Why can't I login to ****ing Audiosurf?

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
For the past god damn week every time the game is loaded up not only does it ask me in the news feed to connect to the internet or turn off my antivirus software, but it absolutely refuses to let me log in and instead gives me an error every time. My internet connection is perfectly fine and my software and firewall is not blocking it. It even gives me an error every time I try to go to the Audiosurf site.

What the **** is going on here?
I did. There's no reason it shouldn't be working.

EDIT: Problem solved. I deleted the lines relating to Audiosurf in the hosts file in System32 and can now connect to the site and login just fine.
I did. There's no reason it shouldn't be working.

EDIT: Problem solved. I deleted the lines relating to Audiosurf in the hosts file in System32 and can now connect to the site and login just fine.

That'll teach you to never forget what I teach you to do to keep the Audiosurf beta working endlessly.
**** you Dave. I didn't think I'd end up buying it so I left them in there, but nooooooo I ended up buying it and spending a week or so cursing the ****ing game.
You should have ****ing come to me first. You know this as well as any other ****** like yoself.
Yeah well I didn't ****ing think about it in fact I forgot I even added those lines to the file thanks for letting me ****ing forget.
