exceptions.

Anywho, point I'm getting at is that if MP games don't appeal to you, maybe you're trying the wrong MP games.
How are they being prised?

Is it like this:

Sp only= cheaper then a "normal" game or is it on paar and the sp/mp is more expensive then a "normal game?

If the sp/mp is more expensive then i will have a hard time choosing.
NPR Ira Glass - now, objective-based kind of multiplayer stuff might actually appeal to me. I haven't ever heard of anything like that, since I'm not really in the MP community - Deathmatch and CTF are really the only stuff I've ever tried out. It might be worth purchasing or upgrading to the MP version of Half-Life 2 if a worthwhile mod like that was created.
So - while I've got the original Half-Life installed (I reinstalled and was playing the game again this weekend) - well, does Half-Life have anything like what you mentioned?
There are LOADS of MP mods that are more then DM.

TFC has hunted and assault/defend maps for instance.

CS has VIP escort/assassination maps (similar to TFC's hunted)

Natural Selection is team based combat with resources for both sides and an RTS-style commander for the marines.

Sven's Coop is cooperative play through HL.
Originally posted by Sideshow
How are they being prised?

Is it like this:

Sp only= cheaper then a "normal" game or is it on paar and the sp/mp is more expensive then a "normal game?

If the sp/mp is more expensive then i will have a hard time choosing.
sp\mp is priced like a normal game, sp only is cheaper.
I really don't think this is Rocket Science.

What Valve have done releasing a SP version is a excellent idea for those people who don't have internet access.

There are plenty of people in country area's around the world that don't have internet but still enjoy gaming and would gladly buy SP version only.

What about that 10 year old that don't have enough money but have enough money for SP only. So many scenerios for the SP version to sell.

Just more options for us.
Originally posted by Ahnteis
There are LOADS of MP mods that are more then DM.

TFC has hunted and assault/defend maps for instance.

CS has VIP escort/assassination maps (similar to TFC's hunted)

Natural Selection is team based combat with resources for both sides and an RTS-style commander for the marines.

Sven's Coop is cooperative play through HL.

Yep Svens Co-op is just one more reason not to get single player... Because you guys that don't like playing with strangers will probably want to game up HL2 single player with a friend. That is if you have any friends.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
I really don't think this is Rocket Science.

What Valve have done releasing a SP version is a excellent idea for those people who don't have internet access.

There are plenty of people in country area's around the world that don't have internet but still enjoy gaming and would gladly buy SP version only.

What about that 10 year old that don't have enough money but have enough money for SP only. So many scenerios for the SP version to sell.

Just more options for us.
Exactly. It amazes me how many people reacted adversely to news of a SP only version.. it's like they were afraid they might accidentally buy it and be stuck with it forever. (and even if they were moronic enough to do that, they could upgrade over steam anyway).

People are strange.
MasterH, another thing you could try would be (assuming you have broadband) downloading Return to Castle Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory. It's not as good as plain RtCW from what I've heard, but it has the distinct advantage of being free. (and it's a stand-alone game) I own a copy of HL1, but have never gotten into the mod scene for it. Natural selection sounds like it might be worthwhile, though.

For you HL mod players out there....are there many out with >32 players? One of the things I do like about BF42 is playing on maps with up to 64 players.

edited to add...

Fileplanet Enemy Territory Link
ive had broadband since 2000, yet i only play single player.

ibe tried medal of honour , no one lives forever, midtown madness was ok, but basically i couldnt get into it. lan games at work were fun though but really like a novelty game, not a like a novel story in single.