Why close threads?

I saw no HL2 release date polls, There should be one!
Because it is not needed, if you don't like what the mods are doing PM them about it, or you could possibably follow your sig's advice.
Agreed I do belive that was lame of him closing that thread, even if it was violating any rules hes just ruining other peoples fun. Jesus christ I think that was a good topic to talk about//vote on. What a lame-o.
Exactly, what are we supposed to talk about? News? There is none!

AND do you know how long it took me to type all that hype up? By the time I finished, he deleted one and closed the other!
Theres been several thread like this in the past and its annoying now.
Harryz said:
Theres been several thread like this in the past and its annoying now.

Then why even waste time posting your thoughts or even reading this? Do people care about what you think...No.
If it's annoying to you, don't participate, but I bet that poll would have gotten a assload of votes.
b0bi said:
Then why even waste time posting your thoughts or even reading this? Do people care about what you think...No.

Its called an opinion, people are entitled to it.
They let people post the stupidest crap like "What size underwear you think Gordon wears?" but noo, they won't let one poll about when Half Life2s release date pass by without being closed.
Threads are closed becuase they are duplicates etc.

If you have a problem with any of the staff's actions, PM them in a non-insulting way and have a healthy discussion. Flame PMs are dealt with seriously.
Isn't it funny how people who've never been seen on the forums before, suddenly pop up when something happens to their first post? And yet they presume to tell us how to run the site. Please....
ComradeBadger said:
Threads are closed becuase they are duplicates etc.

If you have a problem with any of the staff's actions, PM them in a non-insulting way and have a healthy discussion. Flame PMs are dealt with seriously.

I'd rather not try to have a conversation with some of the egos around here. It's aggrevating to have threads closed and ideas shot down...
Just because people havent posted before doesnt mean that they havent supported and watched your site since the start, halflife.net has the greatest community, but is put down with its over strict mods with attitudes as seen above
If I have an ego, it's because it's entirely justified.
I'd like to point out that this thread has been re-opened for discussion :)

You may voice your concerns, with evidence. Oh, and the origanal poster, your thread was closed before it was a duplicate of a thread made before.
There's been more than enough threads with discussion on release dates in the HL2 discussion forum. All that poll is going to lead to is unnecessary spamming and flamming just like every other release date thread where people take idle speculation and turn it into a die hard opinion that can't be proven wrong in their eyes. There's no reason to promote the creation of threads that purely speculate over a topic that has time and time again proven to end up in nothing but another useless and completely avoidable arguement.
I didnt know this was reopened. I was kinda pissed it got closed. Sorry about the underwear thread. :cheers:
It's almost like.....it was deliberately posted to cause such an argument!

/me gasps in horror and amazement
I do believe that he wairs some kind of tight-packers, though, Sub_Lon. Now be a good boy and talk to the friendly Mods.

Edit: Ye, Pi, you're not Ego at all... :rolleyes:
I'm glad they closed and deleted the threads,they were utterly pointless, no one knows the date and why guess,it'll come out when it comes out and it'll be good
On your underwear thread anyway, the anwser is he doesnt wear any. If you remember back in half-life, right before you meet the assasins for the first time, you have to go through a freezer like room thanks to a scientist that opens the door for you. He clearly says "your suit has tons of tracking bugs in it, but its better then going naked through there" so you do not wear clothes under your hev suit, like a dive suit.
... By "NAKED", are you sure he actually means... *naked*? You might be correct though.
OK, So let me get this right. There is no Poll on HL2 release speculation, THIS close to having a RC and going gold??? Come on Mods, let loose, pretty soon HL2 is going to be out and the only things at this site will be tumbleweed.
Okay, without wanting to sound like an egriegious sycophant I fully support Abom's decision to close that thread, sure he's sometimes a bit snap-happy about closing threads sometimes but certainly in this case he was right.

Sub_Lon, don't take it as a personal insult. The fact of the matter is, and has been for a long time now, that we have only the vaguest of ideas about when the game will be released and so a poll with exact dates on it doesn't help or really add towards anything. There's been countless threads that have speculated on dates and so another one, especially one so specific, wasn't needed. They almost always end up with people basing their release date predictions on the scantiest pieces of half-evidence pried from between the lines of Valve's workers.
well I'm just assuming, yes he could mean "naked" as running around in your shorts, but it seems correct to assume thats how the HEV suit works.
Comrade I appriciate someone doing the right thing.

Sub, there's split oppinions about your thread. I would have approved of it, but the rules do speak against it. Therefor it's correct to close and/or delete it. Sorry mate, I'm still on your side though.
I don't understand why there are any complaints about the moderation here. Upon close examination, they lose most of their legitimacy. Anyone who has irreconcilable differences with HL2.net's reasonable policies is certainly free to begin frequenting other, less moderated internet forums where spam flows like milk and honey and ineffectual whining about this site is not only tolerated but encouraged.
Sub_Lon said:
OK, So let me get this right. There is no Poll on HL2 release speculation, THIS close to having a RC and going gold??? Come on Mods, let loose, pretty soon HL2 is going to be out and the only things at this site will be tumbleweed.

It's not just the mods, there have been plenty of community members that have voiced against such a thread, so get over it.
el Chi said:
Okay, without wanting to sound like an egriegious sycophant I fully support Abom's decision to close that thread, sure he's sometimes a bit snap-happy about closing threads sometimes but certainly in this case he was right.

Sub_Lon, don't take it as a personal insult. The fact of the matter is, and has been for a long time now, that we have only the vaguest of ideas about when the game will be released and so a poll with exact dates on it doesn't help or really add towards anything. There's been countless threads that have speculated on dates and so another one, especially one so specific, wasn't needed. They almost always end up with people basing their release date predictions on the scantiest pieces of half-evidence pried from between the lines of Valve's workers.

OK, then let people speculate? I don't get it.... There is a countdown until Bug-free, but no release date? My vote is Sep. 3rd.
SMT said:
I don't understand why there are any complaints about the moderation here. Upon close examination, they lose most of their legitimacy. Anyone who has irreconcilable differences with HL2.net's reasonable policies is certainly free to begin frequenting other, less moderated internet forums where spam flows like milk and honey and ineffectual whining about this site is not only tolerated but encouraged.

Or you could simply keep the board clean of morons? I've seen it happen.
Sub_Lon said:
OK, then let people speculate? I don't get it.... There is a countdown until Bug-free, but no release date? My vote is Sep. 3rd.

I wondered why that thread hadn't been closed either. It's just a ticket to spamsville in my eyes.
Sub_Lon said:
OK, then let people speculate? I don't get it.... There is a countdown until Bug-free, but no release date? My vote is Sep. 3rd.

Enough already, just let it go, unless your looking for the mods to close this thread too.